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Thank you for agreeing to complete our brief survey. The information you provide will help us to refine the services we offer to CLAS faculty and staff. Any information you provide will be displayed as anonymous. However, if you wish to discuss this survey or CLAS IDT Team services, please add your name and email address in the additional comments box. (Item #10)
* How many online courses have you taught?
More than five courses
Two to four courses
One course
This is my first online course
* What types of online courses have you taught before? (Check all that apply)
I Courses for CLAS
O Courses for ASU Online
Hybrid courses
This is my first online course

* What has been your previous experience developing a course for the online environment (either I Course or O Course)?
I have extensive experience in developing online course content
I use the DIY approach and develop courses myself utilizing content from my face-to-face courses
I worked with an instructional designer from ASU Online or CLAS
This is my first online course
* What types of faculty development have you participated in to prepare for teaching online? (Check all that apply)
ASU Online Instructor Boot Camp
Applying the Quality Matters Rubric Workshop
Online instructor training at another institution
ASU’s UTO Blackboard training events
Self study including reading articles and blog posts such as TeachOnline, attending webinars, workshops, and conference events

* How aware were you of the services offered by the CLAS IDT Team before you contact them for a consultation?
no previous knowledge
familiar with the name only
some knowledge
very knowledgeable
* How did you learn about the services offered by the CLAS IDT Team?
Peer recommendation
Networking at events
From articles on the TeachOnline blog
From information on the CLAS Faculty and Staff area on the ASU web site
How helpful were the following consultation services/resources in developing your course?
not helpful of limited help neutral helpful very helpful did not use
* Initial consultation overview
* Course development resources: project plan/graphic organizer/course templates
* Information and/or training on Quality Matters
* The creation of a DEV course shell for adding content
* Just-in-time training and support on technology tools and media resources
* Availability of a CLAS IDT member to work collaboratively with and assist with troubleshooting issues on an as needed basis
* Overall, how would you rate your experience working with a CLAS IDT team member to develop your online course?
extremely positive
very positive
of limited use in achieving my goals for the course
not helpful
What factors entered into your rating for this question?
* What did you consider was the "muddiest" point in the course development process?
* Please feel free to share any additional comments you may have on your course development experience here:
Thank you for participating in our survey. For more information about the support that the CLAS Instructional Design and Technology Team can provide to faculty and staff please contact [email protected] or visit