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Be Honest
* Do you support war in general?

* Do you support the war in Iraq?
You may check all if true.
* If you were drafted, what would you do?
Go to war intensity and willingness.
Kill myself.
Burn my draft records.
Protest against the war, but still go.
Run away to Canada.
Pretend I was homosexual.
Go to war unwillingly.


* List in order from 1-6 what you believe to be the event that has most impacted our country.
2004 Presidential Elections
The War in Iraq
Rising Oil Prices
Capturing Saddam Hussein
People dying in our country from starvation and homelessness
* What is war? (One sentence will suffice)
Consider your options.
* If the United States of America were to take a different form of government, what would be your top choice? (You don't really have to be serious).

1-3 years 4-10 years 11-25 years 26-50 years 51-90 years Not in my lifetime
* When will we leave Iraq?
* When will we have a nuclear attack?
* When will the Republicans be unseated as the majority in the government?

* Do you think George W. Bush is a good president?
Yes, strongly No, strongly Yes, weakly No, weakly I'm indifferent
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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