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The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of employee well-being. If you decide to participate in this research study, you will complete an online survey that will ask questions about your work environment, relationships with other employees, personality, and personal well-being.

It will take approximately 20 minutes to complete the survey. There are no right or wrong answers.

The purpose of the research has no relationship with your employer, nor will your individual responses be reported to your employer. Your responses to the questionnaire are completely anonymous and confidential.

The next page will contain additional information about your participation and contact information for researchers.

Clicking on the link at the bottom of the screen indicates you've read the following "Informed Consent" information and agree to participate in the study.

Study Title: Role Stress, Hierarchy, and Subjective Well-Being

Introductory Statement
You have been selected to participate (voluntarily and anonymously) in a research study of the effect of workplace stress on individual psychological well-being. Your participation in this study will further the knowledge on the relationship between workplace stress and well-being. As you will read below, if you choose to participate you will complete an online survey. There are no known risks of participation and you are free to withdraw at any time.

What is the purpose of this study?
The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of individual subjective well-being in the workplace.

What will I do in this study?
If you decide to participate in this research study, you will complete an online survey regarding your perception of your environment, your relationships with other employees, as well as the way you view your psychological traits and states.

How long will it take me to do this?
The length of time required to complete the survey will vary for each individual; however, the estimated duration is approximately 20 minutes.

Are there any risks of participating in the study?
There are no known risks to participate in the current study.

What are the benefits of participating in the study?
There are no known benefits to this study, however your participation will contribute to furthering scientific understanding of individual subjective well-being.

Will anyone know what I do or say in this study (Confidentiality)?
The purpose of the research has no relationship with your employer and the researchers will not report your individual responses to your employer. Your responses to the questionnaire are completely anonymous and confidential. The survey will be conducted confidentially and respondent information will be aggregated so as to obscure any information that may identify individuals.

The information may be published in scientific journals or presented at scientific meetings, but again, your responses will be combined with those of other participants and you will remain anonymous.

Will I receive any compensation for participation?
There will be no individual compensation for participation in this study.

Who can I contact for information about this study?
Listed below is the contact information of the researcher conducting the study and the advising faculty that you should contact for answers to questions about the research, your rights as a research participant, research-related distress, or any other concerns you might have.

Researcher Contact Information
Matthew J. Monnot, M.S.
Department of Psychology
Sloan Hall 100
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859
Central Michigan University
Phone: 404-841-1209
E-mail: [email protected]

Faculty Advisor
Terry A. Beehr, PhD
Department of Psychology
Sloan Hall 223
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859
Central Michigan University
Phone: 989-774-6466
E-mail: [email protected]

You are free to refuse to participate in this research project or to withdraw your consent and discontinue participation in the project at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. Your participation will not affect your relationship with the institution(s) involved in this research project.

If you are not satisfied with the manner in which this study is being conducted, you may report (anonymously if you so choose) any complaints to the Institutional Review Board by calling 989-774-6777, or addressing a letter to the Institutional Review Board, 251 Foust Hall Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859.

My clicking on the “continue” link below indicates that all my questions have been answered. I agree to participate in the project as described above.

Personal Flexibility

The next statements involve your personal preferences or disposition. Please read each statement carefully. Indicate whether or not you agree with the statement by selecting “True” or “False”.

True False
I am often the last one to give up trying to do a thing.
There is usually only one best way to solve most problems.
I prefer work that requires a great deal of attention to detail.
I often become so wrapped up in something I am doing that I find it difficult to turn my attention to other matters.
I dislike to change my plans in the midst of an undertaking.
I never miss going to church.
I usually maintain my own opinions even though many other people may have a different point of view.
I find it easy to stick to a certain schedule, once I have started it.
I do not enjoy having to adapt myself to new and unusual situations.
I prefer to stop and think before I act even on trifling matters.
True False
I try to follow a program of life based on duty.
I usually find that my own way of attacking a problem is best, even though it doesn’t always seem to work in the beginning.
I am a methodological person in whatever I do.
I think it is usually wise to do things in a conventional way.
I always finish tasks I start, even if they are not very important.
I often find myself thinking of the same tunes or phrases for days at a time.
I am the kind of person who helps out others at work, even when its not part of my job.
I tend to say yes when people ask for help with their work
I try to do everything that is asked of me, even when it seems unreasonable.
I am the type of person who is able to fulfill any new requests at work.
I am willing to accept new projects even when they have conflicting demands with current projects.

Subjective Well-Being

The following set of questions will ask you to consider the frequency with which you’ve experienced certain emotions while recently at work. Please consider each question carefully.

