Gratis Psychografische & Demografische Enquêtes: Vragen & Sjablonen

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Psychografische & Demografische Enquêtes

Gratis psychografische & demografische enquêtes van QuestionPro. Alle psychografische enquêtesjablonen en demografische enquêtesjablonen zijn gemaakt door onderzoekers met expertise in demografisch en psychografisch onderzoek.

Wat zijn psychografieën? Psychografieën beschrijven menselijke eigenschappen zoals hobby's, interesses, voorkeuren en antipathieën, aspiraties, waarden, levensstijl of fysiologische neigingen. Deze psychografische enquêtevragen en enquêtesjablonen helpen u om menselijke eigenschappen en neigingen nauwkeurig te meten voor onderzoek.

Wat zijn demografische gegevens? Demografische gegevens zijn statistische gegevens van de menselijke bevolking die hun leeftijd, etniciteit, burgerlijke staat, opleiding, geslacht, inkomen, enz. beschrijven. Deze demografische enquêtesjablonen en voorbeelden van demografische enquêtevragen helpen u om nauwkeurige demografische informatie van uw publiek te verzamelen.

Deze sjablonen bestaan uit enquêtevragen en vragenlijsten die onbevooroordeeld zijn, gericht op het verkrijgen van geweldige enquêteresultaten en automatisch kunnen worden geanalyseerd als u QuestionPro gebruikt. U kunt ze als referentievoorbeeld of voorbeeldonderzoek gebruiken, of ze rechtstreeks in een enquête gebruiken. Kies gewoon een sjabloon naar keuze en ga meteen aan de slag.

Apparel shopping lifestyle survey template by QuestionPro is designed with questions and examples for understanding clothes and clothing fashion amongst buyers. It has a number of questions to understand consumer behavior and psychology while purchasing clothes and clothing items. This questionnaire consists of questions about the quality of merchandise, willingness to spend money to buy those items, factors influencing the purchasing habit of consumers and similar questions.

General shopping demographics survey template by QuestionPro is created with an objective of understanding the demographics and shopping characteristics of consumers. This questionnaire includes a list of demographic questions and examples to get detailed information about buyers. In this sample survey templates questions are based on age, occupation, household income, purchasing habit etc.

Life attitude survey template by QuestionPro consisting of questions related to life attitude: your way of viewing life. This questionnaire has 25 questions that help you get a better idea and clarity on what are your views on your life and speculate your nature of being. In this questionnaire, there are questions about personal preferences and how you view society in general. This survey template is more self-exploratory and aims at providing a better understanding towards self.

Leisure time activities survey questions with sample questionnaire template consist of 18 questions and examples that help identify what people like to do for fun during their spare time. This sample survey template comprises questions about leisure activities like going for a swim, playing a sport, playing cards, and other recreational activities that people like to undertake and the frequency at which they do these activities. This questionnaire can be customized to suit the needs of a researcher.

Life values survey template by QuestionPro comprises of questions and examples that help in understanding which are the most important life goals. Every person has different goals and aspirations that he/she would like to accomplish. In this sample survey template, a series of attributes related to life goals are listed. In this questionnaire one can choose carefully, after much deliberation and can mark the most important option to understand their goals in life.

Altruism-gift giving survey template by QuestionPro consists of questions and examples about selfless gift-giving behavior. This sample survey template is designed to accommodate questions regarding giving gifts to someone without any occasion to make a person happy. In this questionnaire are statements regarding gift-giving behavior. Respondents need to choose from options best suited to them to understand their reason for gifting.

TV Newspaper usage survey templates by QuestionPro comprises of questions and examples about newspapers you read and time you spend on watching television. This sample survey template, can be used by researchers to send it to respondents to understand their newspaper reading habits and time they like to spend on weekdays and weekend watching television. This questionnaire can be customized and more questions can be added as per the needs of the researcher and desired final outcome from the survey.

Online purchasing survey template is a demographic survey template that consists of 15 plus questions related to online purchasing behavior of consumers. This sample survey template has questions that ask about the internet retailer from which buyers prefer to make regular purchases and why. This questionnaire has systematic answer options from which respondents can choose from and best indicate online purchasing habits.

