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How often do you open / look into the Performance Survey:
Once a year or less
Once in 6 Months or less
Once or more in 2 - 6 months
Once or more a month
Weekly or every two weeks
If less than once a month, why?
How often do you make entries in Performance Survey:
Once a year or less
Once in 6 months or less
Once or more in 2-6 months
Once or more a month
Weekly or every two weeks
If less than once a month, why?
How important Performance Survey is for you as a feedback tool:
Not important at all
Somewhat useless
Somewhat important
Very important
How often do your local partners use the Performance Survey tool:
Once a year or less
Once in 6 months or less
Once or more in 2-6 months
Once a month or more
Weekly or every two weeks
How important in your opinion the Performance Survey tool is for your local partners as a feedback and evaluation tool?
Not important at all
Somewhat useless
Somewhat important
Very important
Performance Survey tool does not fulfill the current requirements as an evaluation tool and new way/tool for evaluating the service quality is needed:
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
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