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Thank you for taking the time to read and click on the survey link you recently received via email. As stated in the email invitation, the surveyors will be donating $10 for each completed survey to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

As an attorney listed as representing a bankruptcy debtor with PACER during 2011, you are invited to participate in a survey to evaluate potential products/services that may be introduced in the coming months. The survey will focus on your use of (or desire to use) technology products and services to manage your bankruptcy caseload.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact the survey team via email at [email protected]

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by answering the question below and clicking on the Continue button.

* Approximately how many unique bankruptcy clients does YOUR FIRM represent each year?
1 - 10
11 - 25
26 - 50
50 - 100
* Do you prepare bankruptcy petitions using a Petition Preparation System such as BestCase, TopForm, EZFiling, Chap7..13, Bankruptcy 2012, etc.?
Which bankruptcy petition preparation program(s) do you currently use?
TopForm (LexisNexis)
Chap 7..13 (Thomson Reuters Westlaw)
Bankruptcy2012 (New Hope Software)
BankruptcyPro (LegalPro Systems)
Other (Please Specify)

Since you do not use a petition preparation program, how do you prepare bankruptcy petitions (select all that apply)?
Download electronic forms from the Court
Purchase up-to-date forms from a vendor
In-house custom petition preparation system
Online service that allows me to fill in petition forms
I do not know, my staff handles petition preparation

How important were any of the following in your decision to NOT purchase a petition preparation program (such as BestCase, TopForm, Chap 7..13, etc.)?
Very Important Neutral Not Important At All N/A
* Price / Too Expensive
* Case Volume Too Low to Justify
* Vendors do not support my Local Forms / Rules
* Practice Management System Handles Petition Preparation
* I Do Not Want/Need Such a Program
How interested would you be in purchasing a (or changing your existing) petition preparation service if it?
Definitely Interested Possibly Interested Not Interested At All
* Offered Case Volume-Based Pricing (i.e. $X / case, no upfront cost)
* Was Securely Hosted on the Internet (Cloud-based)
* Did Not Charge for Additional Users
* Included Free PACER Notification Management
* Included Free Document Management / Storage
* Included Free, Daily Offsite Backup
How often do you direct your consumer clients to a preferred:
Always Occasionally Never I Do Not Represent Consumer Debtors
* Pre-Filing Credit Counseling Agency
* Personal Financial Management Education Provider
* How often do you purchase due diligence products (i.e. credit reports, tax transcripts, valuation reports, asset lien searches, etc.) for your new consumer cases?
Almost Always
Thank you for completing the informational portion of the survey. You are almost done! The remaining questions will take about 5 minutes.

In each of the remaining TEN questions, you are presented with three potential Petition Preparation Solutions and are asked to select the solution which you MOST prefer. While none of the solutions presented may be your IDEAL package, we ask you to pick your MOST PREFERRED of the three solutions presented in each question.

The solutions presented vary across the following attributes:

Price: 100% Free, No Initial Purchase but $XX per case, or $XXX Initial Purchase + $XXX Annual Maintenance Fee

# of Allowed Users: Single User Only, 2-5 Users, or Unlimited Users

System Type: Packaged Software Installed on Your Computer(s) or Online (Cloud, Software as Service (SaaS), etc.)

Offered By: A New (Previously Unknown to You) Provider or an Existing Well-Known Provider (i.e. BestCase, EZ-Filing, TopForm, Chap 7..13, Bankruptcy 2012, or BankruptcyPro, etc.)

Optional PACER Notification Management: Included at No Cost or Available for an Additional Fee. Pacer Notification Management would automatically retrieve and permanently store all Docket Text and associated PACER documents that you receive from the Court.
* Select the Petition Preparation Solution you would be most likely to purchase among the three presented below:
* Select the Petition Preparation Solution you would be most likely to purchase among the three presented below:
* Select the Petition Preparation Solution you would be most likely to purchase among the three presented below:
* Select the Petition Preparation Solution you would be most likely to purchase among the three presented below:
* Select the Petition Preparation Solution you would be most likely to purchase among the three presented below:
* Select the Petition Preparation Solution you would be most likely to purchase among the three presented below:
* Select the Petition Preparation Solution you would be most likely to purchase among the three presented below:
* Select the Petition Preparation Solution you would be most likely to purchase among the three presented below:
* Select the Petition Preparation Solution you would be most likely to purchase among the three presented below:
* Select the Petition Preparation Solution you would be most likely to purchase among the three presented below:
You are done! This is the last page and the two questions below are completely OPTIONAL.
OPTIONAL: Please feel free to provide any other comments, feedback or recommendations that you believe would be assist our research.
OPTIONAL: If you are willing to be contacted by our survey team to discuss this research and/or to provide any other feedback, please provide your contact information and we will contact you.
First Name : 
Last Name : 
Phone : 
Email Address : 
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