Show or hide survey questions

image logics

What is the show or hide logic in surveys?

The show or hide logic for survey questions allows users to control the visibility of questions based on specific criteria or answer options chosen in the previous question.

This technique is highly efficient to improve the flow of the survey questionnaire and customize it to make it relevant to the respondents.

Example of a question using the show/hide logic

Consider a mobile phone dealer who wants to conduct a customer feedback survey and ask the respondents to select their favorite phone brand and share their experiences. The user will customize the survey such that if respondents choose Apple', then the next question should be related to ‘Apple’, and the questions related to other brands must be hidden.


After applying the show/hide logic, the next question will be:


Using show/hide questions logic in surveys

This logic works when a page break is added between the triggering question and the question to be skipped or shown based on the logic. It can be applied to all the questions except the last one.

Below are some of the logic options that might help you better design your survey.

Uses of the show/hide logic in surveys

Advantage of show or hide question logic in surveys

How to use the show or hide question logic in your surveys?

Learn how to set up and use this feature with our help file on show/hide question.

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