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BOLD: Marketing v.2

Exit Survey
Thanks in advance for your time! We are interested in learning more about how you do marketing for your business. This survey will take about 5 minutes.
Please provide your contact information.
Your name : 
Business name & location : 
* What is your MINDBODY software level?
Solo ($30/month)
Grow ($60/mo)
Pro ($85/mo)
Accelerate ($165/mo)
* Which of the following best describes your role at the business?
Front desk/staff
* How long have you been using MINDBODY?
Less than 6 months
6 months to one year
1-2 years
2-3 years
3 years or more
* How long has your business been operating?
Less than 6 months
6 months to one year
1-2 years
2-3 years
3 years or more
Not sure
* Do you actively market (spend money and/or time on) your business to attract new clients?
* Why don’t you actively market your business? (Select all that apply)
I don't have a budget for marketing
I don’t know much about marketing
I haven’t thought about it much
I don't have time
I don’t have the need to get new clients

* How much in total, do you spend on marketing each month?
More than $500
* What types of marketing do you do? (Select all that apply)
"Free" sources
Word of mouth
Search engine optimization
MINDBODY Connect listing
Yelp free listing
Facebook page
Paid sources
Print ads/media
ClassPass listing
Groupon deals
LivingSocial deals
SpaFinder listing
Google adwords
Facebook paid ads
Yelp paid listings
Marketing consulting
Press agency

On a scale of 1-5 how successful is each channel at bringing in quality customers (who convert to members, loyal customers, etc.)?
* How do you know which of your marketing efforts are most successful? Give 2-3 examples.
Please estimate how much do you spend per month actively marketing your business through the following channels.  If not applicable, please enter 0.
Print ads/media
Groupon deals
LivingSocial deals
SpaFinder listing
Google adwords
Facebook paid ads
Yelp paid listings
Marketing consulting
Press agency
MINDBODY is exploring the idea of marketing tools to help bring in new customers to your business. For this service, MINDBODY might charge a percentage of each new customer’s first purchase.

Let’s say that MINDBODY delivers a new customer to your business who then purchases a $20 drop in. Please consider the following scenarios for what MINDBODY might charge for delivering this customer.
At what price would you begin to think this service is too expensive to consider?
At what price would you begin to think this service is so inexpensive that you would question the quality and not consider it?
At what price would you begin to think this service is getting expensive, but you still might consider it?
At what price would you think this service is a bargain – a great value for the money?
Please describe your general reaction to the concept described above.
Do you have any other feedback to share about MINDBODY?
Please provide your email address for the raffle. By clicking "Submit" you agree to the official terms and conditions.