Easy to print paper surveys


What is a paper survey?

A questionnaire printed on paper is called a paper survey. Paper questionnaires might seem outdated, but many market researchers still use them.

Online tools let you distribute your research questionnaires on paper apart from mediums like email, QR code, mobile app, website, and social media sites. Paper-based surveys increase response rates and target difficult to reach audiences.

Sometimes a physical copy of a questionnaire is shared with people who may not have access to an online version. A paper survey creator allows you to be able to print your questionnaire in its entirety or export it to word or pdf.

Paper based questionnaires give all targeted participants equal opportunity to respond. You can also print to applications like OneNote, Google Drive, and others installed on your machine. A printable survey maker also lets you print responses on paper.

If you don't want to print the list of questions, you can save it as a PDF. You can change the destination to 'Save as PDF'. Market researchers use a paper survey scanner to scan the questionnaire and digitize the responses. Once they move the answers online, the survey software can generate statistical reports. You can export these to excel, pdf, or SPSS formats.

Example of a printable paper survey

Assume you need to print a course evaluation survey. The print preview will show all the questions along with their response options.

paper surveys

If you don't have a printer configured on your machine, it will choose an application installed on your computer best suited to write the file.

How to use a paper survey software?

  1. Create a survey on the survey platform

    To create a printable paper survey using software, design a research using basic and advanced question types. At this stage, you can change the fonts, color, header, and footer to match the tone of your brand. As paper-based surveys do not support logic and programming, make sure to include questions that are relevant to your target audience.

  2. Print the survey

    Preview your design before printing the survey. It gives an idea of how it will actually look on paper. You can select the number of copies, layout, color, paper size, pages per sheet, and more.

  3. Distribute the printed questionnaire

    Distribute the forms and collect feedback from your audience.

  4. Collect data

    Collect paper surveys marked with the responses. Make sure to check the respondents have answered mandatory questions.

  5. Upload data

    Download the “Import Data” template and enter the responses manually. After data entry, upload the template back into QuestionPro Surveys to import external survey data.

  6. Analyze data

    Analyze responses, generate reports and export them as .pdf, .xls or .doc. You can also share the reports with your team or on social media platforms.

Uses of a printed paper survey

Advantages of paper surveys

Points to keep in mind while using paper surveys

How to print paper surveys?

Learn how to set up and use this feature with our help file on print survey.

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