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Contact Information
* First Name : 
* Last Name : 
* Address 1 : 
   Address 2 : 
* City : 
* State : 
* Zip : 
* Phone : 
* Email Address : 
* Country : 
Tell Us About Yourself
* 1. What’s your date of birth?
* 2. How tall are you?
* 3. How much do you weigh?
* 4. What ethnicity are you?
* 5. What’s your cultural background?
* 6. Do you have any accents?
* 7. Are you religious?
* 8. If you were to rate yourself objectively, on looks alone, on a 1-10 scale, where would you place yourself?
* 9. If you were to rate yourself objectively, as a whole package, on a 1-10 scale, where would you place yourself?
* 10. How much alcohol do you consume in a week?
* 11. Do you smoke? How much?
* 12. Do you drink? How much?
* 13. Do you use marijuana? How much? How often?
* 14. Do you do any other drugs? Which? How much?
* 15. Do you have any tattoos? What/Where?
* 16. Do you have any piercings? Where?
* 17. What sign are you?
* 18. Do you have any kids?
* 19. Do you have any pets? What type?
* 20. What languages do you speak?
* 21. What’s your annual income?
* 22. What’s your current net worth?
* 23. Are you self-made or did you inherit?
* 24. Do you own or rent? How many homes do you own?
* 25. Do you pay alimony or child support?
* 26. Do you have any debts?
* 27. Do you belong to any member clubs/organizations? What are they?
* 28. What are some things about you that you are insecure about?
* 29. What are your biggest flaws?
* 30. What are your biggest strengths?
Tell Us Who You Are Looking For
* 1. What age range should they be?
* 2. What height range should they be?(minimums/maximums)
* 3. What body type should they be?
* 4. What ethnicities are you open to?
* 5. Do you have a hair color preference?
* 6. Do you have an eye color preference?
* 7. Do you want your partner to have a good relationship with their parents?
* 8. How successful do you want your future partner to be?
* 9. How educated do you want your future partner to be?
* 10. How religious do you want your future partner to be?
* 11. Do you want to have kids with your future partner?
* 12. Any deal breakers?
* 13. Describe your perfect partner. Give at least 10 features you’d like them to have
* 14. Describe what kind of life experiences you’d like your partner to have.
* 15. Describe what kind of hobbies you’d like to prioritize?
* 16. Describe your expectations from a first date?
* 17. Describe what regions you’d like to be available in?
* 18. Do you want your partner to be available in your region?
* 19. Are you willing to travel for a match?
* 20. Are you willing to relocate for a match?
Tell Us About How You Grew Up
* 1. Where were you born?
* 2. List every location you lived in for more than 6 months.
* 3. For each location, describe your living situation. Was it an apartment? A house? Roommates?
* 4. Favorite holiday you went to as a kid.
* 5. Did you have any pets growing up? Which?
* 6. How old were you when your first pet died?
* 7. How old were you when you got your driver’s license?
* 8. What was your first car/motorcycle?
* 9. Did you have any car accidents? If so describe the details.
* 10. Were you religious growing up?
* 11. Were you a geek or a jock?
* 12. Were you skinny? Athletic? Overweight growing up?
* 13. What’s the heaviest you’ve ever been? At what age?
* 14. Did you fit in as a kid, or were you an outcast?
* 15. Were you part of the popular group in high school?
* 16. Were you ever bullied in high school?
* 17. Did you ever fight back against a bully?
* 18. Did you ever look into what happened to your bullies and where they ended up?
* 19. If you did, are you more or less successful than your bullies?
* 20. How many close friends did you have in high school? What were their names?
* 21. Did you go to your high school prom? With whom?
* 22. Did you have any broken bones?
* 23. Have you ever been arrested?
* 24. Did you wear glasses?
* 25. What was your fashion sense like in high school/college?(tshirt/jeans, goth?, preppy?)
* 26. What was your favorite memory growing up?
* 27. What was your favorite movie growing up?
* 28. Did you play videogames growing up? If so what was your favorite game?
* 29. How many close friends did you have in college? What were their names?
* 30. What was your most memorable night out during your college career?
* 31. Did you collect anything as a child?
* 32. What was the most scared you ever felt as a child?
* 33. Have you ever served in the military? If yes in what position?
* 34. Have any of your close family members or close friends served in the military?
* 35. Have any of your close family members work in law enforcement or as a firefighter?
Tell Us About Your Family Growing Up
* 1. How many siblings did you have?
* 2. What was your relationship with each sibling?
* 3. Did you want more or fewer siblings?
* 4. How did your siblings shape who you are?
* 5. What was your relationship with your parents?
* 6. What was the relationship like between your parents?
* 7. Did you parents fight in front of you?
* 8. Tell us about the most positive memory you have about your parents
* 9. Tell us about the most negative memory you have about your parents
* 10. Tell us about the most positive memory you have about your siblings
* 11. Tell us about the most negative memory you have about your siblings
* 12. Did your parents believe in spankings? Did they use a belt?
* 13. How big is your extended family?(uncles/aunts/cousins/nephews).
* 14. Which family member did you look up to the most while growing up? Why?
* 15. Who was the closest person to you from your extended family?
* 16. How old were you when your first grandparent died.
* 17. Did you have a better relationship with grandparents on your mother’s side of the family or your father’s side of the family?
