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We are working to create a better company and want your input. We are using question pro to collect information on an anonymous basis. We will review the results and share them with everyone. Thanks for taking the time to provide your input.
How long have you worked for Classic Brands?
less than 18 months
19-36 months
over 3 years
Compared to your prior employer, is Classic Brands.....
a worse place to work
a about the same
a better place to work
Do you fell like you have the tools and support to do your job well?
not sure
Do you think Classic Brands is doing the right things?
not sure
Do you believe that the leadership and management truly care about you as a person?
not sure
  1. What 3 things would you look at improving Classic Brands and/or its work environment?
What 3 things would you do to improve your performance or that of your team?