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In the third year of your study you have to choose a major. The major could be seen as your focus within the science you are studying.

Please be so kind to answer the following questions.
Are you
Bachelor students
Master students
How many years have you registered as a student of the Erasmus University Rotterdam?
1 year
2 years
3 years
4 years
longer than 4 years
What is the school where you study?
What is your status as a student?
Exchange student from
"Regual"student from
Have you already chosen a major or specialization?
yes (Go to question 6)
no (Go to question 9)
The choice of my major is determined by
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
How interesting the courses were in the first years of my studies
The job i want to have later on
The quality of the teachers in the first years
My grades for the corresponding courses
The content of the specialization courses
If you have had a resit or reexamination for a course in the first two years of your study, then you don't consider this course any more as an opportunity in the process of a major
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
When did you decide on the specialization you will follow?
Before I entered university
In the first Bachelor year
In the first half of the second bachelor year
In the second half of the second bachelor year
The following questions are meant for students who haven't just made up their mind.

When do you expect to decide about your Major or specialization?
In the first bachelor year
In the first half of the second bachelor year
In the second half of the second bachelor year
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