* 18. What birthday present from your parents do you remember the most? Why?
* 19. Which of your parents are you most like?
* 20. What did you learn about marriage from your parents?
* 21. What did you learn about physical affection from your parents?
* 22. What is your most favorite memory of your mom?
* 23. What is your most favorite memory of your dad?
* 24. Which of your parents did you have an easier time talking to?
* 25. As a teenager, did you rebel against your parents? What did you do?
Tell Us About Your Family Now
* 1. How close are you to your immediate family?
* 2. List your current immediate family by name and how old they are.
* 3. When was the last time you called your parent/siblings?
* 4. When was the last time your immediate family got together?
* 5. Do you ever talk about your dating with your family?
* 6. Have you ever loaned money to family members? How much did you loan? Was the loan paid back? If not, do you expect it to be paid back?
* 7. What was the best gift you gave to a member of your immediate family? Why did you give that particular gift? How was it received?
* 8. What was the best gift you received from a member of your immediate family? What made it the best?
* 9. If you have siblings…what’s their family situation like? Married? Divorced? Kids?
* 10. If you have siblings, would you say you are more or less successful than them?
* 11. Have you ever been married before?
* 12. Are you still in touch with your ex?
* 13. Do you have any kids? If so what are their names and how old are they?
* 14. How long do you wait before introducing your kids to new partners?
* 15. How long do you need to date someone before you start prioritizing time spent with them over your family?
* 16. Who is the closest person to you from your extended family?
* 17. How important is your partner’s relationship with your family?
* 18. Do you seek their approval for your partners?
* 19. Which holidays do you celebrate with your family?
* 20. Do you have any family traditions that you stick to?
* 21. Who is your oldest living relative? How old are they?
* 22. Has anyone in your family ever gotten themselves arrested? For what?
* 23. Has anyone in your family ever declared bankruptcy? When?
* 24. How far back do you know your family’s history?
* 25. Did you ever research your family’s history?
Tell Us About Your Education
1. What high school did you go to?(if there is more than one, list them)
2. Were they private/public/religious?
3. Were you ever in detention?
4. Were you ever suspended?
5. Did you work while in high school? If yes, what did you do?
6. Who was your most favorite teacher in high school? Why?
7. What GPA did you graduate high school with?
8. What were you SAT/ACT scores?
9. What extracurricular activities did you do?
10. Were you ever in a fight? What caused it? Who won?
11. Do you fight fair?
12. What were the top 3 colleges you applied to?
13. Which college(s) did you go to? What made you pick that one?
14. What major did you pick? Why? Was it your original choice?
15. What major did you end up graduating with?
16. Who was your most favorite teacher in college? Why?
17. Did you live on campus or did you commute?
18. If you commuted, how far away did you commute?
19. Did you work while in college?
20. Did you have an internship? If yes, what company and what did you do?
21. Were you part of a sorority/fraternity while in college? If yes, which?
22. Were you part of any clubs or organizations on campus?
23. What GPA did you graduate college with?
24. Did you go to grad school?(and other higher education)
25. What GPA did you graduate grad school with?
26. What did you like more…high school or college?
27. Is your education a source of pride or shame for you?
28. Do you think ivy league college graduates are smarter than people from regular schools?
29. Do you have any plans to further your education in the future?
30. If you were asked to teach a college level course, based on your current skill set, what class would you be most qualified to teach?
Tell Us About Your Career
* 1. What was your first real job?
* 2. How long did you stay in that position?
* 3. What kind of work do you do now?
* 4. How long have you been doing that?
* 5. What made you go into this career field?
* 6. What’s another career that you would have gone into if your current one wasn’t available?
* 7. What’s your yearly income from work/business?
* 8. What’s your yearly income from investments?
* 9. Are you proud of your career?
* 10. Would you say your career is more creative or more analytical?
* 11. What was the biggest professional achievement of your career?
* 12. What was the biggest professional setback of your career?
* 13. What are your professional goals for the next year?
* 14. What are your professional goals for the next 5 years?
* 15. What was the best professional advice you’ve received?
* 16. Who is the most influential person in your field that you personally know?
* 17. What professional advice would you give to someone just starting in your industry?
* 18. Does your career require strong or loose ethics?
* 19. Have you ever broken a rule to get ahead with your career? If so what did you do and what was the outcome?
* 20. Do you tend to rely on theoretical knowledge or your past experience, when tackling a new task?
* 21. When it comes to deadlines…do you tend to finish as soon as possible or do you leave things till the last moment?
* 22. How do you usually organize your day at work?
* 23. If you co-workers had to describe you, what would they say?
* 24. How many hours a week do you work?
* 25. What days of the week do you take off?
* 26. Do you travel a lot for business?
* 27. Would you call yourself a workaholic?
* 28. Do you tend to do the best work you can, or do you tend to be sloppy?
* 29. Have you ever been fired? What was the reason?
* 30. Have you ever quit your job on short notice? What was your reason?
* 31. Do you consider your job your passion or is it just something you do?
* 32. Does your work involve attending social functions? If so, are these occasions a burden or a pleasure?
* 33. Are you expected to bring a +1 for these events?
* 34. Do you enjoy attending meetings and conferences?
* 35. How long is your daily commute?
* 36. How much time do you spend on your phone per day?
* 37. How many phone numbers do you have?
* 38. Do you have a secretary?
