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Thank you for agreeing to take part and participate in this online survey. This survey is designed to get your thoughts and opinions to gain a better understanding through a sample size of various respondents. The aim of this survey is to find out what percentage of teenage millennials use social media sites as a means or source to getting news and information. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary though encouraged and appreciated. Any answers or responses will be used solely for gathering data and completely confidential.
What is the primary reason you log onto a social media website?
To keep up with friends and family
Look for interesting articles or links posted
To get more information for something heard on the news
Entertainment and gossip
What is your gender?
what age group do you fall into?
24 or older
Do you feel like information found on social media sites are credible and valid?
How many social media accounts do you presently have?
1 account
2 accounts
3 accounts
4 or more accounts

How often do you log on to a social media site?
Once a week
once a day
2-3 times a day
more than 3 times a day
Which sites do you prefer to use to get updates and news on current events?
Linkd In
google +

Do you do additional research to get more information and confirm the validity on something you have read on Social Media?