Webinar Qualitative Research vs Quantitative Research
  • Dan Fleetwood, President, Research and Insights QuestionPro

Different methods exist to collect research - broadly speaking they can be broken into Quantitative and Qualitative. Knowing which to use when, is important, and more accurately - how. Why is what sampling method more relevant, how can this data help you? Once these questions are answered, it will be easier to build more meaningful research, and get closer to your objective.

This QuestionPro Academic focused webinar delves into the differences of Qualitative and Quantitative research and how you can achieve this using the QuestionPro research platform. We spoke about Heatmap and Hotspot analysis, card sorting, online focus groups using video discussions and even a beta feature coming soon, LiveCast that uses NLP to build real-time analytics from video survey questions. Our speaker was Dan Fleetwood, the President for Research and Insights at QuestionPro.

  • doneThe differences between Qualitative and Quantitative research
  • doneVan Westendorp vs. Gabor-Granger, and which is the right method for you?
  • doneHeatmap and Hotspot analysis
  • doneCard Sorting and Video as a form of research


Speaker: Dan Fleetwood, President, Research and Insights, QuestionPro

Top questions & answers from this webinar
Q: Should qualitative research be nearly always followed by quantitative research to confirm?

Answer: I think it depends on a couple different things, but typically the pattern that I see is people do qualitative research to figure out sort of the why behind it, get more of those open ended insights and more brainstorming feedback. Then you can structure that and then do the quantitative research, although that's not always necessary, you can certainly do quantitative research without doing qualitative research. You can do qualitative research without doing quantitative. But if you're gonna if you want to use the two typically if you have like an idea or concept you would do qualitative research in the form of focus groups and then based on those results, put them together into a more of a quantitative study send that out after you have some of those ideas. It could be around different products different concepts, maybe could be around all of those different things, but that's typically the flow that I mean that that I learned and that that I see in the marketplace.

Q: What special equipment do we need in order to be able to capture what part of an image, someone is paying the most attention to?

Answer: So the way that we do heat maps is you don't need any special equipment. Essentially with the mouse, and this varies in a mobile, on the screen, they can highlight the area and then that gets saved and then we use that to derive natural you know analysis for the for the heat map so there's no special equipment. We don't have. I know that there's some companies that offer like eye-tracking and things like that. That's not something that we do one because, you know, we don't have the hardware capability, being a software company. But the way that we, the way that we do it is by using the mouse to either point and click or drag highlighted selection on the image that you have them in a survey.

Q: What are the different types of qualitative data analysis available with QuestionPro?

Answer: So we can do online focus groups. This feature we called Live cast, which is essentially a respondent capturing a video of themselves doing you know whatever tasks that you want them to do. And then applying sentiment and categorization to that. There's also more. There's a chat, like a chat base room that you can use, which actually works pretty well especially if people are on mobile or on the go and you want them to join a chat based online focus group. We also have idea boards, we have this topics boards, which is like an online forum bulletin board type research studies so those are all of the different things that that we can do and then through those there's analysis for each one of those typically it's categorization and sentiment analysis around those because those are, I think, two of the most common that I but I see in the qualitative space.