Multimedia in surveys


Adding multimedia files in the surveys

Online research allows marketers to collect feedback on visual content, such as static pictures and streaming video, at a far lower cost than other methods such as in-person interviews or focus groups. With the growth of high-speed internet access, more respondents can view visual content without the frustration of slow downloading times.

It can get difficult for the survey takers to read through a large block of text. Images, audio, and video questions reduce survey fatigue and offer an excellent experience while taking a survey.

QuestionPro allows you to upload multimedia files in surveys to make it more engaging for your participants. You can collect data on a wide range of subjects as compared to traditional plain text questions.

You can upload the below files to the QuestionPro media library.

The media library is a repository of all the uploaded images, documents, and other media files. They can be accessed and used anywhere across the QuestionPro platform.

Learn more: Supported formats and limits for image and multimedia files

You can also insert HTML tags in the survey text or rich content editor and specify the source of the multimedia file.

Example of images in a survey

Consider a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) company such as Pluralsight or Udemy that imparts online education. They teach students using instructor-led tutorials. Such organizations can collect feedback on videos and ask for suggestions on improving the quality of courses.

Example of multimedia in surveys using multimedia in surveys

Ways to use multimedia in the surveys

You can turn your surveys into a visual medium to collect insights from your target audience. Some of the ways you can insert images and other multimedia files to improve respondents' experience and create an excellent survey are:

Learn more: Headers and footers in surveys

Note: QuestionPro users own the intellectual property rights of the multimedia files they upload. We do not monitor the uploaded content. If the content infringes on someone's trademark, copyright, patent, or trade secret, it is the user's responsibility and liability.

Multimedia options

Uses of multimedia in surveys

Advantages of adding multimedia in surveys

How to add multimedia in your surveys?

Learn how to set up and use this feature with our help file on the media library.

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