The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a data security and privacy law in the European Union and the European Economic Area. It also applies to the transfer of personal data outside the EU and EEA areas.
Even before GDPR came into effect on May 25, 2018, QuestionPro maintained practices that secured our users' as well as the respondents' data. However, we have used GDPR as an opportunity to ensure our platform complies with the Government's data regulations.
QuestionPro is GDPR compliant survey software that collects, stores, and processes personal data of your respondents as per the law.
Protecting your survey data is an integral part of conducting research. We manage and protect your valuable data and information assets so that you can focus on gaining insights and making the right decisions.
Data Protection (DP) officer: Organizations collecting data from EU citizens are needed to have a Data Protection (DP) officer, representing the organization in any security or privacy issues. With the QuestionPro platform, you can add the name and contact details of your organization's DP officer.
Data retention policy: Companies must make it clear how long the data collected will be retained. QuestionPro has an indefinite retention period as long as your account is active and paid in full. After the cancellation of your account, we have a 30-day grace period, post which all the data will be removed from our servers.
Right to look at survey data: QuestionPro users can download survey data and metadata associated with the user while collecting their responses. They can view and download survey data in PDF and JSON format.
Right to be forgotten: Users can request to delete individual or all survey responses and 'forget' their user data, including cookies.
For more details, refer QuestionPro: GDPR compliant survey software.