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Spalding University Student Safety Questionnaire
Executive Summary
The Spalding Campus Safety survey is designed to measure current levels of victimization among Spalding University students and their perceptions of safety on campus. The survey will also assess campus use patterns and student’s knowledge of campus safety measures and services already in place aimed to identify points of prevention and intervention. It is a voluntary internet survey of our nearly 3,400 students age 18 and over.
Although in recent years national crime rates have continued to decline, in the wake of the small number of high profile shootings on college campuses, concern over the safety of college campuses has increased. By administering this survey, Spalding University is taking a proactive approach to insuring campus safety. This survey is designed to measure current levels of victimization among Spalding students and their perceptions of safety on campus. The survey will also assess student campus use patterns and their knowledge of programs and services to identify points of prevention and intervention. The survey is focused on a broad range of victimization experiences in order to gain a complete picture of victimization of our students both on and off campus.
The information sought in this survey goes beyond the crimes reported annually under the Jeanne Clery/Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act, to include crimes not reported to campus officials. Participation in this survey will provide Spalding University with the ability to address the needs and concerns of its students, an opportunity to make improvements where needed, and to raise student awareness of existing safety measures and services.
Student Status 1
During which academic term did you first enroll at Spalding University?
In what year did you first enroll at Spalding University?
Are you a transfer student?
Are you currently a…
First Year Student
Graduate student
3. Student Status 1
Student Status 1
During which academic term did you first enroll at Spalding University?
In what year did you first enroll at Spalding University?
Are you a transfer student?
Are you currently a…
First Year Student
Graduate studentLast session were you a full-time or part-time student (less than 6 credits)?
Full-time student
Part-time student
Status 3
Last session were you a full-time or part-time student (less than 6 credits)?
Full-time student
Part-time student
When do you take your classes?
Mostly Day
Mostly Evening
Equally Day and Evening
Mostly Online
What is your major?
Status 5
Where do you currently live?
On Campus
Off Campus
7. Student Status 6
Where on campus do you live?
Spalding Suites
Morrison Hall
8. Student Status 7
Where off campus do you live?
In an apartment or house
At home
Other (please specify
Do you live in Louisville?
0. Student Status 9
How many people, not including yourself, live in your dorm room, apartment, house, or other dwelling?
11. Student Status 10
Do you feel like you are a part of the campus community, or do you feel like you don’t belong?
1.Which of the following services did you know were available on the Spalding campus? Check which services you know of.
Emergency/Blue Light
Online Campus Safety Reporting System
Emergency/Weather Advisories
Student Disciplinary System
Log of personal property kept by Campus Safety
Campus Safety Escort Services
Self-Defense Classes
Student Counseling Services
Campus Watch Program
Incident/Intervention Reporting
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Programs
Rape Prevention Program
Text Messaging Alert system
Behavioral Intervention Team
13. Student Status 12
In the past year, have you or a close friend or family member been the victim of a crime?
Are you aware of any crimes, other than thefts, that were committed on campus last session?
14. Safety 1
The next several questions deal with your perceptions of safety around campus and campus security.
Overall, how safe do you feel while on campus?
Very unsafe
Somewhat unsafe
Somewhat safe
Very safe
15. Safety 2
Overall, DURING THE DAY, how safe do you feel in the following University locations?
Very Safe Somewhat Safe Somewhat Unsafe Very Unsafe Not Applicable
Dining Commons
The Pod
Gathering Places
Bus stops
Parking lots
Walking around campus
Art Studios
If you answered that DURING THE DAY you felt somewhat unsafe or very unsafe in one or more of the campus areas above, please tell us why.
Dining Hall
Gathering Places
Bus stops
Parking lots
Walking around campus
Art Studios
18. Safety 5
Overall, AT NIGHT, how safe do you feel in the following University locations?
Very Safe Somewhat Safe Somewhat Unsafe Very Unsafe Not Applicable
Dining Commons
The Pod
Gathering Places
Bus stops
Parking lots
Walking around campus
Art Studios
If you answered that AT NIGHT you felt somewhat unsafe or very unsafe in one or more of the campus areas above, please tell us why.
Dining Commons
The Pod
Gathering Places
Bus stops
Parking lots
Walking around campus
Art Studios
21. Safety 8
Overall, how much of a problem is crime at Spalding University?
A very big problem
A big problem
Not a big problem
Not a problem at all
22. Safety 9
How much of a problem is:
Graffiti on campus?
A very big problem
A big problem
Not a big problem
Not a problem at all
Damaged college property left unrepaired on campus?
A very big problem
A big problem
Not a big problem
Not a problem at all
Drug dealing on campus?
A very big problem
A big problem
Not a big problem
Not a problem at all
Noisy groups or loud parties on campus?
A very big problem
A big problem
Not a big problem
Not a problem at all
People who are not Spalding students hanging around campus?
A very big problem
A big problem
Not a big problem
Not a problem at all
23. Safety 10
How afraid are you of becoming a victim of crime on the Spalding campus?
Very afraid
Somewhat afraid
Not very afraid
Not afraid at all
24. Safety 11
How worried are you that, in the coming session:
Someone will steal or damage your personal property while on campus?
Very worried
Somewhat worried
Not very worried
Not at all worried
Someone will physically assault you while on campus?
Very worried
Somewhat worried
Not very worried
Not at all worried
Someone will sexually assault you while on campus?
Very worried
Somewhat worried
Not very worried
Not at all worried
Someone will steal your personal information while on campus?
Very worried
Somewhat worried
Not very worried
Not at all worried
Someone will threaten or harass you while on campus?
Very worried
Somewhat worried
Not very worried
Not at all worried
Someone will threaten or physically assault you on campus because of your race, religion, sexual orientation, or disability?
Very worried
Somewhat worried
Not very worried
Not at all worried
25. Safety 13
How often have your activities on campus been affected by your fear of crime or concerns about your personal safety?
Most of the time
Some of the time
26. Safety 14
During last session, did you...
Ask someone to walk you to your destination , after dark?
Ask someone to watch your property while you left it
unattended, such as when you got a drink of water or left the room?
Avoid classes because of concerns for your safety?
Avoid classes because someone else made you feel your safety was threatened?
27. Safety 15
During last session, did you avoid specific areas of campus DURING THE DAY because of concerns for your safety?
Not on campus during the day
28. Safety 16
Please specify which area.
29. Safety 16a
Why did you avoid this specific area?
