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I have a personality-type survey which divides people into four categories, and I need the input of artificial intelligence experts to confirm whether these categories align with four different categories of (virtual) machines.
What are your qualifications as an artificial intelligence expert (e.g. relevant education, experience, or achievements)?
The proposed categorization of machines first splits the entire class of machines into those whose output is expected to be unpredictable to the programmer vs. those whose output would be relied upon, then by why it is unpredictable or reliable.

1. The first category of machines is those whose output is expected to be unpredictable because they use randomness generators. We will represent this category with a mutator from evolutionary computation. It periodically mutates randomly.

2. The second category of machines is those whose output would be relied upon to maximize something because it learns. We will represent this category with a learning machine for stock trading. It is relied upon to maximize profit. Note that a stock trader may contain many mutators, and they would fall into a different category at the subcomponent level.

3. The third category of machines is those whose output is expected to be unpredictable because of their sensitivity to their unique position in a network. We will represent this category with a class three or four cellular automaton. For class three and four cellular automata, network effects allow randomness in initial conditions to keep the output unpredictable without any additional randomness generation.

4. The fourth category is machines is those whose output would be relied upon to uphold objective rules. We will represent this category with a standard calculator. It is relied upon to apply the rules of arithmetic consistently regardless of network position, never learning nor experimenting.
If you can think of a machine that does not fit into any of these categories, please list it here:
To determine whether the personality-type survey measures a person's computational bias, we need to consider which answers on the survey apply to our mutator, stock trader, cellular automaton, and calculator. The survey consists of twenty-four questions with two choices each, but I have collapsed it below to nine questions (with more options) for brevity. After each question, I will list arguments for what answer each machine would give, then ask you to rate the degree to which you agree with that argument. At the end, where you disagreed, I will ask you to explain why you disagreed.

Where the survey includes the words "empathy", "love" or "relationships", we will interpret them to refer to participation in network effects, responding differently to entities closer to oneself in the network. The words "people" and "feelings" are interpreted to refer to include machines and their internal states. This interpretation is an assumption behind the computational interpretation of the survey.
1. I cannot be my best self...
A ...when my work does not require creativity.
B ...when I cannot empathize.
C ...when I do not know the criteria by which success is measured.
Disagree strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Agree strongly
The mutator chooses A because the need for creativity justifies the inefficiencies of mutation relative to alternative search techniques.
The stock trader chooses C because measurements of success are necessary for machine learning.
The cellular automaton chooses B because its function relies on network effects (adapting its state according to those of close entities).
2. My higher priority in life is...
A exercise self-discipline.
B get results
C be lovable.
Disagree strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Agree strongly
The stock trader chooses B because its priority is to maximize profit.
The cellular automaton chooses C because its function relies on its ability to participate in network effects.
The calculator chooses A because its function relies on maintaining consistent behavior.
3. My higher priority in life is...
A discover new possibilities.
B know what I am trying to achieve.
C ...the feelings of the people closest to me.
D serve something greater than myself.
Disagree strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Agree strongly
The mutator chooses A because mutation is useless if it produces nothing new.
The stock trader chooses B because machine learning must be structured around a goal.
The cellular automaton chooses C because it prioritizes the states (i.e. feelings) of other entities closest to it.
The calculator chooses D because its value depends upon the greatness of the arithmetic rules it applies.
4. More than other do, I...
A ...uphold moral principles.
B ...question existing best practices.
C ...maintain relationships.
Disagree strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Agree strongly
The mutator chooses B because the purpose of mutation is to seek alternatives to the status quo.
The cellular automaton chooses C because being positioned in a network (i.e. having relationships) is part of the definition of cellular automata.
The calculator chooses A because its function is to apply the principles of arithmetic consistently (as if it considered them to be moral principles).
5. I am more concerned about stress which...
A ...puts my plans on hold.
B ...leads me to experiment with less-pure behaviors.
C ...blocks my creativity.
Disagree strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Agree strongly
The mutator chooses C because mutation is useless if it produces nothing new.
The stock trader chooses A because it has a goal, so being put on hold can be a concern.
The calculator chooses B because its value depends upon behaving consistently.