* 39. How big is your current company? Both in market value and # of employees?
* 40. Do you have any plans that will cause changes to your career in the near future? What are they?
* 41. Do you own a business? More than one? What kind?
* 42. How long ago did you start it?
* 43. Do you believe you need a job to be fulfilled?
* 44. Are you replaceable at work?
* 45. How long would it take you to train your replacement if you had to?
Tell Us About How You Spend Your Free Time Now
* 1. What was the most fun event you went to in the last year?
* 2. What was the best party you ever went to in the last year?
* 3. How many times a week do you go out during the week?
* 4. Do you have a regular group you hang out with? What are their names? What do they do?
* 5. How much do you drink while going out?
* 6. When was the last time you had a hangover?
* 7. What is your personal hangover cure?
* 8. How many times in the last year did you hookup with someone that you met while you were out?
* 9. How much would you say you spent on going out in the last year?
* 10. What is the most extravagant night that you remember from last year?
* 11. Do you enjoy fancy events/galas?
* 12. Do you own a tux/gala dress?
* 13. Do you prefer to be the life of the party or do you prefer to just be present?
* 14. Do you want your significant other to be more outgoing or more reserved?
* 15. Do you enjoy your free time, or do you find yourself trying to find stuff to do?
Tell Us About Your Attitudes Towards the Law/Morality
* 1. Do you consider yourself a law-abiding citizen?
* 2. Do you obey speed limits? If not, what speed do you usually drive in a 55mph zone?
* 3. Do you own a radar detector? Laser jammer?
* 4. Do you have Waze installed on your phone?
* 5. What was the fastest you’ve ever driven on a public road?
* 6. Have you ever had a road rage incident?
* 7. Have you ever driven drunk/high?
* 8. Have you ever had to call the police? For what?
* 9. Have you ever committed a crime? What was it?
* 10. Have you ever been placed in handcuffs by law enforcement?
* 11. Have you ever been under an investigation by federal agencies?(non-local police)
* 12. Have you ever been arrested? If yes, for what?
* 13. Have you ever been in jail? If yes, for what?
* 14. Have you ever been involved in a legal action or lawsuit? What was it about? What was the outcome?
* 15. Have you ever been a victim of a violent crime? If yes, what happened?
* 16. Do you believe it’s important to be rigorously honest about your taxes?
* 17. Have you ever been audited?
* 18. Have you ever stretched the truth on your taxes?
* 19. Have you ever went out of your way to avoid paying taxes?(for example buying a car using a Montana LLC to avoid paying a sales tax)
* 20. Have you ever failed to pay your debts and had to deal with collection agencies?
* 21. Have you ever had to declare a bankruptcy?
* 22. Do you have a lawyer on retainer?
* 23. Have you ever had to use them for any reason?
* 24. Have you ever downloaded a song/movie?
* 25. Have you ever received a letter from your ISP?
* 26. Have you ever cheated on a test?
* 27. Have you ever bought a fake watch or other fake accessories?
* 28. Have you ever tried to return an item you broke, claiming it came damaged?
* 29. Have you ever had a friend pretend to be your boss and give you a glowing recommendation?
* 30. Did you ever own a fake id?
* 31. Have you ever hired an escort/prostitute?
* 32. Have you ever hired a stripper?
* 33. Have you ever stiffed someone on a tip?
* 34. Have you ever issued a chargeback on a credit card even though you received the item/service?
* 35. Have you ever blamed an innocent person just because it helped you avoid getting in trouble?
Tell Us About Your Religion/Politics
* 1. Do you believe in religion/god?
* 2. What religion are you?
* 3. How religious are you?
* 4. How often do you go to religious services?
* 5. How much have you donated to your religion in the past year?
* 6. Is your next partner required to have the same religion as you?
* 7. Do you believe in life after death?
* 8. Do you believe in astrology?
* 9. What political party do you tend to vote for?
* 10. Do you vote in non-election years?
* 11. Have you donated to a political cause in the last 10 years? If so which candidate/cause did you donate to and how much?
* 12. Have you ever attended a political rally?
* 13. Do you take politics seriously?
* 14. Does your partner need to have the same views politically?
* 15. What’s your position on gun control?
* 16. What’s your position on abortion?
* 17. What’s your position on tax reform?
* 18. What’s your position on illegal immigration?
* 19. What’s your position on same sex marriage?
* 20. What’s your position on global warming?
* 21. What’s your position on legalization of marijuana?
* 22. Who is your favorite politician? Why?
* 23. Who is your least liked politician? Why?
* 24. What political issues are the most important to you?
* 25. Has politics ever been a factor in the breakup of a past relationship?
Tell Us About Your Past Relationships
* 1. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
* 2. How many relationships have you been in?
* 3. How many were short(<3 months), how many were long?(>6 months)
* 4. What was the longest relationship you ever had? How long did that last?
* 5. Where did you usually meet your past partners?
* 6. For past each relationship tell us who it was with, describe the person, tell us what made you pick them, and tell us why ultimately that relationship didn’t work out?
* 7. Which relationship was the best? What made it the best? How could that relationship been better?
* 8. What was your most favorite date night you ever had?
* 9. Which relationship was the worst? What made it the worst?
* 10. Have you ever been cheated on?
* 11. Have you ever cheated on another person?
* 12. What do you think is one thing you had to actively work on in your past relationships?