30. Safety 17
During last session, did you avoid specific areas of campus AT NIGHT because of concerns for your safety?
Not on campus at night
31. Safety 18
Please specify which area.
32. Safety 18a
Why did you avoid this specific area?
33. Safety 19
During last session, did you avoid specific events on campus because of concern for your safety?
34. Safety 20
Please specify campus event.
35. Safety 20a
Why did you avoid this specific campus event?
36. Safety 21
During last session, did you avoid parking your car in certain locations because of concerns for your safety?
37. Safety 22
Please specify which location.
38. Safety 22a
Why did you avoid parking your car in this location?
39. Safety 23
During last session, did you ever carry any of the following items on campus to defend yourself or get others’ attention in case of an incident?
Pepper spray?
Your keys in your hand in a defensive manner ?
A knife?
A gun/firearm?
Did not carry anything for defense
40. Attack 1
Now we would like to ask about experiences you may have had during last session. These are acts that might have been committed by anyone – a friend, boyfriend or girlfriend, family member, relative, co-worker, boss, teacher, stranger, acquaintance or anyone else. Please keep all of these people in mind when answering the following questions. Remember, these questions only cover any of these experiences that happened to you during last session whether they took place on campus or off campus.
. Attack 2
During last session did anyone physically attack you? This could include acts such as pushing you, hitting you with an object, punching you, or other actions.
During last session how many different times were you physically attacked?
43. Rape 1
Incidents involving forced, nonconsensual, or unwanted sexual acts are often difficult to talk about. These acts can include touching, sexual intercourse, oral sex, anal sex, or other sexual activity or contact.
During last session:
Did someone force or coerce you into engaging in unwanted sexual activity?
Did someone engage you in a sexual activity with you when you were so drunk or high you were unable to consent?
You did not experience any unwanted sexual activity and did not engage in sexual activity when too drunk or high to consent.
44. Rape 1
During last session how many times were you forced or coerced into unwanted sexual activity?
5. Stalk 1
During last session, did anyone harass or stalk you? This could include acts like following you, sending unwanted emails, or making harassing phone calls.
46. Hate Crime
During last session, were you the target of harassment or vandalism because of your race, religion, ethnic/national origin, sexual orientation, or a disability?
Hate Crime
During last session how many different times did this happen?
48. Harm
Not including an incident already reported, during last session did anyone threaten to physically harm you?
During last session how many different times were you threatened?
50. Steal
During last session did anybody steal, attempt to steal, damage, or vandalize your property or something belonging to you?
During last session how many different times did someone steal or vandalize your personal property?
52. Break In 1
During last session did anyone break into or attempt to break into your living quarters?
During last session how many different times was your living quarters broken into?
54. ID Theft 3
During last session did anyone steal your identity or other personal information or use it without your permission?
During last session how many different times did someone steal your identity?
56. SWB1
You reported that someone physically attacked you during last session either on campus or off campus. Please think of the MOST RECENT INCIDENT and answer the following questions:
What did they do as a part of the most recent physical attack?
Threw something at you
Pushed, grabbed or shoved you
Slapped or hit you
Strangled you
Hit you with an object
Punched you
Beat you up
Used a weapon against you
Sexually assaulted you
57. SWB2
Who was the first to use physical force?
The Perpetrator
Don’t Know
58. SWB3
About what time did this incident happen?
During the Day
During the Night Time
59. SWB4
Where did this incident happen?
On campus
Off campus
60. SWB5
Where on campus did this incident happen?
In your living quarters
In your dorm, but not in your room
In a dorm, but not in your dorm
In a campus building, but not a campus dorm
In a campus parking area
In a vehicle
61. SWB6
Did this incident happen in Louisville?
Where off campus did this incident happen?
In your room or apartment
In your place of residence
In someone else’s residence
In a building other than where you live
In a parking lot or garage
In a public area
On another campus
62. SWB7
How many people did this to you?
4 or more
Don't Know
63. SWB8
Please tell us what you know about the person who did this to you.
Was the person
Don’t Know
At the time of this incident, was the person…
Your spouse
An ex-spouse
Your boyfriend or girlfriend
An ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend
A date
A parent or step-parent
A sibling or step-sibling
Another family member
A friend or acquaintance
A co-worker
A classmate
A roommate
A stranger
Don’t know
At the time of this incident, was the person…
A SPALDING student
A SPALDING faculty or staff member
Don’t know
Had the person been drinking alcohol at the time of this incident?
Don’t Know
Had the person been using drugs at the time of this incident?
Don't know
9. SWB14
Had you been drinking at the time of this incident?
Had you been using drugs at the time of this incident?
Were you injured as a result of this incident?
70. SWB17
How were you injured?
Knife or stab wound
Gun shot or bullet wound
Broken bones, dislocated joints, or teeth knocked out
Internal injuries
Knocked unconscious
Bruises, black eye, cuts, scratches, swelling
Did anyone else witness this incident?
Don't Know
72. SWB19
Your spouse or ex-spouse
Your boyfriend, girlfriend, ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend
A date
A parent or step-parent
A sibling or step-sibling
A son, daughter, or step-child
Another family member
A friend or acquaintance
A co-worker
A classmate
A roommate
A stranger
Don’t know
3. SWB20
Was this incident reported to the police?
74. SWB21
Was it reported to Spalding Campus Safety?
75. SWB22
Who reported it?
The person who attacked you
A witness or bystander
76. SWB23
How fairly were you treated by the Spalding Campus Safety?
Very Fairly
Somewhat Fairly
Somewhat Unfairly
Very Unfairly
Not Applicable77. SWB24
How satisfied were you with the way the Spalding Campus Safety handled the report?
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Not Applicable
8. SWB25
Is there a reason you did not report this incident to Spalding Campus Safety?
Didn’t think Campus Safety would do anything
Shame or embarrassment
Is a private matter – wanted to deal with it on own
Concern others would find out
Didn’t want the person who did it to get in trouble
Fear of retribution from the person who did it
Fear of not being believed
Fear of being blamed
Didn’t think what happened was serious enough
Thought people would try to tell me what to do
Would feel like an admission of failure
Did you use any of the following CAMPUS services as a result of this incident?
Campus Safety
Affirmative Action
Judicial Programs
Counseling Center
Health Services
Academic Advisor
RA or Hall Director
Campus Ministry
If you did not use any of the above CAMPUS services, why not?
