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Bullying is the mistreatment of an individual or group characterized by a willful intent to cause harm and a perceived advantage in power. These acts can be socially, emotionally, or physically damaging in nature and include, but are not limited to, teasing, name calling, rumor spreading, exclusion, intimidation, threats, damaging personal property, stealing, public humiliation, stalking, pushing, shoving, or other physical attacks and sexual, religious, or racial/ethnic harassment.
Any of these acts can also be committed via the Internet, e-mail, telephone, text messages, or other forms of electronic devices and is also considered bullying (known as cyber-bullying). Using the definition above, have you been bullied at school or on the way to/from school in the past year?
Where does it happen? (Choose all that apply)
Sports practice
What did you do about the bullying? (Choose all that apply)
Reported it to a teacher or other staff member
Spoke with a parent
Spoke with your friend(s)
Stood up to the bully
Tried to avoid the bully
Other (please specify)

How often do you see someone get bullied
Every day
Most days
Once or twice a week
Occasionally (less than once a week)
Rarely or never
What are you most likely to do when you see someone being bullied?
Report it to a teacher or staff member
Ask the bully or bullies to stop
Join in
Step in if it’s a friend, don’t get involved if I don’t know the person(s) being bullied
Other (please specify)

Have you witnessed any of the following activities at your school in the past year which were gang-related? (Choose all that apply)
Clothing or other symbols promoting gangs
Physical attacks
None of these
Other (please specify)

Have you witnessed drug use or drug dealing on your campus in the past year?
Use, but not dealing
Dealing, but not use
Both use and dealing
How safe do you feel at school?
Always very safe
Safe in some areas, but not others
Somewhat safe
Never very safe
In the space below, feel free to write down anything you think administrators could do to stop bullying and make it safer environment.
Dear participant,

Thank you for taking the time to take part in this research. The study involves your experience with bullying, whether it may be that you were a victim, the bully, or a bystander. Your information will be anonymous and kept confidential. It will solely be used for research purposes. The research will end in December 2013. There are no risks involved in this experiment. If at any time you feel uncomfortable or no longer want to participate, feel free to discontinue at any time. This will not cost you to partake in the research. If you have any questions regarding this research contact Dr. Friel, faculty sponsor at 302-857-6637. Maltreatment is a serious matter and must be handled accordingly. If you are or someone you know is currently a victim of bullying, harassment, or hazing please contact the lifetime 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or visit for more information.

-- Jessila L. Simpson 09/25/13