* 13. What’s the most romantic thing that you did for a partner?
* 14. What’s the most romantic thing that one of your past partners did for you?
* 15. Do you get jealous if your partner is hanging out with a friend of the opposite sex?
* 16. What was the biggest sacrifice you ever made for a past relationship?
* 17. What was the biggest sacrifice someone else made for you?
* 18. How do you make your partner feel safe with you?
* 19. Do you forget small mistakes easily or do you let your temper show?
* 20. When you ended your last relationship how did the friend split happen?
* 21. Which past significant other had the biggest impact on your life? In what way?
* 22. If you could ask one of your past significant others one question, and they had to answer it truthfully...what would you ask?
* 23. Do you prefer to text your significant other or talk on the phone?
* 24. Do you say you are sorry, even when it’s not your fault, just to make the argument stop?
* 25. Do your partners’ friends/family usually like you?
* 26. What are your top 10 reasons to end a relationship?
* 27. Are you willing to sacrifice your happiness for a successful relationship?
* 28. Do you let your partner know when you are in a bad mood/stressed or do you keep it bottled up?
* 29. Would you allow your partner to change/fix you?
* 30. Has a partner ever gained weight on you? What was your reaction?
* 31. Do you believe you need free time to relax from a relationship?
* 32. Are you a good listener?
* 33. Are you fun to be with?
* 34. How often do you usually go out for a date night once you are in a relationship?
* 35. Do you feel your partner has a right to push you towards things you might not be interested in?
* 36. Has your work ever been a factor in the breakup of a relationship?
* 37. Do you find yourself comparing your partner to partners from the past relationships?
* 38. Have you ever been jealous of partners from past relationships?
* 39. Have you ever been in a physically or an emotionally abusive relationship?
* 40. Have you ever dated someone with an addictive personality? How did you handle it?
* 41. How important are birthday celebrations to you? Anniversaries?
* 42. Are you comfortable with public displays of affection?
* 43. When you had an argument with a partner, do you tend to fight it out, or withdraw in order to keep the peace?
* 44. Do you stay in touch with your ex?
* 45. Do you stay in touch with any of their friends/relatives? Why?
Tell Us About Your Friends/Acquaintances
* 1. How many close friends do you have?
* 2. How do you define a “close friend”?
* 3. How long have you known your best friend?
* 4. How did the two of you meet?
* 5. How many of your close friends are men and how many are women?
* 6. How many of your friends are married?
* 7. How many of your friends have kids?
* 8. How many of your friends are in the club scene?
* 9. How many of your friends smoke marijuana?
* 10. How many of your friends are heavy drug users?
* 11. How many of your friends are high Net worth individuals?
* 12. What percent of your friends have a higher education?
* 13. Do you prefer to socialize in large crowds/parties or intimate groups?
* 14. Do you make friends/acquaintances easily?
* 15. How often do you socialize?
* 16. Are you able to easily recognize the social ties between individuals?
* 17. How many friends do you have on Facebook? Followers on twitter? Followers on Instagram?
* 18. Share your current publicly available facebook, Instagram, twitter, linkedin pages.
* 19. Have you ever been betrayed by a close friend? What happened?
* 20. Do you need to make an effort to see your friends?
* 21. Should your partner accept your friends?
* 22. What are some hobbies you do with your friends?
* 23. Has a partner ever been responsible for breaking up a friendship?
* 24. Have friends ever been a factor for you in the breakup of a relationship?
* 25. Do you enjoy entertaining at your place?
* 26. How often do you have get-togethers?
* 27. How many people usually attend them?
* 28. What’s the most people you ever had at your place? What was the occasion?
* 29. Do you have any friends that are toxic to you?
* 30. Do you have any friends that you are only friendly to, to their face?
* 31. Do you gossip about any of your friends?
* 32. Do you think others gossip about you?
* 33. What’s the most you’d loan a friend no questions asked?
* 34. Are you attracted to any of your friends?
* 35. Have you ever been romantically involved with any of your current friends?
Tell Us About Appearances
* 1. How much time do you spend on getting ready?
* 2. What’s your best physical feature?
* 3. How important is your significant other’s appearance?
* 4. Do you enjoy the attention your partner gets?
* 5. Do you belong to a gym?
* 6. How often do you work out?
* 7. What’s your workout routine like?
* 8. What do you do every day for your hygiene?
* 9. How often do you get a haircut?
* 10. Do you have a particular physical type that just works for you?
* 11. Are there any regular cosmetic procedures that you get regularly?
* 12. How much money do you spend on clothing every year?
* 13. How much money do you spend on shoes every year?
* 14. How much money do you spend on fashion accessories every year?
* 15. Do you worry about getting old? What kind of things do you do to try and fight aging?
* 16. What do you dislike the most about your appearance?
* 17. Have you ever gotten cosmetic surgery? What did you change?
* 18. Do you think you’d be interested in getting cosmetic surgery in the future?
* 19. How do you feel about cosmetic surgery in your partner?
* 20. Do you tend to dress conservatively or do you tend to dress more casually?
* 21. Do you tend to buy high end items in order to impress others, or are you just as comfortable wearing cheap clothing?
* 22. Do you subscribe to the idea that you get what you pay for?
* 23. Have you ever had a drastic change to your appearance? What happened?
* 24. How would you react if your partner had a drastic change to their appearance?
