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Hello: You are invited to participate in our Brand Items survey. In this survey, repsondents will be asked questions about the branded materials made available to our employees and distributors. It will take approximately five to ten minutes to complete the questionnaire. Your participation in this survey is completely voluntar, but it is very important for us to receive your feedback. If you have questions at any time about the survey, you may contact Chris Hill at 248-528-5442 or by email at [email protected]. Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
The number of Seco/Niagara Cutter branded items we offer employees/distributors is …
Too many
Not enough

If you indicated we do not offer enough items, or if you have seen other unique branded items distributed by competitors, what items do you believe would be worthwhile adding? Photos and/or samples are welcome (please email to [email protected]).
Are our branded items competitively priced?

For the most part items are priced competitively
Need more less expensive options
Need better quality items that may cost slightly more

Over the course of the past year what percentage of your purchases of branded items would you say you spent on each of the following?  
Meeting materials (pens, notepads, lanyards, etc.)
Mid-range items ($2 to $5 per item)
Higher-end items ($7+ per item)

Other than pens, sticky notes or mints do you have any suggestions for small, inexpensive items that can be handed out to customers during shows/events?