Gratis Reizenquêtes: Vragen & Sjablonen

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QuestionPro is de leider in reizenquêtes. Deze reizenquêtevragenlijsten zijn gemaakt met uitgebreide richtlijnen van experts uit de reisindustrie, waardoor ze zeer geoptimaliseerd zijn en gericht zijn op het leveren van de beste kwaliteit enquêteresultaten. De sjablonen omvatten evaluatie van luchtvaartdiensten, reisbeoordeling, vluchtenquête en een algemeen sjabloon voor reizenquêtes. U kunt deze sjablonen ook gebruiken als enquêtevoorbeelden of -monsters. Of kies gewoon een sjabloon naar keuze, maak indien nodig uw aanpassingen en stuur het rechtstreeks naar uw doelgroep. Aan de slag!

Airline Service Evaluation Survey Template offers questions to evaluate all aspects of air travel service. In order to improve the flying experience, most airlines prefer taking inputs for questionnaires. This sample contains a list of comprehensive questions that can help in gathering feedback about scope of improvement in terms of time management, food quality or customer service.

Travel Survey Questions template analyzes the purpose of the trip, service problem identification, and overall satisfaction of a travel industry customer. This sample questionnaire has a thorough list of questions that can provide travel organization insights on how to improve the respondent's travel experience. A couple of examples from this questionnaire are "What is the purpose of your travel?", "Describe the nature of your trip," etc.

According to the recent study by the Social Toaster, by 2022, it's estimated that total travel gross bookings will hit $440 billion.

Travel Tour Evaluation Survey Template offers questions the evaluate the entire tour experience and willingness to recommend. Survey creators can edit the questionnaire sample according to the exact purpose of the survey. For example, asking the customers to provide feedback about the food arrangements during the tour can help the travel company to serve their future customers better.

Airline flight survey template offers questions for aircraft evaluation, flight selection, amenities, and in-flight service. This sample questionnaire can be used to let passengers share their flight experience so that the airlines can gather actionable intelligence. For example, asking the customers to provide feedback on the in-flight arrangements can help the airline serve their future customers better.
Use this free airline flight survey template as it is or customize it to suit your needs.