Shame or embarrassment
Is a private matter – wanted to deal with it on own
Concern others would find out
Didn’t want the person who did it to get in trouble
Fear of retribution from the person who did it
Fear of not being believed
Fear of being blamed
Didn’t think what happened was serious enough
Thought people would try to tell me what to do
Would feel like an admission of failure
Did you use any of the following OFF CAMPUS services as a result of this?
County Victim and Witness Assistance Program
State Victim Compensation Program
Lawyer or other legal services
Medical care
Mental health services
Member of the clergy or faith community
Dating/domestic violence hotline
Other hotline
Shelter or other dating/domestic violence service
Victim advocates
Landlord/Property Manager
If you did not use any of the above OFF CAMPUS services, why not?
Shame or embarrassment
Is a private matter – wanted to deal with it on own
Concern others would find out
Didn’t want the person who did it to get in trouble
Fear of retribution from the person who did it
Fear of not being believed
Fear of being blamed
Didn’t think what happened was serious enough
Thought people would try to tell me what to do
Would feel like an admission of failure
1. SWB29
Besides anyone mentioned above, did you talk to anyone else about this incident?
2. SWB30
Whom did you tell?
Parent or guardian
Other family member
Faculty or staff
Romantic partner
3. SA1
You reported that someone has forced or coerced you into engaging in unwanted sexual activity during last session either on campus or off campus. Please think of the MOST RECENT INCIDENT and answer the following questions OR you reported that someone has engaged in sexual activity or had sexual intercourse with you when you were so drunk or high you were unable to consent during last session. Please think of the MOST RECENT INCIDENT and answer the following questions:
85. SA3
About what time did this incident happen?
During the Day
During the Night Time
86. SA4
Where did this incident happen?
On campus
Off campus
Where on campus did this incident happen?
In your living quarters
In your dorm, but not in your room
In a dorm, but not in your dorm
In a campus building, but not a campus dorm or apartment
In a campus parking area
In a vehicle
88. SA6
Did this incident happen in Louisville?
Where off campus did this incident happen?
In your room or apartment
In your place of residence
In someone else’s residence
In a building other than where you live
In a parking lot or garage
In a public area
On another campus
90. SA8
Please tell us what you know about the person who did this to you.
Was the person
Don’t Know
At the time of the incident, was the person…
Your spouse
An ex-spouse
Your boyfriend or girlfriend
An ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend
A date
A parent or step-parent
A sibling or step-sibling
Another family member
A friend or acquaintance
A co-worker
A classmate
A roommate
A stranger
Don’t know
At the time of the incident, was the person…
A SPALDING student
A SPALDING faculty or staff member
Don’t know
Had the person been drinking alcohol at the time of this incident?
Don’t Know
Had the person been using drugs at the time of this incident?
Don’t Know
Did anyone else witness this incident?
Don't Know
99. SA19
Your spouse or ex-spouse
Your boyfriend, girlfriend, ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend
A date
A parent or step-parent
A sibling or step-sibling
A son, daughter, or step-child
Another family member
A friend or acquaintance
A co-worker
A classmate
A roommate
A stranger
Don’t know
100. SA20
Was this incident reported to the police?
101. SA21
Was it reported to Spalding Campus Safety?
102. SA22
Who reported it?
The person who attacked you
A witness or bystander
03. SA23
How fairly were you treated by Campus Safety?
Very Fairly
Somewhat Fairly
Somewhat Unfairly
Very Unfairly
Not Applicable
104. SA24
How satisfied were you with the way Campus Safety handled the report?
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Not Applicable
05. SA25
Is there a reason you did not report this incident to Campus Safety?
Didn’t think police would do anything
Shame or embarrassment
Is a private matter – wanted to deal with it on own
Concern others would find out
Didn’t want the person who did it to get in trouble
Fear of retribution from the person who did it
Fear of not being believed
Fear of being blamed
Didn’t think what happened was serious enough
Thought people would try to tell me what to do
Would feel like an admission of failure
6. SA26
Did you use any of the following CAMPUS services as a result of this incident?
Spalding Campus Safety
Affirmative Action
Judicial Programs
Counseling Center
Health Services
Academic Advisor
RA or Hall Director
Campus Ministry
If you did not use any of the above CAMPUS services, why not?
Shame or embarrassment
Is a private matter – wanted to deal with it on own
Concern others would find out
Didn’t want the person who did it to get in trouble
Fear of retribution from the person who did it
Fear of not being believed
Fear of being blamed
Didn’t think what happened was serious enough
Thought people would try to tell me what to do
Would feel like an admission of failure
Did you use any of the following OFF CAMPUS services as a result of this?
County Victim and Witness Assistance Program
State Victim Compensation Program
Lawyer or other legal services
Medical care
Mental health services
Member of the clergy or faith community
Dating/domestic violence hotline
Other hotline
Rape crisis center
Victim advocates
Landlord/Property Manager
If you did not use any of the above OFF CAMPUS services, why not?
Shame or embarrassment
Is a private matter – wanted to deal with it on own
Concern others would find out
Didn’t want the person who did it to get in trouble
Fear of retribution from the person who did it
Fear of not being believed
Fear of being blamed
Didn’t think what happened was serious enough
Thought people would try to tell me what to do
Would feel like an admission of failure
Besides anyone mentioned above, did you talk to anyone else about this incident?
Whom did you tell?
Parent or guardian
Other family member
Faculty or staff
Romantic partner
110. ST1
You reported that someone has harassed or stalked you during last session either on campus or off campus. Please think of the MOST RECENT PERIOD during which you were stalked or harassed and answer the following questions:
What did someone do as a part of harassing or stalking you?
Followed or spied on you
Sent unsolicited letters or written correspondence
Made unsolicited phone calls
Stood outside your home, school, or workplace
Showed up where you were, even though he or she had no business being there
Left unwanted items for you to find
Sent unwanted or threatening electronic messages by phone or online
Revealed information about you online
Vandalized your property or destroyed something you cared about
Threatened someone you cared about
Recorded conversations or video without your knowledge
Tried to communicate with you in other ways against your will
How many times did these types of events happen?
To your knowledge, how long did this or has this gone on?
Did you feel frightened?
Did you fear bodily harm?
. ST5
Where did the incidents that were a part of this most recent period of stalking and harassment occur?
On campus
Off campus
On the Internet
Where on campus did incidents happen?
