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Thank so much for your unique input. We appreciate the time and consideration you have given us.

How often do you visit our site?
More than once a day
Once a week
Once a month
Once a year or less
Did you find the help you were looking for? Please be specific with your answer, and extra details can help us improve our service.
Please rate the following based on your experiences:
Product quality
Overall information provided about the product
Speed of service
Support services provided
Support service response relevance
Which type of product assistance have you used with our company? (Select all that apply)
FAQ page
Customer hotline
Web form
Live chat help
Web forum
Knowledge base

How satisfied are you with our services overall?
Would you use our site and services again based on your experience?
I'm not sure/don't know
Please rank (1-5) the following in order of importance to you, where 1 is the highest, and 5 is the lowest.
Varying choice of customer service options offered
Customer service convenience
Easy-to-use customer service help
Continuous customer service
Speed of customer service
How relevant was the help offered to you through our:
Not Relevant at All Not Very Relevant Neutral Somewhat Relevant Extremely Relevant N/A
FAQ page
Web form
Knowledge base
Web forum
Customer hotline
Did you find our services helpful?
I don't remember