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Have you done Erasmus Programme in 2013/2014 academik year or earlier?
2013/ 2014
The programme lasted
1 semester
2 semesters
BEFORE the Erasmus exchange how would you rate your skills/ abilities in terms of:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
English language
Destination country language
Travelling skills
Communication skills
How would you describe your feeling of citizenship?
I feel the citizen of my country
I feel the citizen of my country and of Europe
I feel the citizen of Europe
Not in the terms of the current EU policy, economy, integration, but by your general feeling and state of mind, would you consider yourself rather as a euro-sceptic or euro-optimist?
Do you know what ESN (Erasmus Students Network) is?
Did you participate in any ESN events during your Erasmus exchange?
Give examples of ESN events (multiple choice)
Integrating meetings between Erasmus students
Integrating meetings between Erasmus and local students
Social events involving (charity events, public debates etc.)
Participating in local events (celebrations, protestations)

While spending time with other Erasmus and/or local students did you had a chance to discuss and compare:
Cultural differences
Current political situation in your country
Political system
Political issues
National and international history
National and international customs
National and international stereotypes
Social problems
European integration
European identity
European citizenship
Other social issues

How valuable do you find those discussions?
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