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How do you currently listen to music? Rank in order of usage.
Free streaming services (e.g. Spotify Free)
Paid streaming services (e.g. Spotify Premium)
Free downloads
Paid downloads (e.g. iTunes store)
Online Videos (e.g. YouTube)
Other (please specify):
With regards to social media, how often do you do the following? (scale: Never, Rarely, Often, Very Often)
Consume content
Engage with content (e.g. Like, Comment, Retweet,etc)
Share content
Post/Upload content
How many ads did you see in the multimedia file?
0 to 3
3 to 7
8 to 11
12 to 14
14 or more
For each statement, please indicate whether you agree or disagree
Disagree Slightly Disagree Slightly Agree Agree
The ads to content ratio was balanced
Ads blended well with the rest of the multimedia file content
It was obvious that an ad was an ad
Please indicate which of the following were shown in the multimedia file, if any.
Artist’s food postings
Artist’s personal life related postings
Artist’s quotes/tweets
Poll questions
Quiz questions
Performances backstage postings

Please indicate the option that best describes your feeling towards the following:
boring slightly boring slightly engaging very engaging N/A
Artist’s food postings
Artist’s personal life related postings
Artist’s quotes/tweets
Poll questions
Quiz questions
Performances backstage postings
Did you like the song?
What is the likelihood of you watching a Trebba multimedia file made for one of your favourite songs?
Not likely
Somewhat likely
Very likely