In your living quarters
In your dorm, but not in your room
In a dorm, but not your dorm
In a campus building, but not a campus dorm
In a campus parking area
In a vehicle
. ST6b
Did this incident happen in Louisville?
Where off campus did this incident happen?
In your room or apartment
In your place of residence
In someone else’s residence
In a building other than where you live
In a parking lot or garage
In a public area
On another campus
Did any of the incidents happen on a campus computer you were on or a computer you had hooked up to the campus network?
Did you see the person or persons who did this to you?
7. ST9
. ST9A
Please tell us what you know about the person who did this to you.
Was the person
Don’t Know
At the time of the incident, was the person…
Your spouse
An ex-spouse
Your boyfriend or girlfriend
An ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend
A date
A parent or step-parent
A sibling or step-sibling
Another family member
A friend or acquaintance
A co-worker
A classmate
A roommate
A stranger
Don’t know
At the time of the incident, was the person…
A SPALDING student
A SPALDING faculty or staff member
Don’t know
Had the person been drinking alcohol at the time of this incident?
Don’t Know
Had the person been using drugs at the time of this incident?
Don’t Know
119. ST10
Did you use any of the following CAMPUS services as a result of this incident?
SPALDING Campus Safety
Affirmative Action
Judicial Programs
Counseling Center
Health Services
Academic Advisor
RA or Hall Director
Campus Ministry
If you did not use any of the above CAMPUS services, why not?
Shame or embarrassment
Is a private matter – wanted to deal with it on own
Concern others would find out
Didn’t want the person who did it to get in trouble
Fear of retribution from the person who did it
Fear of not being believed
Fear of being blamed
Didn’t think what happened was serious enough
Thought people would try to tell me what to do
Would feel like an admission of failure
Did you use any of the following OFF CAMPUS services as a result of this?
County Victim and Witness Assistance Program
State Victim Compensation Program
Lawyer or other legal services
Medical care
Mental health services
Member of the clergy or faith community
Dating/domestic violence hotline
Other hotline
Shelter of other dating/domestic violence service
Rape crisis center
Victim advocates
Phone company or Internet Service Provider
Landlord/Property Manager
If you did not use any of the above OFF CAMPUS services, why not?
Shame or embarrassment
Is a private matter – wanted to deal with it on own
Concern others would find out
Didn’t want the person who did it to get in trouble
Fear of retribution from the person who did it
Fear of not being believed
Fear of being blamed
Didn’t think what happened was serious enough
Thought people would try to tell me what to do
Would feel like an admission of failure
. ST18
Besides anyone mentioned above, did you talk to anyone else about this incident?
Whom did you tell?
Parent or guardian
Other family member
Faculty or staff
Romantic partner
36. H1
You reported that during last session someone harassed or took other actions against you because of their perception of your race, religion, ethnic/national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or who you associate with either on campus or off campus. Please think of the MOST RECENT INCIDENT and answer the following questions:
7. H2
What did they do as a part of the most recent action against you?
Verbal threats
Slurs, demeaning statements, insults
Other Verbal harassment
Harassment via the internet
Physical intimidation
Use of hate symbols
Harassment using phone calls, voicemails, or text messages
Why do you think they targeted you?
Ethnic/national origin
Sexual orientation
Association with a particular group
Other, please specify:
. H4
Was this a part of an incident previously reported in this survey?
About what time did this incident happen?
Where did this incident happen?
During the Day
During the Night
On the Spalding Campus
Off the Spalding Campus
On the Internet
Where on campus did this incident happen?
In your living quarters
In your dorm, but not in your room
In a dorm, but not your dorm
In a campus building, but not a campus dorm or apartment
In a campus parking area
In a vehicle
41. H7
Did this incident happen in Louisville?
Where off campus did this incident happen?
In your room or apartment
In your place of residence
In someone else’s residence
In a building other than where you live
In a parking lot or garage
In a public area
On another campus
2. H8
Did any of the incidents happen on a campus computer you were on or a computer you had hooked up to the campus network?
143. H9
Did you see the person or persons who did this to you?
144. H10
How many people did this to you?
4 or more
Don't Know
145. H11
Please tell us what you know about the person who did this to you.
Was the person
Don’t Know
At the time of the incident, was the person…
Your spouse
An ex-spouse
Your boyfriend or girlfriend
An ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend
A date
A parent or step-parent
A sibling or step-sibling
Another family member
A friend or acquaintance
A co-worker
A classmate
A roommate
A stranger
Don’t know
At the time of the incident, was the person…
A SPALDING student
A SPALDING faculty or staff member
Don’t know
Had the person been drinking alcohol at the time of this incident?
Don't Know
Had the person been using drugs at the time of this incident?
Don't Know
146. H12
. H14
151. H17
Did anyone else witness this incident?
Don’t Know
2. H18
Your spouse or ex-spouse
Your boyfriend, girlfriend, ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend
A date
A parent or step-parent
A sibling or step-sibling
A son, daughter, or step-child
Another family member
A friend or acquaintance
A co-worker
A classmate
A roommate
A stranger
Don't Know
153. H19
Was this incident reported to the police?
Was it reported to Spalding Campus Safety?
155. H21
Who reported it?
The person who harassed or took other action against you
A witness or bystander
156. H22
How fairly were you treated by the Spalding Campus Safety?
Very Fairly
Somewhat Fairly
Somewhat Unfairly
Very Unfairly
Not Applicable
How satisfied were you with the way the Spalding Campus Safety handled the report?
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Not Applicable
158. H24
Is there a reason you did not report this incident to the police?
Didn’t think police would do anything
Shame or embarrassment
Is a private matter – wanted to deal with it on own
Concern others would find out
Didn’t want the person who did it to get in trouble
Fear of retribution from the person who did it
Fear of not being believed
Fear of being blamed
Didn’t think what happened was serious enough
Thought people would try to tell me what to do
Would feel like an admission of failure
159. H25
Did you use any of the following CAMPUS services as a result of this incident?
Spalding Campus Safety
Affirmative Action
Judicial Programs
Counseling Center
Health Services
Academic Advisor
RA or Hall Director
Campus Ministry
If you did not use any of the above CAMPUS services, why not?
Shame or embarrassment
Is a private matter – wanted to deal with it on own
Concern others would find out
Didn’t want the person who did it to get in trouble
Fear of retribution from the person who did it
Fear of not being believed
Fear of being blamed
Didn’t think what happened was serious enough
Thought people would try to tell me what to do
Would feel like an admission of failure
160. H26
Did you use any of the following OFF CAMPUS services as a result of this?
