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Dear all,

Thank you for taking the time to participate in the following CBRE brand messaging survey. We’d appreciate your answers to the six questions that follow in either Japanese or English.

Please note that your answers cannot be saved before sending (i.e. you cannot pause the survey and come back to it later), and you can only send your answers once.

If you need to close the survey form before sending, please copy your responses to a Word document or similar tool, so that they can be re-pasted in later.

Thank you for your time and we look forward to your response by Friday, September 20 at 12 noon.


Kreab Gavin Anderson K.K.






Q1. What about CBRE are you proud of and what makes it an attractive place to work?
Q1. CBREについてあなたが誇りに思うことや魅力と感じることは何ですか。
Q2. What is CBRE's business strength?
Q2. 事業におけるCBREの強みは何ですか?
Q3. What is your view of how CBRE’s brand is perceived by clients and other stakeholders in Japan?
Q3. CBREの日本でのブランドイメージもしくはブランド力についてどう思いますか。
Q4. What one word comes to mind to describe CBRE's brand image?
Q4. CBREのブランドイメージを簡単な言葉で表すとどうなりますか。
Q5. How do you see the CBRE brand as being different from that of your competitors?
Q5. CBREブランドが競合他社と最も異なる点は何ですか。
Q6. Among CBRE's competitors, which company is best at communicating its brand? Why?
Q6. 競合他社の中でブランド的に最も上手くいっているところはどこですか?その理由もお答えください。
Q7. How would you want others to recognize or perceive the CBRE brand in the future?
Q7. CBREブランドについて、今後どのように外部から評価・認知されることを期待しますか。
Q8. What do you think is the most important action to do internally in order to win recognition of CBRE’s brand going forward?
Q8. そうしたブランドイメージもしくはブランド力を築くために、今、社内で最優先で取組むべきことは何だと思いますか。
Please click "Continue" to send the your answers. Thank you.  “Continue"を選択し、回答を送信下さい。 ご協力ありがとうございました。