InsightsHub is a dedicated and searchable repository of ALL your insights data, research methods, and project lifecycles. No more siloed research or under-utilized insights. And no more knowledge disappearing when team members leave. It's like a CRM for insights!
• Searchable project database
• Unlimited viewer access
• Easy-to-use interface
Create a project, then link a survey (or other tool) to that project. When research is complete, store key findings and nuggets inside each project – easy to find later on and link with other projects.
• Update project status
• Monitor activity team-wide
• Customize project workflows
Smart-tagging, deep search, and knowledge graphing make it possible to generate insights from across your entire database. Connect projects together to discover meta-themes and cross-project trends that take your research to the next level.
• Visualize cross-project relationships
• Deep-search notes and files
• Meta-tags for enhanced graphing
Integrate with your current research ecosystem and technology stack to make organizing your insights a breeze!
Supporting 50+ languages, including double byte character-sets such as Chinese and Japanese, and Right-To-Left languages like Arabic and Hebrew.
Our research platform is compliant with federal and local regulations including GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA, Section 508, etc. for worry-free research.
With accessible information and a single source of truth, your organization can access and understand the data with no barriers to the decision-making process and uncover new opportunities for your organization.
View and manage projects with a consolidated platform to organize, explore, search and discover all your research data in one organized repository.
Uncover insights with analytics and statistics that matter. Create reporting dashboards that are easy to read and distribute to stakeholders that can make the most impact.