* 25. Have you ever had that happen in the past? What happened?
Tell Us About Your Food/Drinks Preferences
* 1. Can you cook?
* 2. What’s your favorite meal to cook for yourself?
* 3. What grocery store do you usually shop at?
* 4. What kind of groceries do you find yourself buying every time?
* 5. What’s your favorite take out type?
* 6. What’s your favorite fast food type?
* 7. What’s your favorite restaurant? What makes it the best?
* 8. How much did you spend on restaurants last year?
* 9. What’s your favorite alcohol beverage?
* 10. Can you tend the bar if necessary. i.e. can you make cocktails and drinks?(i.e. an Old Fashioned)
* 11. How much alcohol do you usually drink in a week?
* 12. How much did you spend on alcohol last year?
* 13. If you could only have one junk food type, what would you pick?
* 14. How much junk food do you usually eat during a week?
* 15. If you had to drink one juice, what would you drink?
* 16. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
* 17. Do you have any food allergies?
* 18. How much do you eat during a week?
* 19. Do you take any supplements/vitamins/shakes?
* 20. What do you usually have for breakfast?
* 21. During a typical week, for supper, how many days you’d say you cook supper at home, order takeout, eat a restaurant or eat at an event?
* 22. Do you have a specific diet regiment that limits your food choices?
* 23. Do you expect others in the household to respect this regiment?(i.e. no candy at home)
* 24. Are you vegan/vegetarian? Do you subscribe to any diets? i.e. Atkins Diet or Paleo diet.
* 25. Do you have a favorite spice? What is it?
Tell Us About Your Travels
* 1. Do you enjoy travelling? Or are you more of a homebody?
* 2. Are vacation getaways an important part of your yearly planning?
* 3. What countries have you visited already?
* 4. What was your favorite country to visit?
* 5. What was your most memorable vacation?
* 6. Where did you always want to travel but never did?
* 7. Have you ever been on a cruise?
* 8. How do you prefer to travel?
* 9. How long does it take you to pack your luggage? What kind of things do you always forget to pack?
* 10. How much did you spend on your last trip?
* 11. Who did you go with?
* 12. What was the biggest travel issue you ever had to deal with?
* 13. Do you prefer window seat or aisle seat?
* 14. How many frequent flyer miles do you have? With which programs?
* 15. What’s your most favorite hotel chain?
* 16. When you rent a car, what type do you usually go with?
* 17. What was the longest road trip you ever took?
* 18. Would you rather travel in first class or via a private jet or coach?
* 19. If you had to go on a 7 day vacation right now, where would you want to go?
* 20. How much did you spend on travelling in the last year?
* 21. Have you ever lost your luggage? What did you do?
* 22. Have you ever been robbed/scammed while travelling? What happened?
* 23. Where would you want to go for your first trip together?
* 24. Out of all your past relationships, what was the most memorable first trip together? Where did you go?
* 25. Have you ever travelled alone?(for leisure not business)
Tell Us About Your Hobbies
* 1. What hobbies do you enjoy?
* 2. Do you enjoy running?
* 3. Do you bike?
* 4. Do you play any sports?
* 5. Do you play golf? What’s your handicap?
* 6. Do you know how to play billiards?
* 7. When was the last time you went on a hike/camping?
* 8. When was the last time you went fishing?
* 9. Do you enjoy swimming?
* 10. Do you enjoy skydiving?
* 11. Do you enjoy hunting?
* 12. Do you enjoy competitive shooting (clay pigeon etc)?
* 13. Do you own any car(s)? What kind?
* 14. Do you race cars? Dragstrip? Auto-x? Track? Rally? Offroad?
* 15. Do you race motorcycles? Dragstrip? Track?
* 16. Do you consider yourself a good driver?
* 17. Do you enjoy working on cars?
* 18. Can you drive a manual transmission?
* 19. Do you know how to change your own oil?
* 20. Do you know how to ride a motorcycle?
* 21. Do you own any motorcycles? What kind?
* 22. Do you own a boat? What kind?
* 23. Do you know how to sail?
* 24. Do you own a plane? What kind?
* 25. Do you know how to fly an airplane?
* 26. Do you know how to ride a horse?
* 27. Do you know how to play tennis?
* 28. What were the last 3 plays/concerts you went to and when were they?
* 29. Do you enjoy woodworking/metalworking and other crafts?
* 30. Can you play a musical instrument? If yes, which and how skilled are you with each?
* 31. When was the last time you attended a play/musical? What did you watch?
* 32. When was the last time you attended an art exhibit? Who was the artist?
* 33. When was the last time you visited a museum? Which?
* 34. Do you have any hobbies that you’d want to do as a couple?
* 35. Do you have any hobbies that you’d want to keep all to yourself?
Tell Us About Your Health
* 1. How would you describe your overall health?
* 2. Have you ever had a serious illness/surgery?
* 3. Are there genetic diseases in your family?
* 4. Are you allergic to anything?
* 5. Does your family have a history of cancer? Heart disease? Mental illness?
* 6. Have you ever had heart problems?
* 7. Have you ever suffered from asthma?
* 8. Have you ever suffered from ulcers?
* 9. Have you ever had kidney stones?
* 10. Do you still have your appendix?
* 11. Have you ever had a stroke?
* 12. Have you ever suffered from depression or anxiety?
