L'enquête technologique est une enquête approfondie menée auprès d'une faculté d'établissements d'enseignement pour évaluer leur niveau d'utilisation de la technologie et leurs avantages perçus concernant l'utilisation ou la non-utilisation de la technologie. Cet exemple de modèle de questionnaire se compose de diverses questions d'enquête qui sont utilisées pour recueillir des commentaires approfondis sur la portée accrue de l'utilisation de la technologie dans l'éducation. "/>
Modèles enquête University Surveys Questions d'enquête technologique + modèle de questionnaire

Questions d'enquête technologique + modèle de questionnaire

L'enquête technologique est menée auprès d'une faculté d'établissements d'enseignement, afin d'évaluer leur niveau d'utilisation de la technologie et leurs avantages perçus quant à l'utilisation ou à la non-utilisation de la technologie. Cet exemple de modèle de questionnaire est utilisé pour découvrir les domaines dans lesquels notre personnel souhaite une formation technologique ou un développement professionnel, identifier les problèmes empêchant l'intégration technologique et générer des idées sur la manière dont le comité technologique peut fournir une assistance technologique au personnel. Ces questions d'enquête peuvent être utilisées par la direction de tout établissement d'enseignement pour identifier les lacunes et accroître l'adoption de la technologie dans le processus éducatif.

1. French (Français) translation missing for : Please rate your own technology skills according to the scale. Please select one for each question.
French (Français) translation missing for : Learner:
I am not sure how to do this task.
French (Français) translation missing for : Basic:
I have done this before, but might need some help.
French (Français) translation missing for : Proficient:
I can perform this task without any assistance.
French (Français) translation missing for : Advanced:
I could train staff to do this.
French (Français) translation missing for : Create a functioning web page with Microsoft Word.
French (Français) translation missing for : Map a network drive to my web folder (or team web folder, if applicable)
French (Français) translation missing for : Connect and use the Smartboard
French (Français) translation missing for : Connect and use an LCD projector with my laptop
French (Français) translation missing for : Connect and use the CPS (Classroom Performance System) software
French (Français) translation missing for : Create lessons or assessments in the CPS (Classroom Performance System) software
French (Français) translation missing for : Take digital pictures and download them to my computer
French (Français) translation missing for : Take digital video and download it to my computer
French (Français) translation missing for : Analyze data and create graphs in Microsoft Excel
French (Français) translation missing for : Save files so they can be opened in different software versions (i.e. Word 97 vs. Word 2000)
2. French (Français) translation missing for : How often do you integrate these technologies into your instruction or materials?Please select one for each question.
French (Français) translation missing for : Regularly
At least once per week
French (Français) translation missing for : Frequently
At least once per month
French (Français) translation missing for : Occasionally
At least once per quarter
French (Français) translation missing for : Seldom
At least once per semester
French (Français) translation missing for : Rarely
At least once per year
French (Français) translation missing for : Never
Never use it
French (Français) translation missing for : Have students use the computer lab
French (Français) translation missing for : Present lessons using an LCD projector
French (Français) translation missing for : Use the Smartboard to instruct
French (Français) translation missing for : Use the CPS (Classroom Performance System) with your students
French (Français) translation missing for : Have students use the Internet as part of their lesson
French (Français) translation missing for : Use a classroom webpage that you created for your students
French (Français) translation missing for : Have students create graphic organizers in Inspiration
French (Français) translation missing for : Have students use a digital camera for their projects
French (Français) translation missing for : Have students use a video camera for their projects
French (Français) translation missing for : Have students create PowerPoint presentations
French (Français) translation missing for : Regularly
At least once per week
French (Français) translation missing for : Frequently
At least once per month
French (Français) translation missing for : Occasionally
At least once per quarter
French (Français) translation missing for : Seldom
At least once per semester
French (Français) translation missing for : Rarely
At least once per year
French (Français) translation missing for : Never
Never use it
French (Français) translation missing for : Have students type papers in Word
French (Français) translation missing for : Have students use Excel to analyze or graph data
French (Français) translation missing for : Have students take assessment online
French (Français) translation missing for : Have students use content specific software for teaching/reinforcing skills
3. French (Français) translation missing for : Please evaluate each of the following statements. Please select one for each question.
French (Français) translation missing for : Strongly Agree
French (Français) translation missing for : Agree
French (Français) translation missing for : Disagree
French (Français) translation missing for : Strongly Disagree
French (Français) translation missing for : I can easily access the available technology in the school when I need it.
French (Français) translation missing for : I feel confident in my ability to integrate multiple technologies into my instruction.
French (Français) translation missing for : Integrating technology is not pertinent to my curriculum.
French (Français) translation missing for : I have a good variety of ideas and lessons for integrating technology into my teaching.
French (Français) translation missing for : The amount of time needed to prepare technology-based lessons deters me from creating them.
French (Français) translation missing for : I believe that integrating technology into my curriculum is important for student success.
French (Français) translation missing for : I am aware of the resources available by the district that can help me learn how to integrate technology.
French (Français) translation missing for : I do not have the technology skills to support the students when they use technology for a project.
French (Français) translation missing for : I am familiar with what technology is available to my students and me in our building.
French (Français) translation missing for : I am familiar with the copyright laws that govern the acceptable use of technology (including using material from the Internet)
Planifiez et intégrez des activités d'apprentissage fondées sur la technologie qui favorisent l'engagement des élèves dans des compétences de réflexion d'ordre supérieur.
Utilisez des outils spécifiques au contenu (p. Ex. Logiciels, simulation, calculatrices graphiques, outils Web) pour soutenir l'apprentissage et la recherche.
Demandez à mes élèves d'utiliser la technologie dans le développement de stratégies pour résoudre des problèmes dans le monde réel.
Utilisez une variété de stratégies pour implémenter Internet dans mon programme.
Planifier et enseigner des activités d'apprentissage centrées sur l'élève et des leçons dans lesquelles les élèves appliquent des outils et des ressources technologiques.
Quel est le facteur numéro un qui vous empêche d'intégrer plus de technologie dans vos cours?
Concernant l'utilisation ou l' intégration de la technologie, quel est le domaine dans lequel vous aimeriez le plus recevoir une formation ou un développement professionnel?
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