Multiple choice: select one


What is a multiple choice: select one question?

A multiple-choice select one question type is a type of question where the respondent is asked to select one answer option from the given list of choices.

Typically, the multiple-choice question consists of a stem, key, and distractors. The question or the problem statement is the stem, correct answers forms the key and all other options are known as distractors.

All the answer options must be clear, distinct, and plausible. Providing answer options that are mutually exclusive and can stand-alone will help in getting honest feedback. Avoid double-barreled questions as it will make it difficult for you to come up with precise answer options and will confuse respondents leading them to provide vague replies.

Example of a multiple choice select one question

Multiple choice select one questions are the best choice when there can be only one answer.

Multiple choice select one

Uses of multiple choice single select question

Advantages of using multiple choice: select one questions in surveys

How to add a multiple choice: single select question in your surveys

Check out our multiple choice single one help document for a better understanding of how it works.

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