* 13. Have you ever suffered from an eating disorder?
* 14. Do you take any prescribed medication? If yes, what?
* 15. Have you ever been to a therapist?
* 16. Have you ever been treated for a mental disorder?
* 17. Do you have an addictive personality?
* 18. What are some things you are addicted to?
* 19. As far as you know…can you have children?
* 20. If you couldn’t have children, and nothing you did worked…would you be open to adoption?
* 21. Have you always had health insurance?
* 22. Do you get regular exercise?
* 23. How many cups of coffee do you drink per day?
* 24. Do you believe in vaccinations?
* 25. Do you believe in blood transfusions?
* 26. Are you an organ donor?
* 27. Do you wear glasses or contacts?
* 28. Are you currently suffering from acne or acne scarring?
* 29. Do you have any medical conditions that affected your relationships in the past?
* 30. Have you ever been hospitalized? For what?
Tell Us About Your Views on Parenthood
* 1. Do you plan on having kids? How many kids would you like to have and what gender would you optimally prefer to have?
* 2. How long do you think people should wait before having kids?
* 3. Do you believe that a good mother will want to breast-feed her baby?
* 4. Will you use cloth diapers or disposables?
* 5. How would you share baby duties? What do you think is the responsibility of the father and the mother?
* 6. Do you feel the baby should sleep in the same room as the parents?
* 7. Do you plan on having your son circumcised?
* 8. Do you believe a mother or father should stay at home with a child during the first six months of life? The first year? Longer?
* 9. After they are more than a year old, who will take care of the child(mother stays home? Nanny? Preschool?)
* 10. Do you believe in getting a vasectomy/getting tubes tied after you are done having children?
* 11. Will you teach your child a certain religion?
* 12. Do you believe in spanking a child?
* 13. Do you believe children should be raised with a religious foundation?
* 14. How would you handle finding out your daughter is sexually active?
* 15. How would you handle not liking your child’s friends?
* 16. How would you handle finding out that your child is homosexual?
* 17. How would you handle finding out that your child is using marijuana?
* 18. How would you handle finding out that your child is using harder drugs?
* 19. How would you handle finding out that your child wants to enlist in the military?
* 20. How would you pick your child’s schools?
* 21. Would you want your child to attend private or public high school?
* 22. Would you want your child to attend private or public middle school?
* 23. Would you want your child to attend private or public pre-k?
* 24. How do you feel about boarding schools?
* 25. Would you be willing to bribe the admissions office to get in?
* 26. What extracurricular activities would you push your children towards?
* 27. Who do you feel is more responsible for raising your son?(the mother or the father?)…why?
* 28. Who do you feel is more responsible for raising your daughter?(the mother or the father?)…why?
* 29. At what age would you have the conversation with your kids about sex?
* 30. Would you get your child a pet? At what age?
* 31. What priorities do you want to focus on when raising your child?
* 32. Would you want to be on the PTA?
* 33. Will you make the time to attend your child’s extracurricular activities?
* 34. Would you want your child to play sports?
* 35. Would you want your child to follow in your footsteps(career/education)?
Tell Us About Your Sexual History
* 1. How old were you when you lost your virginity?
* 2. How long do you usually wait before having sex with someone?
* 3. Is sex something sacred to you, or is it just a fun activity between consenting adults?
* 4. How many sexual partners did you have in your lifetime?
* 5. How many sexual partners did you have in the last 12 months?
* 6. What’s your best sexual memory?
* 7. What’s your favorite position in bed?
* 8. How often do you expect/need to have sex with a new partner?
* 9. How often do you hope you’ll actually have sex after 1 year of dating?
* 10. Are you kinky or vanilla?
* 11. What’s the kinkiest thing you tried?
* 12. What’s your favorite sexual fantasy?
* 13. Do you plan your sex? i.e. a scenario you follow or are you more spontaneous
* 14. Are you comfortable initiating sex?
* 15. Do you have or have you ever had any STDs?
* 16. Do you trim/shave or are you more natural?
* 17. Are you vocal during sex? Or do you tend to be quiet?
* 18. Are you open to explore your limits to satisfy your partner’s kinks?
* 19. How often should a couple have sex in a healthy relationship?
* 20. Do you have a latex allergy?
* 21. Do you watch pornography? If so, what genre do you usually watch?
* 22. What’s your favorite scene?
* 23. Please list all the sexual kinks that you enjoy or are open to. Note: Sexual compatibility is a HUGE part of having a successful relationship. So we urge you to be honest and to tell us everything. If the only way you can get off is if you are wearing a diaper, say so. No matter what it is, we can find you a matching partner. Remember, your answers are completely confidential and your match will never know your answers. We’ve listed a few of the more common kinks below. Answer Yes below to signify that you read this section and agree that you'll be completely honest.
* i. Are you straight? Bi? Bi-curious?
* ii. Bondage? Giving/Receiving/Switch?
* iii. Collar/Leash? Giving/Receiving?
* iv. Rope suspension? Giving/Receiving?
* v. Sadomasochism?(spankings/paddles/belts). Giving/Receiving? Light/Bruises/So hard there is blood?
* vi. Hair Pulling? Giving? Receiving?
* vii. Role Playing
* viii. Master/Slave? As Master/As slave?
* ix. Talking Dirty?
* x. Threesomes(MMF/MFF)? Moresomes? Gangbangs?
