This free survey is powered by

BOLD: Marketing

Exit Survey
Thanks for participating in our quick 5 minute survey.

We value your experience and we’re interested in learning about your business.

Please provide us with your contact information.
Name : 
Business name & location : 
* What is your MINDBODY software level?
Solo ($30/month)
Grow ($60/mo)
Pro ($85/mo)
Accelerate ($165/mo)
* What is your role at the business?
Front desk/staff

* How long have you been using MINDBODY?
Less than 6 months
6 months to one year
1-2 years
2-3 years
3 years or more
* How long has your business been operating?
Less than 6 months
6 months to one year
1-2 years
2-3 years
3 years or more
Not sure
* Do you regularly dedicate money and/or time to attract new clients to your business?
* What is your reason for not dedicating resources to attract new clients? (Select all that apply)
I don't have a budget for this
I don’t know much about marketing
I haven’t thought about it much
I don't have time
I don’t have the need to get new clients

* How much do you spend per month to bring in new clients?
More than $500
* What tools do you use to bring in new clients? (Select all that apply)
"Free" sources
Client referrals
Referrals from other businesses
Google Places listing
MINDBODY Connect listing
Yelp free listing
Facebook page
Paid sources
Print ads/media
ClassPass listing
Groupon deals
LivingSocial deals
SpaFinder listing
Google adwords
Facebook paid ads
Yelp paid listings
Marketing consulting
Paid client referrals

How successful is each source at bringing in clients who become members or loyal customers?
How do you identify which sources are most successful?  
Mostly just guessing
New customers tell staff and we have a general sense of trends
Referral types in MINDBODY
Tracked on an intake form
Promo codes in MINDBODY
Reporting dashboard in other tools (Yelp, Facebook ads, etc.)

Please estimate how much you spend per month on the following marketing sources, and how many new clients you estimate are brought in via those sources.
$/month # new clients
* Print ads/media
* ClassPass listing
* Groupon deals
* LivingSocial deals
* SpaFinder listing
* Google adwords
* Facebook paid ads
* Yelp paid listings
* Marketing consulting
* Paid client referrals
* Other
Do you have any other feedback to share about MINDBODY?