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As a thank you for helping us out we'd be delighted to send you a free PrimerDesign mug. The mug is only available to valued members of our contact list. So unfortunately its not possible to share this offer with anyone else...sorry.

To receive your mug simply fill in your details on the last question.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and you can withdraw from the survey at any point.
Which of these statements best describes you?
I am an existing PrimerDesign customer
I have previously been a PrimerDesign customer but I am no longer
I have never been a PrimerDesign customer
Who is your primary supplier of Real-Time PCR kits and reagents?
If PrimerDesign is not your primary supplier of Real-Time PCR kits what is/are the main reason/s?
When considering Real-Time PCR suppliers which companies do you think about? Please list as many as possible.
In your experience how would you rate PrimerDesign's service / products in the following:
Very poor Poor Average Good Very good Im not a customer yet
Expertise of products and people
Professionalism of service
Dedication of staff
Friendliness of staff
Quality of product
Value for money
Please rank the following in order of importance to you when choosing a Real-Time PCR supplier: (1 being most important, 6 being the least important)
Compliance with MIQE guidelines
Level of Customer Service
Level of Technical Support
Value for money of product
Speed of Service
Quality of product
Were you aware that PrimerDesign offers the following:
Unaware Aware but never ordered Aware and used
Reverse Transcription kits
geNorm (Ref Gene selection) kits
Custom designed primers/probes
Reference(housekeeping) gene assays
Real-time PCR Mastermixes
OneStep Mastermix
Biobank control cDNA
Real-time PCR plasticware
Internal Control assays
HRM analysis products
Pathogen Detection kits
If you like PrimerDesign what is the one thing that stands out about us?
What is the biggest thing could we do to improve our service or our products?
In order to send your free PrimerDesign mug please provide us with the following contact information:
* First Name : 
* Last Name : 
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