* xi. Open Relationships?
* xii. Anal Play? Fingers? Toys?
* xiii. Anal? Giving? Receiving(strapons)?
* xiv. Ass to mouth? Giving/Receiving?
* xv. Rimming? Giving/Receiving?
* xvi. Voyeurism/Exhibitionism?
* xvii. Cuckolding? Giving/Receiving?
* xviii. Crossdressing?
* xix. Financial Domination? Giving/Receiving?
* xx. Feet/Heels? (Hers/His?)
* xxi. Latex
* xxii. Choking? Giving/Receiving?
* xxiii. Candle Wax
* xxiv. Watersports?(and no we don’t mean jet skis)
* xxv. Fisting? Giving/Receiving?
* xxvi. Sensory Deprivation? Giving/Receiving?
* xxvii. Leather? Chains?
* xxviii. Electro-torture? Giving/Receiving?
* xxix. Outdoor Sex?
* xxx. Please list any other kinks that you are into
* 24. What kinks are a must have for your next relationship?
* 25. What kinks are a hard no for your next relationship?
* 26. Have you ever been sexually assaulted? If so, what happened?
* 27. Do you know anyone personally who’s been sexually assaulted?
* -- Content Blocked --
* 29. How would you deal with your partner having those issues?
* 30. In your opinion, how long should sex last(not including foreplay)?
* 31. Have you ever faked an orgasm?
What Media/Entertainment Do You Consume?
* 1. How much TV do you usually watch during a week?
* 2. Do you find yourself following shows and watching every episode?
* 3. Do you feel involved when watching TV shows?
* 4. Which type of shows can’t you stand?
* 5. Name your top 10 favorite TV Shows.
* 6. What TV channels do you usually watch?
* 7. Name your top 10 favorite movies.
* 8. Name the last 5 movies you watched in theaters/bought.
* 9. Who is your favorite actor/actress?
* 10. Who is your favorite action movie star?
* 11. How do you feel about watch documentaries?
* 12. How do you feel about watching artistic/foreign language movies?
* 13. How do you feel about watching war movies?
* 14. How do you feel about watching romance movies?
* 15. How do you feel about watching horror movies?
* 16. Do you read books? If so what genre do you enjoy reading?
* 17. What are you most favorite books/series that you can read over and over again?
* 18. What type of books do you look down on?
* 19. Do you listen to radio? What’s your favorite station/show to listen to?
* 20. Where do you get your news?
* 21. Do you subscribe to any newspapers/magazines? Which?
* 22. Do you seek out media with diverse perspectives?
* 23. Do you have a Netflix subscription?
* 24. What’s your favorite music genre?
* 25. Who are your favorite musicians?
* 26. What’s your favorite album?
* 27. Who is your favorite sculptor/painter?
* 28. How do you usually find new music to listen to?
* 29. List what music genres you can’t stand.
* 30. What’s the most romantic song you can think of?
Tell Us About Your Plans for the Future
* 1. What do you want to do when you retire?
* 2. How much do you put away towards your retirement?
* 3. What’s your retirement plan?
* 4. Where would you want to live in 10 years?
* 5. What type of home would you want to live in? A penthouse in NYC, a home in the Hamptons, a ranch in Texas, an old Victorian era home in the suburbs?
* 6. How far away do you plan to live from your kids and your grandchildren?
* 7. Do you plan to help with raising your grandchildren?
* 8. What hobbies would you want to pursue once you retire?
* 9. What’s your reward to yourself at the end of the year?
* 10. What’s your reward to yourself when you retire?
Tell Us About Your Likes and Dislikes
* 1. What’s your favorite car?
* 2. What’s your favorite watch?
* 3. Who is your favorite designer?
* 4. Do you prefer the iPhone or Android?
* 5. What’s your favorite style of underwear?(on you)
* 6. What’s your favorite style of underwear?(on your partner)
* 7. What’s your favorite football team?
* 8. What’s your favorite baseball team?
* 9. What’s your favorite basketball team?
* 10. What’s your favorite soccer team?
* 11. Who is your favorite race car driver?
* 12. Who is your favorite boxer/MMA fighter?
* 13. Do you prefer dogs or cats?
* 14. Do you prefer to drive or to be driven?
* 15. Do you prefer someone introverted or extroverted?
Tell Us About Your Views on Relationships
* 1. Do you think couples should spend all their time together or should they have their own hobbies?
* 2. Do you believe in giving random gifts, or should that be reserved for the big days?
* 3. Why do you want to get married?
* 4. Describe your optimal marriage
* 5. Describe the worst marriage you can think of.
* 6. What’s your favorite non-sexual activity that you like to do together with your partner?
* 7. How long does it take you before you start thinking about being exclusive?
* 8. How long does it take you before you start thinking about moving in together?
* 9. How long does it take you before you start thinking about marrying a person?
* 10. Do you get jealous easily?
* 11. Do you get jealous to see your partner talk to an attractive member of opposite sex?
* 12. If your partner is sick, would you risk getting sick yourself to take care of them?
* 13. How trusting are you? Would you let your significant other go to a dinner with an ex?
* 14. Do you feel a couple should go to bed at the same time?
* 15. What side of the bed do you prefer to sleep on?
* 16. Do you sleep facing away or towards a window?
* 17. Do you wake up in the middle of the night?
