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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* This course builds skills and/or knowledge that improve my ability to sell and service Microsoft Bing customers.
Strongly Agree 很同意
Agree 同意
Neutral 一般
Disagree 不同意
Strongly Disagree 很不同意
What will you do differently as a result of attending this course? 参与本课程后,您会做出怎样的改进?
What was the most useful aspect of the 2 days? 在这两天的培训中,您觉得最实用的技能是
* Overall, how satisfied are you with this course?
Very Satisfied 非常满意
Satisfied 满意
Neutral 一般
Dissatisfied 不满意
Very Dissatisfied 非常不满意
Course Instructor 关于讲师
How closely do you agree with the following statements?
Strongly Agree 很同意 Agree 同意 Neutral 一般 Disagree 不同意 Strongly Disagree 很不同意
* The instructor(s) is created a comfortable learning environment. 讲师宁遭了一个舒适的学习环境。
* The instructor(s) is knowledgeable about the tool/content. 讲师对工具或内容有深入的了解。
* All my questions were fully answered. 我的所有疑问都被解答了。
What suggestions do you have to improve this training? 您觉得还有待改进的地方是
Additional Comments? 其他意见。