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Employee Engagement Survey


The BTS leadership team is looking to engage and inspire all BTS employees to ensure that you are in an environment where you feel valued and respected, have a sense of pride, enjoy coming to work, are successful, and most importantly, have FUN!

In order to determine the most important and valued activities that will engage and inspire you, we wanted to get your feedback to ensure the steps that BTS takes to continue to engage and inspire you are aligned to what you want. Thank you for your participation in this short survey.
Please rate each of the below factors in their importance to positively impact your employee engagement:
Very Important Important Neutral Unimportant Very Unimportant
Recognition (peer, managers's meetings, email, awards etc.)
Good and timely communication (from management and across departments)
Incentives and rewards (company funded lunches, social gatherings)
Work environment (physical location, facilities, colleagues and peers)
Feeling of contribution
Inspirational leadership (across management team, direct manager)
Interesting Work
BTS leadership is evaluating ideas to enhance and improve your level of engagement in your job and the pride, value, and respect that you feel working for LPL. In order to ensure the ideas that are implemented are effective for you, please rate the likelihood of the following to improve your overall engagement:
Very Likely Likely Neutral Unlikely Very Unlikely
"Fun" events - social events inside or outside of work hours to connect with colleagues
Communication and face-to-face meetings with senior leadership across the organization
Public recognition on a regular basis of work efforts you are working on and how those efforts are impacting the organization
Social collaboration forum to connect with colleagues on work and non-work related topics
Recognition from senior leaders (VP and above)
If BTS leadership began hosting "fun" events on a regular basis, either inside or outside of working hours, please rate the desirability of the following:
Very Desirable Desirable Neutral Undesirable Very Undesirable
Treasure Hunt (offsite treasure hunt, in small groups, during business hours)
Ice cream social
Lunches/BBQs in the courtyard
Monday Night Football
Bowling league
Softball league
Drink and appetizers after work
What is the likelihood of you attending BTS social events?
Very Likely Likely Unlikely Very Unlikely Depends on the Event
Inside of working hours
Week nights
I currently spend time outside of working hours with coworkers:
1-2 days/nights per month
Once a week
A few times a week
My favorite way to spend time with my coworkers is:
Gatherings during the workday (potlucks, lunches) where we have a chance to interact socially
Weeknight gatherings, after work, offsite such as drinks or appetizers
After work or weekend gatherings where I bring my spouse
Weekend gatherings where I can bring my family
I do not regularly spend time beyond working hours with my coworkers
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