County Victim and Witness Assistance Program
Lawyer or other legal services
Mental health services
Member of the clergy or faith community
Victim advocates
Phone company or Internet Service Provider
Insurance Company
Landlord/Property Manager
If you did not use any of the above OFF CAMPUS services, why not?
Shame or embarrassment
Is a private matter – wanted to deal with it on own
Concern others would find out
Didn’t want the person who did it to get in trouble
Fear of retribution from the person who did it
Fear of not being believed
Fear of being blamed
Didn’t think what happened was serious enough
Thought people would try to tell me what to do
Would feel like an admission of failure
161. H28
Besides anyone mentioned above, did you talk to anyone else about this incident?
162. H29
Whom did you tell?
Parent or guardian
Other family member
Faculty or staff
Romantic partner
163. T1
You reported that someone threatened to physically harm you during last session either on campus or off campus. Please think of the MOST RECENT INCIDENT, and answer the following questions:
164. T2
How did they threaten you?
With a weapon
With a hard object
With physically intimidating body language or demeanor
Threatened to throw something at you
Threatened to physically harm you
Threatened to harm someone you care about
Threatened to damage your personal property
165. T3
About what time did this incident happen?
During the Day
During the Night
166. T4
Where did this incident happen?
On the Spalding Campus
Off the Spalding Campus
On the Internet
167. T5
Where on campus did this incident happen?
In your living quarters
In your dorm, but not in your room
In a dorm, but not in your dorm
In a campus building, but not a campus dorm or apartment
In a campus parking area
In a vehicle
168. T6
Did this incident happen in Louisville?
Where off campus did this incident happen?
In your room or apartment
In your place of residence
In someone else’s residence
In a building other than where you live
In a parking lot or garage
In a public area
On another campus
169. T7
Did any of the incidents happen on a campus computer you were on or a computer you had hooked up to the campus network?
171. T9
Please tell us what you know about the person who did this to you.
Was the person
Don’t Know
At the time of the incident, was the person…
Your spouse
An ex-spouse
Your boyfriend or girlfriend
An ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend
A date
A parent or step-parent
A sibling or step-sibling
Another family member
A friend or acquaintance
A co-worker
A classmate
A roommate
A stranger
Don’t know
At the time of the incident, was the person…
A SPALDING student
A SPALDING faculty or staff member
Don’t know
Had the person been drinking alcohol at the time of this incident?
Don’t Know
Had the person been using drugs at the time of this incident?
Don’t Know
177. T15
Had you been drinking at the time of this incident?
Had you been using drugs at the time of this incident?
178. T17
Did anyone else witness this incident?
Don't Know
179. T17a
Your spouse or ex-spouse
Your boyfriend, girlfriend, ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend
A date
A parent or step-parent
A sibling or step-sibling
A son, daughter, or step-child
Another family member
A friend or acquaintance
A co-worker
A classmate
A roommate
A stranger
Don't know
180. T18
Was this incident reported to the police?
181. T19
Was it reported to Spalding Campus Safety?
182. T20
Who reported it?
The person who threatened you
A witness or bystander
183. T21
How fairly were you treated by the Spalding Campus Safety?
Very Fairly
Somewhat Fairly
Somewhat Unfairly
Very Unfairly
Not Applicable
184. T22
How satisfied were you with the way the Spalding Campus Safety handled the report?
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Not Applicable
185. T23
Is there a reason you did not report this incident to the police?
Didn’t think police would do anything
Shame or embarrassment
Is a private matter – wanted to deal with it on own
Concern others would find out
Didn’t want the person who did it to get in trouble
Fear of retribution from the person who did it
Fear of not being believed
Fear of being blamed
Didn’t think what happened was serious enough
Thought people would try to tell me what to do
Would feel like an admission of failure
186. T24
Did you use any of the following CAMPUS services as a result of this incident?
Spalding Campus Safety
Affirmative Action
Judicial Programs
Counseling Center
Health Services
Academic Advisor
RA or Hall Director
Campus Ministry
If you did not use any of the above CAMPUS services, why not?
Shame or embarrassment
Is a private matter – wanted to deal with it on own
Concern others would find out
Didn’t want the person who did it to get in trouble
Fear of retribution from the person who did it
Fear of not being believed
Fear of being blamed
Didn’t think what happened was serious enough
Thought people would try to tell me what to do
Would feel like an admission of failure
187. T25
Did you use any of the following OFF CAMPUS services as a result of this?
County Victim and Witness Assistance Program
Lawyer or other legal services
Mental health services
Member of the clergy or faith community
Dating/domestic violence hotline
Other hotline
Shelter of other dating/domestic violence service
Rape crisis center
Victim advocates
Phone company or Internet Service Provider
Landlord/Property Manager
If you did not use any of the above OFF CAMPUS services, why not?
Shame or embarrassment
Is a private matter – wanted to deal with it on own
Concern others would find out
Didn’t want the person who did it to get in trouble
Fear of retribution from the person who did it
Fear of not being believed
Fear of being blamed
Didn’t think what happened was serious enough
Thought people would try to tell me what to do
Would feel like an admission of failure
188. T27
Besides anyone mentioned above, did you talk to anyone else about this incident?
189. T27a
Whom did you tell? (Check all that apply
Parent or guardian
Other family member
Faculty or staff
Romantic partner
190. Steal1
You reported that someone stole, attempted to steal, damaged or vandalized your property or something belonging to you during last session either on campus or off campus. Please think of the MOST RECENT INCIDENT and answer the following questions:
What was stolen, damaged, or vandalized?
Car/Motorcycle or their parts
Books or other school items
Ipod, MP3 Player, Nintendo DS, or other portable entertainment device
Television, stereo, DVD player, or other electronics
191. Steal2
Approximately what is the total dollar amount of damage or loss from this incident?
192. Steal3
About what time did this incident happen?
During the Day
During the Night Time
193. Steal4
Where did this incident happen?
On the Spalding Campus
Off the Spalding Campus
194. Steal5
Where on campus did this incident happen?
In your living quarters
In your dorm, but not in your room
In a dorm, but not your dorm
In a campus building, but not a campus dorm
In a campus parking area
In a vehicle
195. Steal6
Did this incident happen in Louisville?
Where off campus did this incident happen?
