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Overall, how satisfied are you in your job?
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
* Overall, how engaged are you in your work?
Highly disengaged
Highly Engaged
How important to you are the following:
Very Unimportant Unimportant Neutral Important Very Important
* Opportunities to use skills/abilities
* Communication between employees and management
* Relationship with immediate supervisor
* The work itself/variety of work
* Management's recognition of employee job performance
* Independence in your work
* Overall corporate culture
* Flexibility to balance life and work issues
* Advancement/promotion opportunities
* Relationship with co-workers
Very Unimportant Unimportant Neutral Important Very Important
* Meaningfulness/feelings of purpose in doing job
* Professional development opportunities
* Job-specific training
* Healthcare/medical benefits
* Paid Time Off
* 401k benefits
* Base rate of pay
* Variable pay (bonuses)
How satisfied are you with the following (same categories as previous question):
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
* Opportunities to use skills/abilities
* Communication between employees and management
* Relationship with immediate supervisor
* The work itself/variety of work
* Management's recognition of employee job performance
* Independence in your work
* Overall corporate culture
* Flexibility to balance life and work issues
* Advancement/promotion opportunities
* Relationship with co-workers
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
* Meaningfulness/feelings of purpose in doing job
* Professional development opportunities
* Job-specific training
* Healthcare/medical benefits
* Paid Time Off
* 401k benefits
* Base rate of pay
* Variable pay (bonuses)
How do you feel about the following statements?
Strongly disagree    Somewhat disagree    Neutral    Agree    Strongly Agree    N/A
* I am determined to accomplish my work goals and confident I can meet them.
* I am often so wrapped up in my work that hours go by like minutes.
* I enjoy volunteering for activities beyond my job requirements.
* I have passion and excitement about my work.
* I frequently feel like I'm putting all my effort into my work.
* While at work, I'm almost always completely focused on my work projects.
* In my organization, employees are encouraged to take action when they see a problem or opportunity.
* In my work group, we are constantly looking out to see what challenge is coming next.
* Others in my organization view expanding their responsibilities as an opportunity.
* Employees in my organization deal very well with unpredictable or changing work situations.
* You understand the long-term strategy and goals of the company.
* You trust the leaders of the company.
* The amount of work employees are expected to do is reasonable and stress levels are manageable.
* You would recommend this company to others as an employer.
How do you feel about the following supervisory relationship statements?
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
* Your direct supervisor has enough time to handle the people aspects of their job.
* Your supervisor assigns tasks suited to your skills.
* Your supervisor clearly communicates goals and objectives.
* Your supervisor encourages new ideas/ways of doing things, asks for your input and gives you freedom to make decisions.
* Your supervisor provides coaching to improve performance.
* What are the best things about working for this company?
* What things would you most like to see improved/changed and/or could the company do to enhance your satisfaction as an employee?
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