Job-Related Contentment

Thinking of the past few weeks, how much of the time have you felt each of the following during work?

Select the response, from "Never" to "Always", that is most accurate.

Never Seldom Occasionally Often Always
Never Seldom Occasionally Often Always
At rest
At ease
Job-Related Enthusiasm

Thinking of the past few weeks, how much of the time have you felt each of the following during work?

Select the response, from "Never" to "Always", that is most accurate.

Never Seldom Occasionally Often Always
Never Seldom Occasionally Often Always
Job-Related Fulfillment

Thinking of the past few weeks, how much of the time have you felt each of the following during work?

Select the response, from "Never" to "Always", that is most accurate.

Never Seldom Occasionally Often Always
Personally Fulfilled
Never Seldom Occasionally Often Always
Job-Related Arousal

Thinking of the past few weeks, how much of the time have you felt each of the following during work?

Select the response, from "Never" to "Always", that is most accurate.

Never Seldom Occasionally Often Always

Job-Related Pleasantness

Thinking of the past few weeks, how much of the time have you felt each of the following during work?

Select the response, from "Never" to "Always", that is most accurate.

Never Seldom Occasionally Often Always

Role Ambiguity

The next three groups of statements involve the degree to which you feel certain about expectations of either your supervisor(s), coworkers, or subordinates. Please read each item carefully.

The following statements involve the level of certainty you feel with regard to your supervisor(s). Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement on the following scale ranging from "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree". If you do not have a supervisor or the question does not relate to you, then mark "Not Applicable".

Supervisor Role Ambiguity
Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable
I feel certain how I will be evaluated by my supervisor.
With regard to my supervisor, I feel certain about how much authority I have.
My supervisor offers information that leads to clear, planned goals and objectives for my job.
My supervisor lets me know what my responsibilities are.
I know exactly what is expected of me from my supervisor.
My supervisor provides information that leads to a clear explanation of what has to be done.
The following statements involve the level of certainty you feel with regard to your coworkers. Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement on the following scale ranging from "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree". If you do not have coworkers or the question does not relate to you, then mark "Not Applicable".

Coworker Role Ambiguity

Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable
I feel certain how I will be evaluated by my coworkers.
With regard to my coworkers, I feel certain about how much authority I have.
My coworkers offer information that leads to clear, planned goals and objectives for my job.
My coworkers let me know what my responsibilities are.
I know exactly what is expected of me from my coworkers.
My coworkers provide information that leads to a clear explanation of what has to be done.
The following statements involve the level of certainty you feel with regard to your subordinates. Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement on the following scale ranging from "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree". If you do not have subordinates or the question does not relate to you, then mark "Not Applicable".

Subordinate Role Ambiguity

Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable
I feel certain how I will be evaluated by my subordinates.
With regard to my subordinates, I feel certain about how much authority I have.
My subordinates offer information that leads to clear, planned goals and objectives for my job.
My subordinates let me know what my responsibilities are.
I know exactly what is expected of me from my subordinates.
My subordinates provide information that leads to a clear explanation of what has to be done.

Role Conflict

The next three groups of statements involve the degree of conflict you feel about information you receive from your supervisor(s), coworkers, or subordinates. Please read each item carefully.

The following statements involve the level of conflict you feel about information you receive from your supervisor(s). Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement on the following scale ranging from "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree". If you do not have a supervisor or the question does not relate to you, then mark "Not Applicable".

Supervisor Role Conflict
Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable
I must do things according to my supervisor’s preference, when I think they should be done differently.
I have to oppose a preference or policy of my supervisor in order to carry out an Assignment.
I receive requests from my supervisor without the manpower to complete them.
I receive requests from my supervisor that are incompatible with others.
I have to work under vague directions or requests from my supervisor.
I receive requests from my supervisor without adequate resources and materials to execute them.
At my supervisor’s request, I work on many unnecessary things.
The following statements involve the level of conflict you feel about information you receive from your coworkers. Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement on the following scale ranging from "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree". If you do not have coworkers or the question does not relate to you, then mark "Not Applicable".

Coworker Role Conflict
Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable
I must do things according to my coworkers’ preferences, when I think they should be done differently.
I have to oppose a preference or policy of my coworkers’ in order to carry out an Assignment.
I receive requests from my coworkers without the manpower to complete them.
I receive requests from my coworkers that are incompatible with others.
I have to work under vague directions or requests from my coworkers.
I receive assignments from my coworkers without adequate resources and materials to execute them.
At my coworkers’ requests, I work on many unnecessary things.
The following statements involve the level of conflict you feel about information you receive from your subordinates. Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement on the following scale ranging from "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree". If you do not have subordinates or the question does not relate to you, then mark "Not Applicable".

