An Image chooser question is a choice based, easy to understand question type, that prompts respondents to pick the best image(s) that suit their answer.
Surveys can get boring and long when they need you to select options, look simple, and have open-ended questions. Respondents drop from such long and tiring surveys. You can change that with the image chooser. The image chooser question is similar to the regular multiple-choice or single-select question type, except the answer choices are images.
Researchers can create an engaging environment and capture more accurate responses to the survey with this question type. It becomes easy for the respondent to choose an image answer rather than read every answer option. This helps gather better actionable survey results. The image choice question can be used both as a ‘single-select’ and a ‘multi-select’ question.
Researchers use the image chooser question when they need to collect choice based responses with the help of images and pictures. More accurate results are collected especially when the target audience is diverse.
Display images and decide whether respondents must choose a single answer option or choose multiple answer options. Let’s look at them individually.
Allow respondents to choose one image from the given options that best suits their answer response.
Example of an image chooser question with the single select answer option
For example, a new coffee brand wants to understand the type of coffee preferred by residents in a particular town. They can use the image chooser (select one) question to create an engaging survey for their population.
Allow respondents to choose multiple images from the given options that best suit their answer response.
Example of an image chooser question with multi-select answer options
For example, a coffee brand wants to know what different types of coffee is preferred by residents in a particular town. They can use the image chooser (multi-select) question to ask respondents for their choices.
Image chooser (select one) questions are simply single-select questions, but with the added advantage to using images as the answer option. Let’s look at the advantages:
Very engaging: Surveys that contain images as their answer options rather than text are more fun to answer. As they are highly engaging, image rating questions tend to get a higher response rate.
Simple to understand: Selecting image answer options over text answer options is preferred by the survey takers. This helps them give quality feedback.
Higher data collection: Because of its engaging nature, more respondents tend to answer this question type. Respondents get bored with questions having only text and providing them with image answer options will increase the volume of responses.
Easy to create a question: Image choosing questions are fairly easy to create. The researcher just needs to replace text-based answers with images.
High-quality responses: Image choosing questions get better quality responses due to their high level of engagement. Respondents keep away from straight-lining, or randomly selecting the answers.
Look at our help file on the image choice survey question to learn how to set up and use this survey feature.