In your room or apartment
In your place of residence
In someone else’s residence
In a building other than where you live
In a parking lot or garage
In a public area
On another campus
196. Steal7
Were you present when this incident occurred?
Did you personally see who did this?
198. Steal10
Please tell us what you know about the person who did this to you.
Was the person
Don’t Know
At the time of the incident, was the person…
Your spouse
An ex-spouse
Your boyfriend or girlfriend
An ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend
A date
A parent or step-parent
A sibling or step-sibling
Another family member
A friend or acquaintance
A co-worker
A classmate
A roommate
A stranger
Don’t know
At the time of the incident, was the person…
A SPALDING student
A SPALDING faculty or staff member
Don’t know
Had the person been drinking alcohol at the time of this incident?
Don't Know
Had the person been using drugs at the time of this incident?
Don't Know
206. Steal 18
Was this incident reported to the police?
207. Steal19
Was it reported to Spalding Campus Safety?
208. Steal20
Who reported it?
The person who did it
A witness or bystander
209. Steal21
How fairly were you treated by the Spalding Campus Safety?
Very Fairly
Somewhat Fairly
Somewhat Unfairly
Very Unfairly
Not Applicable
210. Steal22
How satisfied were you with the way the Spalding Campus Safety handled the report?
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Not Applicable
211. Steal 23
Is there a reason you did not report this incident to the police?
Didn’t think police would do anything
Shame or embarrassment
Is a private matter – wanted to deal with it on own
Concern others would find out
Didn’t want the person who did it to get in trouble
Fear of retribution from the person who did it
Fear of not being believed
Fear of being blamed
Didn’t think what happened was serious enough
Thought people would try to tell me what to do
Would feel like an admission of failure
Did you use any of the following CAMPUS services as a result of this incident?
Spalding Campus Safety
Affirmative Action
Judicial Programs
Counseling Center
Health Services
Academic Advisor
RA or Hall Director
Campus Ministry
If you did not use any of the above CAMPUS services, why not?
Shame or embarrassment
Is a private matter – wanted to deal with it on own
Concern others would find out
Didn’t want the person who did it to get in trouble
Fear of retribution from the person who did it
Fear of not being believed
Fear of being blamed
Didn’t think what happened was serious enough
Thought people would try to tell me what to do
Would feel like an admission of failure
213. Steal25
Did you use any of the following OFF CAMPUS services as a result of this?
County Victim and Witness Assistance Program
Lawyer or other legal services
Mental health services
Member of the clergy or faith community
Victim advocates
Insurance Company
Landlord/Property manager
If you did not use any of the above OFF CAMPUS services, why not?
Shame or embarrassment
Is a private matter – wanted to deal with it on own
Concern others would find out
Didn’t want the person who did it to get in trouble
Fear of retribution from the person who did it
Fear of not being believed
Fear of being blamed
Didn’t think what happened was serious enough
Thought people would try to tell me what to do
Would feel like an admission of failure
214. Steal 27
Besides anyone mentioned above, did you talk to anyone else about this incident?
Steal 28
Whom did you tell?
Parent or guardian
Other family member
Faculty or staff
Romantic partner
216. B1
You reported that someone broken into or attempted to break into your living quarters during last session either on campus or off campus. Please think of the MOST RECENT INCIDENT and answer the following questions:
Did the person actually get inside your living quarters?
Don't Know
217. B2
Was there any evidence, such as a broken lock or broken window, that the person got in by force or tried to get in by force?
218. B3
About what time did this incident happen?
During the Day
During the Night Time
219. B4
Where did this incident happen?
On the Spalding Campus
Off the Spalding Campus
220. B5
Did this incident happen in Louisville?
221. B6
Were you present when this incident occurred?
Did you personally see who did this?
. B8
224. B9
Please tell us what you know about the person who did this to you.
Was the person
Don’t Know
At the time of the incident, was the person…
Your spouse
An ex-spouse
Your boyfriend or girlfriend
An ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend
A date
A parent or step-parent
A sibling or step-sibling
Another family member
A friend or acquaintance
A co-worker
A classmate
A roommate
A stranger
Don’t know
At the time of the incident, was the person…
A SPALDING student
A SPALDING faculty or staff member
Don’t know
Had the person been drinking alcohol at the time of this incident?
Don't Know
Had the person been using drugs at the time of this incident?
Don't Know
30. B15
Did anyone else witness this incident?
Don't Know
231. B16
Your spouse or ex-spouse
Your boyfriend, girlfriend, ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend
A date
A parent or step-parent
A sibling or step-sibling
A son, daughter, or step-child
Another family member
A friend or acquaintance
A co-worker
A classmate
A roommate
A stranger
Don’t know
232. B17
Was this incident reported to the police?
233. B18
Was it reported to Spalding Campus Safety?
234. B19
Who reported it?
The perpetrator
A witness or bystander
235. B20
How fairly were you treated by the Spalding Campus Safety?
Very Fairly
Somewhat Fairly
Somewhat Unfairly
Very Unfairly
Not Applicable
236. B21
How satisfied were you with the way the Spalding Campus Safety handled the report?
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Not Applicable
237. B22
Is there a reason you did not report this incident to the police?
Didn’t think police would do anything
Shame or embarrassment
Is a private matter – wanted to deal with it on own
Concern others would find out
Didn’t want the person who did it to get in trouble
Fear of retribution from the person who did it
Fear of not being believed
Fear of being blamed
Didn’t think what happened was serious enough
Thought people would try to tell me what to do
Would feel like an admission of failure
238. B23
Did you use any of the following CAMPUS services as a result of this incident?
Spalding Campus Safety
Affirmative Action
Judicial Programs
Counseling Center
Health Services
Academic Advisor
RA or Hall Director
Campus Ministry
If you did not use any of the above CAMPUS services, why not?
Shame or embarrassment
Is a private matter – wanted to deal with it on own
Concern others would find out
Didn’t want the person who did it to get in trouble
Fear of retribution from the person who did it
Fear of not being believed
Fear of being blamed
Didn’t think what happened was serious enough
Thought people would try to tell me what to do
Would feel like an admission of failure
239. B24
Did you use any of the following OFF CAMPUS services as a result of this?
County Victim and Witness Assistance Program
Lawyer or other legal services
Mental health services
Member of the clergy or faith community
Victim advocates
Insurance Company
Landlord/Property Manager
If you did not use any of the above OFF CAMPUS services, why not?