Consumer Demographics and interests survey template is a demographic questionnaire that consists of questions to understand interests among various households. This sample survey template, has questions related to household size, yearly income, what activities do people in the household like to do whenever they have free time. This questionnaire can be customized and more similar questions can be added to it to know demographic interests and hobbies. Survey creator can add questions that are closely related to the subject and obtain meaningful survey insights.

Use this lifestyle survey template to research the lifestyle habits and preferences of households from different backgrounds. Learn more about their credit card usage, residence, interests and the activities they enjoy on a regular basis.

Business Demographics Survey Template has demographic questions and example that can help a surveyor obtain information about the company size, job profile, locations etc. This sample survey has 4 questions and more questions can be added to this survey. This questionnaire is an example of a short survey template. This survey template gains understanding about an organization's business portfolio.

Internet/ Website demographic survey template by QuestionPro comprises of questions and examples that aim at finding out the internet usage of consumers. This questionnaire has demographic questions that help a surveyor understand his/her target audience. This sample survey template has 33 questions and can be customized based on the needs of a surveyor. It also has questions that help get a complete insight into how much a person spends on internet bills, what are the websites they frequently visit, how long have they been using the internet etc.

Control of your life survey template by QuestionPro asks questions about people's perceptions of and involvement in events affecting everyday life, from political issues to workplace preferences. This sample survey has question types and examples to understand an individual's understanding of their believes and perceptions about life in general. Read the questionnaire carefully and respond to it by expressing the extent to which you believe the statement describes your personality, your beliefs, and your preferences. There are a total of 57 questions in this survey.

Business Demographics Survey Template by QuestionPro is designed to carry demographic questions and examples that help gain information on occupation, the primary area of business, job function and description, organization's gross income, etc. This sample survey template consists of 14 questions. This questionnaire can be customized based on the needs of the surveyor. In this sample survey template, one can add or delete questions from this survey to best suit their needs. It has well-defined answer options to get meaningful insights from respondents.

Demographic Survey Template is designed by experts with as many relevant demographic question examples. These survey questions can be used by anyone who needs to collect demographic information. Demographic data collection can be a bit sensitive. Questions need to be framed in a manner keeping in mind that it should not hurt the sentiments of others. This sample survey can be customized and used to suit the needs of a researcher.

Following are the questions to gather demographic information about the respondent.

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender (LGBT) media survey template consists of questions for evaluating and understanding the reach of media and its use by the LGBT community. This sample questionnaire template was created by industry experts to bring you insightful responses about how the community attitude in general towards the LGBT community be improved. It consists of multiple survey questions that collect demographics information and in-depth information about the perception of the LGBT community and their if the use of media can alter that perception.

Personality survey template is designed by a team of experts to assess behavior and personality preferences of people. This sample survey template consists of survey questions that will help distinguish abilities from personality. This questionnaire has questions that will help in helping you relate with others feelings, approach your problems, deal with feelings and understand your personality.

Personality survey has become common in the workplace and is deployed to understand the workforce. Research has shown personality questionnaire is a robust predictor of job performance and are used for both screening and deployment process. Not just in organizations but also in schools and colleges, a personality survey helps the management understand if any student, in particular, is facing a tough time which can lead to any violent outcomes.

This questionnaire has no right or wrong answers. The survey is used to simply gauge traits and discover one’s personality.

The sleep survey template consists of various survey questions that collects data from a respondent about sleeping habits and causes and reasons of poor sleep in general. This survey consists of various survey questions aiming to understand the frequency of poor sleep and all the factors that cause it. It also collects feedback about the frequency of bad sleep and a respondent’s perceived reasons of sleeplessness. This questionnaire was also created by experts to understand from a respondent, the situations in which they would fall asleep rather than just feel tired or fatigued.

Communication style survey template is designed to help you discover your preferred style of communication. This sample survey template is designed with two question types: questions based on communication and based on personality. This questionnaire is curated by a team of experts and can be customized to suit the need of the one deploying the survey. This survey template will help you pinpoint the experiences that will help you determine your communication style.

The key benefits of understanding a person’s style of communication is you can help them help build their personality, communication is an important aspect when it comes to professional and personal life, an individual can improve on their abilities to communicate and much more.

