Gratis Non-profit Enquête-sjablonen + Vragenlijsten

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Gratis Enquête-sjablonen en Vragenlijsten voor non-profitorganisaties

QuestionPro biedt gratis voorbeeldvragen en enquête-sjablonen aan voor non-profitorganisaties. Gebruik deze online enquêtesjablonen om feedback te verzamelen van donateurs, vrijwilligers en andere belanghebbenden. Verzamel ervaringen van evenementdeelnemers, verzamel feedback van donateurs of voer een interne enquête uit onder vrijwilligers en medewerkers om gegevens te verzamelen over verschillende onderwerpen. Deze gratis voorbeeldvragen voor non-profit enquêtes meten ook de efficiëntie waarmee de fondsen worden ingezameld bij donateurs en helpen non-profitorganisaties om meer evenementen op regelmatige basis te organiseren. Bepaal de interesses en vaardigheden van de vrijwilligers, zodat ze een passende rol kunnen krijgen.

This event registration survey template for non-profit organizations serves as a registration form to register people for a certain event. It collects the event registration details such as time and the location of the event and proves to be a convenient source for the non-profit event organizers.

This donation request survey template helps non-profit organizations to get more insights into the donors view about their organization. The online donation request survey questionnaire also helps them to engage better with their donors and is completely free!

With a non-profit event participation survey template, it gets easier to track the participants and connect with them during an event. You can also get to know what are the factors influencing them to participate in non-profit events using this event participation survey questionnaire.

Whenever a non-profit organization conducts an event, it is essential for the organizations to connect with its participants and ask them event exit questions to learn about their experience. Hence a non-profit event exit survey template serves its purpose by getting all the relevant information such as how did they hear about the event and their thoughts on the same before they leave.

This sponsorship survey template helps non-profit organizations conduct more events on a regular basis. This free online sponsorship form survey questionnaire will also help non-profit organizations to build sponsors.

This mentoring programs survey template helps non-profit organizations help their students to participate in mentoring activities and be a beacon of light to a younger or disabled individual. The sample mentoring program survey questionnaire collects information regarding their experience with the program and how do they learn about mentoring activities with non-profit organizations.

This fundraising feedback survey template is used to measure the efficiency at which the funds are collected from the donors of non-profit organizations. You can also get their feedback using this sample fundraising feedback survey questionnaire.

This alumni survey template allows non-profit organizations to get contact information from their alumni members. Using this sample online alumni survey questionnaire, non-profits can also stay in touch with their past members and strengthen the relationship with them.

Stakeholders are the backbone of charity and nonprofit organizations. This nonprofit stakeholder survey template is solely dedicated to collect insights from your stakeholders. Gather information from stakeholders regarding their main focus areas, annual budget, and current service area, and make business decisions based on actionable data.

This sample survey questions for non-profit volunteer enrollment serves its purpose as a source to collect inputs from the volunteers. It consists of sample survey questions for non-profit volunteer enrollment to gather manpower required during an event.

This member satisfaction survey template is targeted towards all the existing members and donors of non-profit organizations. It is a useful way of maintaining customer relationships by understanding their thoughts and getting feedback about the functionality of the organization. This free online member satisfaction survey template helps non-profit organizations to measure the contentment levels amongst its members.

This volunteer satisfaction survey template is targeted towards all the existing volunteers of a non-profit organization. It is the easiest way of maintaining a relationship with volunteers by understanding their thoughts and getting their feedback. This free online member satisfaction survey template helps non-profit organizations to measure the contentment levels amongst its volunteers.

This volunteer interests and skills survey will allow the event organizers to determine the interests and skills of the volunteers and assigns their role in the organization accordingly. Based on their preferences collected through this free online volunteer interests and skills survey questionnaire, volunteers will be assigned roles that match their choices.

This counselor survey template lets the non-profit organizations analyze their members before they hire a team for counseling. The sample counselor survey questionnaire gathers information pertaining to their comfortable working hours and previous experience working as a counselor.

The parent survey template is directed towards parents who would like to volunteer for non-profit events and be a part of the same. These free online sample non-profit survey questions check if the parents were aware of the goals of the event and if they had clearly understood what was expected from them.