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What Province do you want to set up a business in?
The United Socialist Communist Oppressive Monkey-Butt Foreign BAD Sharia Republic of Manitoba
Given that paying a Minimum wage means NO HUMMER FOR YOU! What do you think the Minimum wage should be?
$1 an hour
$1.07 an hour?
The leftovers from the garbage bin after tax deductions for spoilage?
OK, a $1.08 and hour, but they have to pay for their own heat.
How satisfied are you with the performance of The United Socialist Communist Oppressive Monkey-Butt Foreign BAD Sharia Republic of Manitoba?
Very Unsatisfied
Very Very Unsatisfied
Very Very Very Unsatisfied
Very Very Very Very Unsatisfied
Very Very Very Very Very Unsatisfied
Who would you like to see lead the government of Manitoba?
Brian P.
Brian Pallister
Ayn Rand
Pallister, B.
What is the bestest thing we could do for our province?
Get rid of all business taxes?
Pay business to do business?
Aw just STFU and give us all your money!
Pick all that apply. What should we do to put our province back on track?
Promote more business.
Attract more business.
Buy some grow your own business seeds?
Provide more business opportunities for the business of doing business because business is our business?