The youth crime survey template consists of various survey questions that aim to collect feedback from a respondent about the crimes conducted in society. This sample questionnaire consists of in-depth questions that enlist the reasons for the high crime rate among youth and the different ways to mitigate them. It can also be tweaked to profile the reasons that a crime is conducted and if there is any fix of its negative impact on society.

Profile survey questions is a questionnaire which aims to identify the demographic data points of respondents and to check if they satisfy all the required checklists for the research, and hence to verify eligibility.

Such a survey also helps businesses, government organizations, social scientists and academicians to identify and profile vast markets / geographies. Once profiling survey is complete, further research using additional survey questionnaires can be conducted on the most eligible group of respondents that meet certain criteria's based on their profiles and therefore, collect the most accurate responses and derive better insights.

For example: A high end women’s fashion clothing company wants to find out what are the opinions of the general population about their clothing products? A Profile survey will play an important role here to find out the right audience that can give the company valuable information. Answering questions like gender, age, household income, interests will enable to shortlist only those respondents who represent the company’s target market.

Following are the questions to to find out the eligibility of a respondent to the predetermined parameters of an ideal target group.

Death Penalty questions and sample survey questionnaire helps to collect feedback and opinion regarding the penalty. In this survey template, questions are asked based on previous experience with violence and crime and what they feel about anyone receiving this punishment. This sample survey template has 30+ questions which are selected by the expert after in-depth research.

The death penalty is the harshest form of punishment in many countries across the globe. However, it depends on the nature and severity of the crime. The Law and order of the country decide whether an individual should deserve this punishment or not. According to Wikipedia, as of June 2, 2020, six inmates have been executed in the United States.

Below are the questions to collect feedback regarding the death penalty:

Drunk Driving Survey Questions Template is designed to collect feedback from people regarding their opinions of drunk driving. This sample survey template consists of 15 questions that help an individual express their free opinion about the ones who risk others lives through this act. This questionnaire can be customized and more questions can be added to suit the needs of researchers. This survey template will help receive first-hand responses on what the common people think about law enforcement against drunk driving.

People driving under the influence of alcohol are called drunk drivers. When charged with this crime the driver is charged under Driving Under the Influence (DUI). Studies have been performed in the past to understand the common attributes among drunk drivers to know what leads them to this behavior. In America alone, 17,000 lives are consumed every year due to drunk driving. This is a huge loss for the families of the victim. In some cases where the victim survives this might lead to trauma and other mental health disorders.

Below are the questions related to drunk driving:

Boredom prone survey questions template is created to collect feedback from individuals about their own relationship with boredom. This template consists of a survey to take when you are bored and measures on a 7-point rating scale. This sample survey template consists of 30+ questions and can be easily customized. You can add more questions or update existing questionnaire including the options and boredom measurement scale.

Boredom is a psychological and emotional state of mind when an individual is left with no activity to do or has experienced a period of dullness. There is no universal definition of boredom. People get tired of doing the same thing in the same manner for a very long period of time and might get bored of it. It is a mental state that leaves them craving relief.

Below are the questions related to boredom proneness:

Bipolar survey template consists of questions that help a medical professional understand whether an individual is showing symptoms of bipolar disorder. This is a self-explanatory questionnaire that even an individual can use to analyze his/her state of mind. This sample survey template can be customized and a number of questions can be added to suit the need of the researcher.

Bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that results in unusual shifts in moods, activity level, quality of work, sleeping pattern and more. An individual who is experiencing bipolar disorder can be extremely happy at one moment and extremely sad the next second. The variations are extreme and irrational. Timely and proper diagnosis can help get treatment in time and lead to a healthy and productive life.

Psychology Survey Questions are survey questions asked to understand traits, patterns, or conditions that are affecting the respondent's behavior. Psychology survey questions enable the researcher to understand why people act the way they do when exposed to certain situations. It allows the researcher to determine the triggers for certain behaviors, patterns, and traits that can shed light into the psyche of an individual.

Using such survey questions, a psychologist can suggest treatments to help people improve many things such as decision making, stress management, anger management, Self-esteem, confidence, build stronger relationships, and many more positive things in life.

Following are a few generic psychology survey questions that can help understand behaviors, find patterns, assess traits and determine triggers for certain behaviors.