Shame or embarrassment
Is a private matter – wanted to deal with it on own
Concern others would find out
Didn’t want the person who did it to get in trouble
Fear of retribution from the person who did it
Fear of not being believed
Fear of being blamed
Didn’t think what happened was serious enough
Thought people would try to tell me what to do
Would feel like an admission of failure
240. B26
Besides anyone mentioned above, did you talk to anyone else about this incident?
241. B27
Whom did you tell?
Parent or guardian
Other family member
Faculty or staff
Romantic partner
242. ID1
You reported that someone stole your identity or other personal information or used it without your permission during last session either on campus or off campus. Please think of the MOST RECENT incident or set of incidents and answer the following questions:
What did they do as a part of stealing your identity or personal information?
Used or attempted to use existing credit card or credit card number(s) without permission to place charges on that account
Used or attempted to use other existing accounts without permission to run up charges or take money from the accounts
Used or attempted to use personal information without permission to obtain new accounts
Used or attempted to use personal information without permission to commit theft, fraud, or some other crime
243. ID2
Did this result in one episode of identity theft or more than one? For example, was only one charge made to a credit card or multiple charges?
Only one charge, fraud, or other crime
More than one charge, fraud, or other crime
Approximately what is the total dollar amount of charges, damage or loss from this incident?
How was your information stolen?
Off line
Don’t Know
244. ID5
Did you know who did this?
246. ID7
Please tell us what you know about the person who did this to you.
Was the person
Don’t Know
At the time of this incident, was the person…
Your spouse
An ex-spouse
Your boyfriend or girlfriend
An ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend
A date
A parent or step-parent
A sibling or step-sibling
Another family member
A friend or acquaintance
A co-worker
A classmate
A roommate
A stranger
Don’t know
At the time of this incident, was the person…
A SPALDING student
A SPALDING faculty or staff member
Don’t know
262. SV1
The next several questions are about your knowledge of university and community services, personal experiences that you may have had with them, and your overall evaluations of them.
263. SV1a
How do you get your campus information?
Emergency number:
Non-emergency number:
Please enter, if you know it, the emergency and non-emergency numbers for the Campus Safety Department:
Do you have either number programmed into your cell phone?
. SV3
Have you ever used emergency phones around campus?
Have you ever viewed the online campus safety advisories?
265. SV5
How often do you check the campus safety advisories?
A few times a session
266. SV6
Would you check campus safety advisories if you knew they were available online?
267. SV7
Why would you not check campus safety advisories online?
Don’t have frequent access to internet
Don’t have the time
Don’t think campus safety advisories are useful for increasing personal safety
Knowing about crime on campus will not increase my personal safety
268. SV8
Have you ever had experience with the student disciplinary system?
269. SV9
Have you ever been referred to the University judicial process for a violation of the student conduct code?
270. SV10
Think back to the LAST time you were referred. How fair did you find the university’s judicial referral process?
Very fair
Somewhat fair
Somewhat unfair
Very unfair
271. SV11
Were you disciplined for a violation of the student conduct code the LAST time you were referred?
272. SV12
Have you ever logged your personal property identity with the Campus Safety Department?
273. SV13
Would you recommend that other students use this program?
274. SV14
Would you use a program to log your device make/model/serial number to help recover your valuables should they be stolen?
275. SV15
Why would you not use this program?
Don’t think it would help recover my valuables if they were stolen
Don’t anticipate any of my valuables being stolen
I employ other safety measures to ensure my valuables will not be stolen
Would not be worth the time it would take for valuables to be engraved
Don’t have anything I really consider valuable enough for engraving
276. SV16
Have you ever used the Campus Safety Escort services?
277. SV17
How satisfied were you with the Campus Safety Escort program the LAST time you used it?
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
278. SV18
Would you use the Campus Safety Escort program again?
279. SV19
Why would you not use the Campus Safety Escort program again?
Using the service did not make me feel safer
Do not anticipate needing an escort again
Person escorting me behaved in an unprofessional manner
Took too long for escort to arrive
Took too long to get where I was going with escort
Escort did not take me as far as I was going
81. SV21
Why would you not use the Campus Safety Escort program?
Not fearful of walking alone at night on campus
Never walk alone at night on campus anyways
I take other defensive measures when I walk alone at night on campus
283. SV23
Would you attend self-defense classes on campus if you knew they were available for free?
284. SV24
Why would you not attend self-defense classes on campus?
Already know self-defense techniques
Not concerned with being physically attacked
Would rather take self-defense off campus
Not sure that a self-defense class would enhance my personal safety
Don’t want to take the time to learn self-defense
285. SV25
Have you ever used the university’s Student Counseling services?
286. SV26
How satisfied were you with the Student Counseling services the LAST time you used them?
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
287. SV27
Would you use the Student Counseling services again?
Why would you not use the Student Counseling services again?
Did not help with my problem
Made my problem worse
Counselor helping me behaved in an unprofessional manner
Counselor helping me did not seem concerned with my problem
Counselor did not help me find the services I needed
Hours when counselors are available is inconvenient
Number of session available to students are too few
Did not like having to wait for appointment in a public area
Had to wait to long to get an appointment with a counselor
289. SV29
Would you use the Student Counseling services if you needed them?
290. SV30
Why would you not use Student Counseling services if you needed them?
Would seek counseling help off campus
Shame or Stigma associated with seeking counseling on campus
Concerned about confidentiality or privacy of using counseling services on campus
Heard from others that University counseling services aren’t helpful
University counseling services hours are inconvenient for my schedule
291. SV31
Have you used the university’s Campus Ministry services?
292. SV32
How satisfied were you with Campus Ministry the LAST time you used them?
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
293. SV33
Would you use this service again?
294. SV34
Why would you not use the Campus Ministry services again?
Did not help with my problem
Made my problem worse
Campus ministry staff or minister who helped me behaved in an unprofessional manner
Campus ministry staff or minister who helped me did not seem concerned with my problem
Campus ministry staff or minister did not help me find the services I needed
Hours when campus ministry staff or ministers are available are inconvenient
295. SV35
Would you use Campus Ministry services if you felt you needed them?
Why would you not use Campus Ministry services if you felt you needed them?
Not a religious person
Would seek ministry services off campus
Shame Stigma associated with seeking campus ministry services
Concerned about confidentiality or privacy of using ministry services on campus
Heard from other that campus ministry services aren’t helpful
Campus ministry services hours are inconvenient for my schedule
297. SV37
How good a job do you think Campus Safety is doing with preventing crime on campus?
