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Please rate the following aspects of your Change Analyst work.
Excellent Good Adequate Poor Unacceptable N/A
* Understanding your business requirements
* Communicating clearly and effectively
* Responding promptly to problems
* Job knowledge and technical ability
* Professionalism and Attitude.
* In evaluating your most recent Change Analyst experience, was the quality of service you received:
Very satisfactory Superior Somewhat unsatisfactory About average Very poor
* What level of confidence do you have in your Change Analyst to deliver the products and services that you require?
Complete A lot Some Little None
* How satisfied are you with the cycle time of your ECO request?
Very poor Somewhat unsatisfactory About average Very satisfactory Superior
Based upon your overall experience, please rate our Change Analyst performance in the following areas:
Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A
* Ease of contacting Change Analyst
* Professionalism of Change Analyst
* Promptness of email response
* Promptness of answering phone
* Overall quality of issue handling
* The Change Analyst was patient
* The Change Analyst was enthusiastic
* The Change Analyst listened carefully
* The Change Analyst was friendly
* The Change Analyst was responsive
* The Change Analyst was courteous
* How many times do you typically have to contact your Change Analyst before the problem is corrected?
Once Twice Three Times More than Three times
* Overall how satisfied are you with your current Change Analyst?
Very dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Somewhat satisfied Very satisfied
If you have any suggestions regarding how we could improve the services we provide to you, please enter them in the box below.
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