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How do you feel about this statement? Overall, I found the meeting helpful and informative.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
How many of your objectives for this event were met?
All of them
Most of them
About half of them
Some of them
None of them
Please share your thoughts regarding the amount of information/level of detail that was provided regarding the topics of the meeting.
More topics needed
The same amount of topics needed
Less topics needed
What did you like the most about the meeting?
What did you like the least about the meeting?
Please share any additional topics you would be interested in having addressed at future Commercial meetings.
Please share any suggestions you might have for improving the next Commercial meeting.
Now that you have been given a chance to review our gategroup values, how will you ensure to incorporate them in your day-to-day activities?
What role do you think you can play in achieving the key initiatives that were highlighted during the session?
What will you try to do differently moving forward based on what you learned today?
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