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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
Please select the donor agency you represent
* Was the report submitted on time?
* Overall, to what extent are you satisfied with the report on your contribution to UNICEF?
Very satisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Please tell us to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following:
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
* The report is written in an easy to read and digest format
* The content of the report meets the reporting expectations and quality standards
* The report clearly describes the results that were achieved with the contribution
* The report is useful for your own reporting purposes
* Report clearly states how the contribution was spent
* The length of the report is just right
* Does the contribution report provide you with the information and data you require to report back to your own constituents as to why you provide funds to UNICEF?
No (please elaborate)
* What would make the report more attractive for you?
Longer report
Shorter report
Summary table
Different layout
Other (please elaborate)

* How satisfied are you with the recognition you receive for being a donor?
Very satisfied
Very Dissatisfied
What is the most valuable part of a report for you:
If you have one piece of constructive feedback to give UNICEF on the quality of its reporting, what would it be?
* Based on this collaboration, to what extent would you consider supporting UNICEF again in the future?
Very likely
Very unlikely