Survey introduction and acceptance checkbox


What is a survey introduction?

The introduction text with an acceptance checkbox is used by researchers for survey introduction at the beginning of the survey. It generally is the first page of the survey that the respondent looks at before taking the actual survey.

The introduction text is used by the researcher to introduce the project, state the purpose of the survey, describe the rules, give a disclaimer statement, give some background on the research study, or any message that he/she wishes to convey to the potential respondents.

The acceptance checkbox is used to record and validate the respondent's consent about sharing information and taking the survey. This feature is optional, but if set-up by the researcher, has to get consent from the survey taker to proceed.

Uses of the introduction text survey question

It is good practice to use the introduction text. It gives researchers the opportunity to introduce themselves, share the idea of research, give a disclaimer, assure respondents regarding data risks, etc.

Researchers use the acceptance checkbox to record consent regarding the privacy policy or the terms and conditions of taking online surveys.

Example of the introduction text and acceptance checkbox

Let's assume a researcher is conducting research on alcohol. It could happen that not everybody who receives the survey invitation consumes alcohol. These persons will not be able to answer all the questions, or may even feel uncomfortable to answer the questions. The acceptance checkbox takes the consent of the survey taker and moves ahead only of the respondent is comfortable or willing to take the survey.

Introduction text example


Advantages of the introduction text survey question

Here are the advantages of the introduction text with acceptance checkbox section:

How to use the drag and drop question type?

Look at our help file on the introduction text survey question with an acceptance checkbox to learn how to set up and use this survey feature.

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