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Faculty Technology Survey - Part 2

Technology Survey For Staff and Faculty - Part 2
Exit Survey
Have students take assessment online *
Regularly - At least once per week *
Seldom - At least once per semester *
Rarely - At least once per year *
Never - Never use it *
Have students use content specific software for teaching/reinforcing skills *
Regularly - At least once per week *
Seldom - At least once per semester *
Rarely - At least once per year *
Never - Never use it *
Please evaluate each of the following statements. Please select one for each question.
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
I can easily access the available technology in the school when I need it. *
I feel confident in my ability to integrate multiple technologies into my instruction. *
Integrating technology is not pertinent to my curriculum. *
I have a good variety of ideas and lessons for integrating technology into my teaching. *
The amount of time needed to prepare technology-based lessons deters me from creating them. *
I believe that integrating technology into my curriculum is important for student success. *
I am aware of the resources available by the district that can help me learn how to integrate technology. *
I do not have the technology skills to support the students when they use technology for a project. *
I am familiar with what technology is available to my students and me in our building. *
I am familiar with the copyright laws that govern the acceptable use of technology (including using material from the Internet) *
Please describe where you are at professionally with each
Unable Basic Developing Proficient Advanced
Plan and integrate technology-based learning activities that promote student engagement in higher-order thinking skills. *
Use content-specific tools (e.g. software, simulation, graphing calculators, Web tools) to support learning and research. *
Have my students use technology in the development of strategies for solving problems in the real world. *
Use a variety of strategies for implementing the Internet into my curriculum. *
Plan and teach student-centered learning activities and lessons in which students apply technology tools and resources. *
What is the number one factor that prevents you from integrating more technology into your lessons?
Concerning the use or integration of technology, what is the one area in which you would most like to receive training or professional development?
Thank you for your input. Please return to your original email and then proceed to Part 3 of this survey.