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* Do you want to be considered for and can commit to a raid team in Cataclysm?
* What nights would you prefer to raid in Cataclysm (assuming a starting time of 7:30 p.m. server time)?
Can't Raid At All

* What do you feel will be a good raid ending time in Cataclysm assuming a starting time of 7:30 p.m.? (all times are server time)
10:00 p.m.
10:30 p.m.
11:00 p.m.
11:30 p.m.
12:00 a.m.
* What is the maximum number of raiding nights you are willing to commit to during Cataclysm?
If given the option, which raid composition would you prefer to participate in Cataclysm? (select all that apply)
10 man
25 man

* Please rank, in your opinion, from most important (1) to least important (8) quality that Plaguechill needs to have as its goal in Cataclysm?
Being the highest ranked guild we can in the world.
A somewhat flexible raiding commitment. I wasn't forced to have 100% raid attendance.
Maintaining a sense of class and having a great public perception among other players on the server.
Maintaining a well organized, managed, and structured raiding team.
Completing the most challenging content in the game.
Being competitive with all the other guilds on the server (aim for beating everyone else).
Raiding with others who I can be friendly with and respect.
Playing with other players whom are skilled as I am.
* Please rank from most important (1) to least important (7) which best describes what you liked the most about raiding in Wrath?
Being a top ranked guild in the world/U.S.
Completing all content in the expansion.
Being one of the best geared players on the server.
The respect I got from others on the server.
Being able to improve my gameplay and play at my potential.
Being the top guild on the server (server firsts).
Raiding with 24 other skilled players every night.
Describe what you would like to see changed about Plaguechill going forward in Cataclysm.
Describe anything new you'd like to see Plaguechill offer which will help you be better prepared for your raids in Cataclysm that we didn't do in Wrath. This can be in game or on the website.
Below are some ideas pertaining to 10 man raid splitting which we've discussed and are considering as potential ideas. Please check any that you would consider. If you have any additional ideas or tweaks to what's been listed above, feel free to describe them in the box below.
Each 10 man team raids different nights of the week. (e.g. one team runs Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and the other team runs Sunday, Monday, Tuesday)
Each 10 man team raids at different starting times (e.g. one team starts at 7:30 (server time) while another one starts at 8:30 (server time))
Each 10 man team raids at different lengths each night (e.g. one teams raids from 7:30 to 11:30 and another team raids from 8:00 to 11:00)
Each 10 man team raids more than another (e.g. one team raids 4 nights a week (hardcore/progression) and another raids 3 nights a week (more casual/availability friendly)

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