Phone support


What is phone support for surveys?

Get queries about the survey, resolved. This is the quickest way to resolve issues without worrying about having to send lengthy emails or providing any written communication.

Examples of phone support for surveys

When a research firm is looking to conduct research studies, it is efficient for them to use phone support and talk to a customer service representative. In this case, the resolution is almost real-time, and follow-up questions get asked immediately. This support method reduces the time to troubleshoot, diagnose, and come up with solutions to the problem.

Uses of phone support for surveys

The primary use of phone support is to have a direct verbal line of communication with the survey platform specialists. Talking to the right people when the need arises negates the necessity of holding off on survey deployments or any other issues that occur in the research process.

Advantages of phone support for surveys

How to use phone support with surveys

To access phone support with your surveys, please read our detailed help-file on how to use phone support.

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