A very good job
A good job
A poor job
A very poor job
How often do you see a Campus Safety Officer on patrol around the university?
A few times a week
A few times a month
A few times a session
Almost never
Overall, how satisfied are you with Spalding Campus Safety?
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
298. SV38
During last session, did you have any contact with Spalding Campus Safety? This includes calling Campus Safety for information or informally talking with an officer
299. SV39
What was the reason for your MOST RECENT contact with Campus Safety?
Requested aid or assistance from Campus Safety
Was stopped and questioned by Campus Safety
Was cited for a violation by Campus Safety
300. SV40
Think back to your MOST RECENT contact with Campus Safety. Overall, how fairly were you treated by Campus Safety?
Very fairly
Somewhat fairly
Somewhat unfairly
Very unfairly
301. SV41
Think back to your MOST RECENT contact with Campus Safety. How satisfied were you with the way Campus Safety handled your contact?
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
302. SV42
Why were you dissatisfied with your contact with Campus Safety?
Poor response time
Officer would not listen to you
Officer did not take you seriously or appear concerned with your problem
Officer treated your rudely
Officer harassed or threatened you
Officer took some action with which you did not agree
303. SV43
Did you complain to anyone about your dissatisfaction?
304. SV44
To whom did you complain?
A friend or family member
A faculty or staff member
RA or Hall Director
Campus Safety Officer or supervisor
305. SV45
Why did you not file a complaint with Campus Safety?
Not serious enough
Wouldn’t do any good
Did not know where, how, or to whom to complain
Did not want to spend the time to file a complaint
Fear of reprisal or other consequences from filing a complaint
306. SV46
Where does Spalding Campus Safety have jurisdiction?
On campus only
Off campus only
On campus and off campus
Not sure
307. SV47
How would you rate the following:
The lighting at night of campus parking lots and walkways?
Very good
Very poor
The security of university buildings?
Very good
Very poor
Dorm residents: The security of the dorm in which you live?
Very good
Very poor
I don’t live in a dorm
308. SV48
Why do you believe the dorm’s security is poor?
Not enough security personnel provided
Security personnel is lax in their duties
Faulty physical security
Students circumvent security
Handicap access buttons let anyone in
309. R1
In the next section, we are interested in learning how SPALDING students spend their time.
310. R2
During last session, how many DAYS in an average week, that is Monday through Sunday, sometime between 7AM to 5 PM would you estimate you were on campus?
7 days a week
311. R3
During last session, how many NIGHTS in an average week, that is Monday through Sunday, sometime between 5 PM to midnight would you estimate you were on campus?
7 nights per week
312. R4
During last session, in an average week, that is Monday through Sunday, how many nights would you say you were "out partying" ?
7 nights per week
313. R5
When you were “out partying”, where were the parties?
Mostly on campus
Mostly off campus
About equally on campus and off campus
At the parties you went to, how often were other people there using alcohol?
All of the time
Most of the time
None of the time
At the parties you went to, how often were other people using drugs?
All of the time
Most of the time
None of the time
314. R8
On campus, did you, during last session, feel pressure to use drugs/alcohol at parties you attended?
Have not attended parties on campus
On campus, did you, during last session, feel pressure to drink more alcohol than you wanted to at parties that you attended?
Have not attended parties on campus
315. R10
During last session, in an average week, how often did you drink alcohol?
Less than once per week
One to two times per week
Three to four times per week
Five or more times per week
On average, when you drank, how many drinks did you have in an evening?
Less than one drink
1-2 drinks
3-4 drinks
5 or more drinks
During last session, in an average week, how often did you use marijuana?
Less than once per week
One to two times per week
Three to four times per week
Five or more times per week
316. R12
During last session, did you ever use any of the following drugs?
Cocaine, crack
Speed, Methamphetamines, ice, uppers
Downers, Barbituates, Benzos
Prescription drugs
None of the above
317. R13
During last session how often did you use these other drugs?
Once or twice ever
Less than once per week
One or two times per week
Three to four times per week
Five or more times per week
During last session were you ever a passenger in a car where the driver had been using alcohol or any of the above drugs?
Don’t know
During last session, did you ever use alcohol or any of the above drugs and drive?
319. R16
During last session were you in a physical fight?
320. R17
How many physical fights were you in last session?
Two to three
Four to five
Six or more
1. R18
During last session how many different people did you date or go out with?
Two to three
Four to five
Six or more
During last session how many different people did you engage in sexual activity with?
Two to three
Four to five
Six or more
During last session, how many people did you have unprotected sexual activity with?
Two to three
Four to five
Six or more
During last session how many times were you under the influence of alcohol or drugs when engaging in sexual activity?
Two to three
Four to five
Six or more
322. BY1
Please read each of the statements below. Indicate for each statement how confident you are that you could do them. Rate your degree of confidence by recording a number from 0 to 100 using the scale given below:
0-9 = can't do
10-39 = very uncertain
40-69 = moderately certain
70-100 = very certain
Call for help if I hear someone in my dorm or apartment yelling “help.”
Talk to a friend who I suspect is in an abusive relationship.
Talk to a friend who I suspect has been a victim of a crime.
Get help and resources for friend who tells me they have been raped.
Get help and resources for a friend who tells me that they have been a victim of a crime.
Able to ask a stranger who looks very upset if they are OK or need help.
Criticize a friend who tells me they had sex with someone who was passed out or who didn’t give consent.
Do something to help a very drunk person who is being taken to a bedroom by a group of people at a party.
Tell an RA or other campus authority of information I have that might help in a theft case even if pressured by my peers to stay silent.
Tell an RA or other campus authority of information I have that might help in a sexual assault case even if pressured by my peers to stay silent.
Speak up to someone who is making excuses for forcing someone to have sex with them.
Speak up to someone who is making excuses for using physical force in a relationship.
323. D1
Current Age
Asian/Pacific Islander
Native American/Alaska Native
What religion or faith community do you consider yourself a part of?
Roman Catholic
324. D5
Is English your primary language?
325. D6
What is your primary language?
326. D7
Are you an international student?
. D8
Sexual Orientation:
328. D9
Current Marital Status:
Single, never married
Cohabiting/Living together
Do you have any physical disabilities?
329. D11
Do you have any other kind of nonphysical disability?
330. D12
Please specify:
331. D13
Anything else you care to add or mention regarding campus safety or well-being?
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