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In the past 12 months, how often have you searched online for birth videos?
one or more times a week
1 - 4 times a month
1 - 10 times a year
In the past 12 months, how many birth videos have you watched online?
20 or more
10 - 19
1 - 9
When you search online for birth videos, which of the following types of videos are you looking for? (select all that apply)
natural birth
home birth
water birth
midwife birth
hospital birth

How difficult is it to find what you are looking for when you search online for birth videos?
Very difficult
Somewhat difficult
Very easy
How satisfied are you with the selection of birth videos that you have found online?
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Not satisfied (please say why)
How interested would you be in a subscription to a website that provides convenient, easy access to empowering birth videos selected by a childbirth educator and doula?
Very interested
Somewhat interested
Not interested (please say why)
How much would you be willing to pay for a subscription?
more than $20 a month
$20 a month
$15 a month
$10 a month
less than $10 a month
Not willing to pay (please say why)
Please indicate whether you are (select all that apply):
pregnant or the partner of a pregnant woman
the parent of a baby less than a year old
childbirth educator
none of the above
Other (please specify)

If you are aware of any websites offering a selection of empowering birth videos, please list them.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your answers are valuable to me! Please leave comments or questions in the box, and your email address if you would like a response to your questions and/or would like to receive an email if I decide to launch this website. Asheya Hennessey, B. Ed, Childbirth Educator, Doula [email protected]
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