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You are kindly invited to participate in this mini survey on "EMPLOYEE JOB SATISFACTION", and requested to answer all questions. In completing the questionnaire, you are expected to relate to your current company and role, or the most recent employment (if unemployed). It will take NOT MORE THAN 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your answers will be strictly anonymous, and the collected data will be reported only in the aggregate. This data will only be used for an academic assignment (Human & Organisational Behaviour module).

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

How long have you been in your current position?
Less than a year
1 - 5 years
5 - 10 years
more than 10 yrs
How long have you been with your current company?
Less than 1 year
Between 1 and 5years
Between 5 and 10 years
More than 10 years
The following information is only required for workforce diversity analysis. How old are you?
21 - 34 yrs
35 - 44 yrs
45 - 54 yrs
55 or older
Which of these factors are most important to you in a job? Rank (1;2;...7) the following JOB CHARACTERISTICS in order of importance, with 1 being the most important and 7 the least important: Please note, no characteristic should be rated the same. Different rating from 1 -7 is required for each job element.
Career advancement opportunities
Relationship with co-workers
Job Security
Flexible working hours
Relationship with immediate supervisor
Autonomy and independence
Based on your ratings above (Q3), how would you rate your level of satisfaction in your current role.
Highly Satisfied
Rate your current level of satisfaction with regard to potential opportunities for promotion.
Highly Satisfied
Rate your current level of satisfaction with regard to your current salary/compensation.
Highly Satisfied
Would you advise a friend to join your department/company?
What is your gender?