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1. Course Design (Circle the number to indicate your level of agreement/ disagreement)

Strongly disagrees Disagrees Neutral Agrees Strongly agrees
The workshop content met my needs
The length of the course was adequate
The workshop is pitched at the suitable level
2. Course Objectives (Circle the number to indicate your level of agreement/ disagreement)
Strongly disagrees Disagrees Neutral Agrees Strongly agrees
Emphasise student-centric use of Tablet PC (TPC)
Collectively and collaboratively generate appropriate pedagogical approaches on using TPC
Initiate the change in teachers' perception of using TPC in teaching and learning
3. Evaluation (Circle the number to indicate your level of agreement/ disagreement)
Strongly disagrees Disagrees Neutral Agrees Strongly agrees
Content was presented in an organised manner
Content was presented clearly and effectively
Consultant gave ample opportunities to interact
Consultant was responsive to questions/comments
Consultant showed good examples
Consultant's teaching style was effective
4. After attending this course, I believe that (select all that apply):
I had learned new strategies for my teaching
My pedagogical competency in using TPC has improved
I had acquired new and/or advanced skills in using technology for teaching and learning
I feel more confident in implementing student-centric teaching
I had gained one or more specific ideas in using digital inking to teach
I will soon conduct a lesson using the skills learned

5. Facilities/ Arrangement(Circle the number to indicate your level of agreement/ disagreement)
Strongly disagrees Disagrees Neutral Agrees Strongly agrees
The day of the workshop was suitable
The time of the workshop was suitable
The venue of the workshop was suitable
Left Out:
9. In overall, I would rate this workshop as (Please select the appropriate description):
Contact Number
Email Address
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