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In your own words, describe an environmental learning center
Which of these environmental learning centers have you visited or heard about?
Heard About Visited Neither Heard or Visited
Deep Portage, Walker, MN
Eagle Bluff ELC, Lanesboro, MN
Laurentain ELC, Britt, MN
Long Lake, Palasades, MN
Northwoods Audubon Center, Sandstone, MN
Upham Woods, Wisconsin Dells, WI
Voyager, Mound, MN
Wolf Ridge, Finland, MN
Are you aware that Eagle Bluff is an environmental learning center?
Please rate your familiarity with Eagle Bluff
Very familiar
Somewhat familiar
Not too familiar
Not familiar at all
In one or two sentences describe what you think Eagle Bluff does
How often (frequency) have you visited Eagle Bluff?
Less than once a year
The main reason I’ve attended Eagle Bluff was (check all that apply)
Part of school program for learning about the environment
As an individual participant in outdoor/personal recreation activity
To take part in a team building exercise
To attend a company/organization meeting/retreat
To attend a fund raising/special event
To take part in a shoot sports activity
As an attendee of a special event for another organization

Please use this scale to rank how the following statements describe Eagle Bluff as an organization
Not at all describes Slighly describes Occasionally describes Describes Strongly describes
Eagle Bluff is a name I can always trust
Eagle Bluff always delivers what they promise
Eagle Bluff has always treated me fairly
Eagle Bluff always treats people with respect
Eagle Bluff is the perfect outlet for people like me
Eagle Bluff honors very high standards for everything they do
What activities did you participate in at Eagle Bluff? (Select all that apply)?
Class room program
Ropes courses
Shooting ranges
Walking trails
Wall climbing
Team building game

Of these activities, what did you enjoy the most?
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