Subordinate Role Conflict
Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable
I must do things according to my subordinates’ preferences, when I think they should be done differently.
I have to oppose a preference or policy of my subordinates in order to carry out an Assignment.
I receive requests from my subordinates without the manpower to complete them.
I receive requests from my subordinates that are incompatible with others.
I have to work under vague directions or requests from my subordinates.
I receive requests from my subordinates without adequate resources and materials to execute them.
At my subordinates’ requests, I work on many unnecessary things.

Relational-Interdependent Self-Construal

The next three groups of statements involve your relationship with your supervisor(s), coworkers, or subordinates. Please read each item carefully.

The following statements involve your relationship with your supervisor(s). Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement on the following scale ranging from "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree". If you do not have a supervisor or the question does not relate to you, then mark "Not Applicable".

Supervisor Relational Identification
Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable
My relationship with my supervisor is an important reflection of who I am.
When I feel very close to a supervisor, it often feels to me like that person is an important part of who I am.
I usually feel a strong sense of pride when a supervisor close to me has an important accomplishment.
I think one of the most important parts of who I am can be captured by looking at my supervisor and understanding who they are.
When I think of myself, I often think of my supervisor.
If a person hurts my supervisor, I feel personally hurt as well.
In general, my supervisor is an important part of my self-image.
Overall, my supervisor have/has very little to do with how I feel about myself.
My supervisor is unimportant to my sense of what kind of person I am.
My sense of pride comes from knowing who I have as supervisors.
When I establish a close friendship with a supervisor, I usually develop a strong sense of identification with that person.
The following statements involve your relationship with your coworkers. Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement on the following scale ranging from "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree". If you do not have coworkers or the question does not relate to you, then mark "Not Applicable".

Coworker Relational Identification
Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable
My close relationships with my coworkers are an important reflection of who I am.
When I feel very close to a coworker, it often feels to me like that person is an important part of who I am.
I usually feel a strong sense of pride when a coworker close to me has an important accomplishment.
I think one of the most important parts of who I am can be captured by looking at my coworkers and understanding who they are.
When I think of myself, I often think of my coworkers.
If a person hurts my coworkers, I feel personally hurt as well.
In general, my coworkers are an important part of my self-image.
Overall, my coworkers have very little to do with how I feel about myself.
My coworkers are unimportant to my sense of what kind of person I am.
My sense of pride comes from knowing who I have as coworkers.
When I establish a close friendship with a coworker, I usually develop a strong sense of identification with that person.
The following statements involve your relationship with your subordinates. Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement on the following scale ranging from "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree". If you do not have subordinates or the question does not relate to you, then mark "Not Applicable".

Subordinate Relational Identification
Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable
My close relationships with my subordinates are an important reflection of who I am.
When I feel very close to a subordinate, it often feels to me like that person is an important part of who I am.
I usually feel a strong sense of pride when a subordinate close to me has an important accomplishment.
I think one of the most important parts of who I am can be captured by looking at my subordinates and understanding who they are.
When I think of myself, I often think of my subordinates.
If a person hurts my subordinates, I feel personally hurt as well.
In general, my subordinates are an important part of my self-image.
Overall, my subordinates have very little to do with how I feel about myself.
My subordinates are unimportant to my sense of what kind of person I am.
My sense of pride comes from knowing who I have as subordinates.
When I establish a close friendship with a subordinate, I usually develop a strong sense of identification with that person.
Social Support

The next three groups of statements involve supportive interaction you have with your supervisor, coworkers, or subordinates. Please read each item carefully.

The following statements involve communication with you supervisor. Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement on the following scale ranging from "Never" to "Always".

Supervisor Support
Never Seldom Occasionally Often Always Not Applicable
My supervisor and I discuss things that are happening in our personal lives.
My supervisor and I talk about off-the-job interests that we have in common.
My supervisor and I share personal information about our backgrounds and families.
My supervisor and I talk about off-the-job social events.
My supervisor and I talk about how we dislike some parts of our work.
My supervisor and I talk about the bad things about our work.
My supervisor and I talk about problems in working with others at the office.
My supervisor and I talk about how this company is a lousy place to work.
My supervisor and I talk about the good things about our work.
My supervisor and I share interesting ideas about our profession.
My supervisor and I talk about how this company is a good place to work.
My supervisor and I talk about the rewarding things about our profession.
The following statements involve communication with you coworkers. Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement on the following scale ranging from "Never" to "Always".

