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Winter League
Winter League
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Hey All,
As you may already be aware of, we have run into an issue with our winter soccer league. Looking for your input as we figure out how best to move forward. This situation is very much out of our control, but Zack and I are working closely with the league in order to find a solution.
What happened? We registered 2 teams to the hangar u15 league that was scheduled to play late afternoon/early evening games (4-6pm) for the winter season. Two weeks ago we were notified that it has been changed to a u15/u16 league and that games times would be changed to late evening (8-9:30pm)
Since then? Zack and I have been trying to force the league to change our game times to earlier in the day, as per what we registered for.
Ongoing issue? There is a brand new manager of the Hangar league this year and she is very weak at her job. This has complicated the situation further.
Now what? I am now in contact with the director of the Hangar facilities and we have some options available to us. I am using this survey to get your input on how we move forward.
Family Name - So I can track who has filled this out
Just so we understand where your mind is at, could you please answer the following...We have other options available to us, but just curious where you stand:
Please give me your opinion on Option A) Question: Would you be okay with weekly Saturday league games that start from 8pm-9:30pm? (meaning end times would be 9pm-10:30pm).
Yes - I would commit to this.
No - I can't commit to this.
To try to fix the situation, the league has offered to TRY to move some of our games to Early evening Saturday (5-6pm) and Early morning Sunday (8am). They are TRYING to fix the schedule so that late evening Saturday games occur only every other week. (every second game)
Question: Would you be open to some games being Sunday early morning (8am)?
Yes - This is a good solution.
No - This is just as bad or worse than Saturday late night.
Please give me your opinion on Option B) Question: Would you be okay with weekly league games that are a mix between Saturday 8-9:30pm starts, Saturday 5-6pm starts, and Sunday 8am starts? (Saturday 8-9:30pm only every 2nd week)
Yes - I would commit to this.
No - I can't commit to this.
Because of the way the League Manager handled the situation, the Director of the Hangar has offered us a full refund if we are not happy and want to pull out completely (refund included).
Please give me your opinion on Option C) We could pull 1 of the teams out of the league and move forward with only 1 indoor team for winter. Each player would then play every second week. This is less game time = bad for development. But, it would make the bad schedule bearable.
Yes - I would prefer this option, even if it means less game time for my daughter.
No - I would prefer that my daughter play every week, so let's work with the league to improve our schedules the best we can.
In conclusion, please summarize which you prefer:
Option A - Weekly Saturday league games that start from 8pm-9:30pm? (meaning end times would be 9pm-10:30pm).
Option B - Weekly league games that are a mix between Saturday 8-9:30pm starts, Saturday 5-6pm starts, and Sunday 8am starts? (Saturday 8-9:30pm only every 2nd week)
Option C - Pull 1 of the teams out of the league and move forward with only 1 indoor team for winter. Each player would then play every second week.
Option D - Other. Please describe in text box below.
If went with Option D, please explain:
Thank you for taking the time on this. If you want to discuss further, please arrive for 6pm prior to both LUNAR and SOLAR games. I will not be available before or after the 7:55pm (Solar) game.