* 18. Is everyone allowed to have their bad days?
* 19. Do you prefer sleeping embracing your partner, touching or separately?
* 20. Do you snore?
* 21. Do you believe in prenuptial agreements? Would you require your partner to sign one? Would you sign one if you were asked to?
* 22. Do you believe in having separate bank accounts in addition to joint bank accounts?
* 23. Who should handle the finances in the family?
* 24. What do you think is an appropriate gift for a 1 month anniversary?
* 25. What do you think is an appropriate gift for a 3 month anniversary?
* 26. What do you think is an appropriate gift for a 6 month anniversary?
* 27. What do you think is an appropriate gift for a 1 year anniversary?
* 28. Do you believe it’s appropriate for your significant other to have close friends of the opposite sex?
* 29. Tell us the best way for someone to propose
* 30. Would you want a small low key wedding or a massive event with all the works?
Tell Us About Your Personality
* 1. What memory instantly puts a smile on your face?
* 2. What is your saddest memory?
* 3. Do you show excitement easily, or do you keep your emotion in check?
* 4. Do you cry easily?
* 5. Do you feel guilty when you are at fault?
* 6. Do you need to take risks to feel alive?
* 7. Do you care if you offend other people?
* 8. Do you feel strong emotions are a sign of weakness?
* 9. Do you ever give in to temptation? Give a recent example.
* 10. Would you commit a minor crime if there was ZERO chance of you getting caught?
* 11. What’s the happiest you ever felt?
* 12. What’s the most anxious you ever felt?
* 13. What’s the angriest you ever felt?
* 14. What personality trait of yours do you value the most?
* 15. Do you believe more in using reason or your feelings when making a decision?
* 16. If you can’t make a decision, would you let a flip of a coin decide for you?
* 17. When it comes to meeting other people/appointments…are you usually early/on time or late? And why do you think that happens?
* 18. Do you tend to improvise or plan ahead?
* 19. Do you seek out active/engaged situations or do you prefer a more relaxed environment?
* 20. Which of your personality traits get you in trouble with others?
* 21. Have you ever been obsessed with anything?
* 22. If you came into a million dollars…what would you do with it?
* 23. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
* 24. Do you ever compare yourself to others? How do you stack up?
* 25. Are you an optimist, pessimist or realist?
* 26. Do you prefer to think about what you are going to do or just do it?
* 27. Are you judgmental of others?
* 28. Do you handle criticism well?
* 29. How do you react to unexpected out of the blue questions?
* 30. If you get a call from an unknown number…do you pick it up?
* 31. Are you more about feelings or are you more analytical when making your decisions?
* 32. Do you believe rules are meant to be followed, or can rules be broken in order to get ahead?
* 33. Are you more focused on yourself, or do you think about how your actions can affect the rest of the world?
* 34. Would you rather go all in and take the big risk…or play it safe even if the outcome won’t be as good.
* 35. How often do you day dream?
* 36. Do you let your emotions get the best of you?
* 37. Do you always need to put your time to good purpose?
* 38. Is it better to measure twice/cut once or do you prefer to cut corners if it can save you time?
* 39. Do you speak loudly or are you more reserved?
* 40. Have you ever been called an asshole? Do you embrace or shun that label?
* 41. Do you make a conscious effort to try something new? Or do you prefer an established routine.
* 42. Are you adventurous?
* 43. What was the last adventure you went on?
* 44. Is the world fair?
* 45. Do you get excited easily about new ideas?
* 46. Do you emphasize with concerns of other people?
* 47. Have you ever gambled? Do you gamble often?
* 48. What’s the most you won through gambling?
* 49. What’s the most you lost through gambling?
* 50. Do you consider yourself cheap/stingy?
* 51. Do you consider pets members of your family?
* 52. Have you ever hit a pet?
* 53. Have you ever hit a partner?
* 54. Have you ever verbally abused a partner?
* 55. Have you ever physically punched a wall out of anger?
Tell Us About Your Day to Day Life
* 1. Walk us through your most exciting day during the last week.
* 2. Walk us through your most boring day during the last week.
* 3. What was the most expensive item you bought online?
* 4. How technologically savvy are you?
* 5. Do you ever get tongue tied?
* 6. Can you do your own repairs or do you always need to hire a professional?
* 7. Do you prefer things to be quiet or do you need some music in the background?
* 8. Do you need your own space in your home that’s just for you?(your very own “mancave”?)
* 9. Do you believe in having a family budget?
* 10. If you have pets, how do you plan your nights out around taking care of them?
* 11. Are you a night person or a morning person?
* 12. What time do you usually get up?
* 13. What time do you usually get up on the weekend?
* 14. In the last 3 months, what’s the latest you’ve gone to bed?
* 15. How much sleep do you need every night to avoid being cranky?
Tell Us About Your Community/Volunteering Efforts
* 1. Are you involved in your local community?
* 2. Do you participate in community projects?
* 3. Do you contribute time or money to charities?
* 4. How much did you give to charity in the last year?
* 5. What charities do you support? What made you pick those particular charities?
* 6. How much time did you volunteer to help others in the last year?
* 7. Did you attend charity events in the last year?
* 8. What’s your relationship like with your neighbors?
* 9. Have you ever had a dispute with a neighbor? What was it about? What was the outcome?
* 10. Are you considerate to your neighbors?