Anket şablonları Yeni Ürün / Konsept Test Anketleri Consumer Product Registration Survey Template

Consumer Product Registration Survey Template

Consumer Product Registration Survey template has questions regarding product registration, product information, purchasing habit, demographic questions etc. In this age of technology and sophisticated gadgets, there is a boom in consumers purchasing goods online. However, the charm of brick and mortar store still pleases a good percentage of the crowd. By deploying consumer product registration survey to the targeted audience, researchers can understand the preferences and purchasing habits of consumers. By asking key demographic questions, researchers can know reasons for purchasing a product and for whom was the product purchased.

Did you receive this product as a gift?
How did you first discover this product was available for purchase?
What is the one reason you purchased this (product)?
Primarily, for whom was this product purchased?
2 yrs. or younger
3-5 yrs.
6-8 yrs.
9-12 yrs.
13-17 yrs.
18-24 yrs.
25-34 yrs.
35-44 yrs.
45-54 yrs.
55+ yrs.
Your age:
What are the ages of the children in your household? (Check all that apply)
Under 6 mos.
6-11 mos.
1 yr.
2 yrs.
3 yrs.
4 yrs.
5 yrs.
6 yrs.
7 yrs.
8 yrs.
13-17 yrs.
11 yrs.
12 yrs.
9 yrs.
10 yrs.
What is your annual household income?

Why conduct consumer product registration survey?

It is crucial to understand whether a product is a success or failure with consumers, reasons for consumers purchasing the products, demographic segmentation and other such aspects of consumer product registration. Learn about four reasons to conduct a consumer product registration survey-

  • In the last decade or so, the consumer purchasing habits have seen a paradigm shift. Consumers are really smart and they know what they want, so organizations and businesses need to stay one step ahead to know what exactly is going on in consumers head.
  • What better way to know it than to deploy consumer product registration survey template. This survey template consists of questions that systematically covers why a consumer would buy a product, for whom would they want to buy a product, their demographic information and similar questions to get a complete profiling of consumers.
  • This survey template also helps understand the attributes of the product consumers are most interested in and their opinion about aspects they didn’t like or what to change in product.
  • QuestionPro’s consumer product registration survey template is created by experts that help businesses or brands understand what are consumer needs, where do they prefer buying products from, why they need that product etc. By collecting this information businesses can stay ahead in the game and make products that best suit consumer needs.

Best Uses of Consumer Product Registration Survey Template

Now that you know - that information is the key to consumer purchase, it is advisable that this information is obtained in a fairly systematic manner. As mentioned earlier, deploying a survey is one of the best ways to collect information if you are a brand collecting information from target audience can help you understand what your audience needs in terms of product attributes and qualities.

Following are the best use of consumer product registration survey template:

  • This survey can helps a business or a brand reach a specific audience and gain meaningful insights from consumers. It gives access to as many respondents who want to give feedback and share their experiences.
  • Questions in this survey template are systematically placed to collect purchase information from a consumer. Questions based on how did the buyer first discover about the product, reasons for purchasing the product, for whom was the product purchased etc are asked. These questions help gain complete consumer needs.