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Please rate your comfort level for each of the following tasks.
Create a flipchart using Activinspire
Download and upload pictures
Create a video using the Flip video camera and software
Use your ActivSlate
Create a flipchart using Activinspire
Customize ActivInspire toolbars
Edit your SharePoint webpage
Create folders in email
Create folders in My Documents
Manage a lesson using your ActiVote learning response system
Troubeshoot connection issues
Add apps to the IPad
Create folders on the IPad
Create bookmarks on the Ipad homepage
Sync your Ipad with ITunes
How often do you integrate the following technologies into your classroom?
Never used in my class Rarely used in my class Sometimes used in my class Always used in my class
Check out the mobile lab?
Use the Promethean board for instruction?
Use the ActiVote learning response system?
Have the students use the internet for research purposes?
Have the students use your classroom digital camera?
Have the students use the Flip video camera?
Have students create an ActivInspire flipchart?
Have students use Microsoft Word?
Have students create a product such as presentations, digital story, slideshow, etc?
Have students complete assessments online (Ren Place, Pearson Success)?
Have students use learning software (ex: Study Island)?
Have students use the Ipad to create a product?
Have students use the Ipad for curriculum reinforcement?
Please rate the amount of professional development/training you have been offered.
Need more training Adequate training More than enough training
ActivInspire software
Technology Course of Study
Connecting equipment
Editing your Webpage
Digital Camera/ Digital Storytelling
Flip video/Flip software
Organizing Folders
Microsoft Office
Please choose where you are at professionally with each.
Unable Basic Developing Proficient Advanced
Plan and integrate technology-based learning activities that promote student engagement in higher-order thinking skills.
Use content-specific tools (e.g. software, simulation, graphing calculators, Web tools) to support learning and research.
Use a variety of strategies for implementing the Technnology course of study into my curriculum
Plan and teach student-centered learning activities and lessons in which students apply technology tools and resources.
Concerning the use or integration of technology, what is the one area in which you would most like to receive training or professional development?
What would you describe as the number one factor that prevents you from integrating more technology into your lessons?
Did you participate in any technology professional development outside of the school year (Summer,fall break, spring break, etc)?
When planning lessons for your classroom, how often do you refer to the technology resources to support the lesson?

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