Coworker Support
Never Seldom Occasionally Often Always Not Applicable
My coworkers and I discuss things that are happening in our personal lives.
My coworkers and I talk about off-the-job interests that we have in common.
My coworkers and I share personal information about our backgrounds and families.
My coworkers and I talk about off-the-job social events.
My coworkers and I talk about how we dislike some parts of our work.
My coworkers and I talk about the bad things about our work.
My coworkers and I talk about problems in working with others at the office.
My coworkers and I talk about how this company is a lousy place to work.
My coworkers and I talk about the good things about our work.
My coworkers and I share interesting ideas about our profession.
My coworkers and I talk about how this company is a good place to work.
My coworkers and I talk about the rewarding things about our profession.
The following statements involve communication with you subordinates. Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement on the following scale ranging from "Never" to "Always".

Subordinate Support
Never Seldom Occasionally Often Always Not Applicable
My subordinates and I discuss things that are happening in our personal lives.
My subordinates and I talk about off-the-job interests that we have in common.
My subordinates and I share personal information about our backgrounds and families.
My subordinates and I talk about off-the-job social events.
My subordinates and I talk about how we dislike some parts of our work.
My subordinates and I talk about the bad things about our work.
My subordinates and I talk about problems in working with others at the office.
My subordinates and I talk about how this company is a lousy place to work.
My subordinates and I talk about the good things about our work.
My subordinates and I share interesting ideas about our profession.
My subordinates and I talk about how this company is a good place to work.
My subordinates and I talk about the rewarding things about our profession.

Indicate which of the following descriptions best describes you by checking the appropriate box.
I was raised in a household with:
Both Parents
One Parent

Currently I am:
Married or partnered
Not married or partnered
Not married or partnered and a full time student

Mark the appropriate box for your Mother’s, your Father’s, your Spouse / Partner's, and your level of school completed.

If you grew up in a single parent home, mark only the box from your one parent. If you are neither married or partnered leave Spouse blank.

Less than 7th Grade Junior High School/Middle School (9th Grade) Partial High School (10th or 11th Grade) High School Degree Partial College (at least one year) College Degree Graduate Degree
Mark one box for your Mother’s, one box for your Father’s, one box for your Spouse/Partner's, and one box for your own current occupation. If you grew up in a single parent home, mark only a box for your parent that you lived with.

If you are not married or partnered leave the box for Spouse blank. If you are retired use your most recent occupation.

If none of the groups of jobs describes your spouse's, your mother's, or your father's, or your current occupation, then select the one that you think most closely matches.
Mother Father Spouse You
Supervisor, librarian, aircraft mechanic, artist and artisan, electrician, administrator, military enlisted personnel, buyer.
Day laborer, janitor, house cleaner, farm worker, food counter sales, food preparation worker, busboy.
Garbage collector, short-order cook, cab driver, shoe sales, assembly line workers, masons, baggage porter.
Painter, skilled construction trade, sales clerk, truck driver, cook, sales counter or general office clerk.
Automobile mechanic, typist, locksmith, farmer, carpenter, receptionist, construction laborer, hairdresser.
Machinist, musician, bookkeeper, secretary, insurance sales, cabinet maker, personnel specialist, welder.
Nurse, skilled technician, medical technician, counselor, manager, police and fire personnel, financial manager, physical, occupational, speech therapist.
Mechanical, nuclear, and electrical engineer, educational administrator, veterinarian, military officer, elementary, high school and special education teacher.
Physician, attorney, professor, chemical and aerospace engineer, judge, CEO, senior manager, public official, psychologist, pharmacist, accountant.

Demographic Information

The following questions involve your basic demographic information and will allow the researcher to better understand the data. Please provide answers and responses that best describe you.



Caucasian or White
African American or Black
Mexican American
Native American or American Indian
Pacific Islander

Are you a full or part-time employee?
Full Time
Part Time

How long have you been employed in the current organization?
0-3 Months 4-6 Months 7-9 Months 10-12 Months 1-2 Years 2 Years+
Job Title
Which of the following best describes your current job type?
Management, Business, or Financial Worker
Science, Engineering, or Computer Professional
Healthcare Practitioner Professional
Other Professional Worker
Sales Worker
Administrative Support Worker
Construction and Extractive Craft Worker
Installation, Maintenance or Repair Craft Worker
Production Operative Worker
Transportation and Material Moving Operative Worker
Protective Service Worker
Service Worker (except Protective)
What type of industry do you work in?
Health services
Leisure and hospitality
Natural resources and mining
Professional and business services
Approximately how many people work for your current employer? (Your answer can be an estimate)
How many subordinates do you have at work? (They may be referred to as “Direct Reports”, “Subordinates”, “Team Members who answer to you”, or other similar term).
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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